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Oct 24, 2019
I'll give a bit of an explanation first. I'd like to end my own life in a few months time and I almost did a few months ago but it was intervened. I've read stuff online about overdoses with OTC drugs and just overdoses in general. It seems pointless as everything says the chances of dying are low and you just end up in pain etc. But it's pretty much the only way to try and end my life bc:
Things like being hit by a train and hanging are too intensively painful too quickly for my to voluntarily do it.
I don't have access to things like ropes, blades posion etc.
I can't spend a lot of money.
I don't want to disrupt/traumatise others more than I have to. I live in a very populated city and when I was on a train that got delayed bc someone had jumped on the tracks at a nearby station, it was delayed for 2h,and that was a train leaving my city. Also it'd be a gory death so therefore more traumatising to others.
So I guess I'm asking if anyone knows the most lethal way to try and overdose with over the counter medication. I was thinking about mixing large amounts aspirin and ibropufen. Also roughly how long would it take? (I hardly take medication btw so I've not got any built up resistance) and if someone suggests a method, what are the chances of that being fatal?
Thanks to anyone who reads this or responds, ik it's pretty much the worst method to try but I don't have any other options.


Sep 28, 2019
Have you considered SN?
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Oct 24, 2019
Have you considered SN?
I read a thread on here about it. It was saying SN alone is around £10/$10. And then the medication you'd need not to throw it all up is way more expensive. It's too much. And ik overdosing makes you vomit anyway but the thread made it seem like the medication for SN is very necessary.
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Sep 9, 2019
I wouldn´t try that for sure. You´ll end up in hospital then psych ward. SN is a better option or even hanging.


Tired of Life
Oct 9, 2019
Not sure of doses but there is a good chance of spewing them back up or just destroying you liver.


Oct 24, 2019
Not sure of doses but there is a good chance of spewing them back up or just destroying you liver.
I was asking more about combinations of medication as fatal amounts are online. And yeah, God I wish it was just easy. Its overdose or I'm stuck. Unless I find more about SN and ways for it to be cheaper.


Sep 9, 2019
I'll give a bit of an explanation first. I'd like to end my own life in a few months time and I almost did a few months ago but it was intervened. I've read stuff online about overdoses with OTC drugs and just overdoses in general. It seems pointless as everything says the chances of dying are low and you just end up in pain etc. But it's pretty much the only way to try and end my life bc:
Things like being hit by a train and hanging are too intensively painful too quickly for my to voluntarily do it.
I don't have access to things like ropes, blades posion etc.
I can't spend a lot of money.
I don't want to disrupt/traumatise others more than I have to. I live in a very populated city and when I was on a train that got delayed bc someone had jumped on the tracks at a nearby station, it was delayed for 2h,and that was a train leaving my city. Also it'd be a gory death so therefore more traumatising to others.
So I guess I'm asking if anyone knows the most lethal way to try and overdose with over the counter medication. I was thinking about mixing large amounts aspirin and ibropufen. Also roughly how long would it take? (I hardly take medication btw so I've not got any built up resistance) and if someone suggests a method, what are the chances of that being fatal?
Thanks to anyone who reads this or responds, ik it's pretty much the worst method to try but I don't have any other options.
but an overdose that doesnt work (most dont) could end up being far more intensively painful than hanging-which i am not saying that you should do that- but rather consider the implications of a failed OTC drug can leave you in pain, damaged inside and/ or being commited for a time. Just something to bear in mind-even though you may feel desperate...also alot of OTC drugs aint cheap. I agree train is terrible option. Have you looked at the method megathreads in the resources bit. Sorry you feel this way- me too thou (obvs!)
I was asking more about combinations of medication as fatal amounts are online. And yeah, God I wish it was just easy. Its overdose or I'm stuck. Unless I find more about SN and ways for it to be cheaper.
SN is pretty cheap- think i got mine for like £8. and there are cheaper versions of the anti-emetics & anti acidic type things (the ones mentioned in the SN thread) available OTC. Just be careful with delivery-if you live with people and if they know you may have suicidal ideation.
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Oct 24, 2019
but an overdose that doesnt work (most dont) could end up being far more intensively painful than hanging-which i am not saying that you should do that- but rather consider the implications of a failed OTC drug can leave you in pain, damaged inside and/ or being commited for a time. Just something to bear in mind-even though you may feel desperate...also alot of OTC drugs aint cheap. I agree train is terrible option. Have you looked at the method megathreads in the resources bit. Sorry you feel this way- me too thou (obvs!)

SN is pretty cheap- think i got mine for like £8. and there are cheaper versions of the anti-emetics & anti acidic type things (the ones mentioned in the SN thread) available OTC. Just be careful with delivery-if you live with people and if they know you may have suicidal ideation.

What I meant is that I'm can't go through with someone knowing it will be immediately painful. Bc it's basically scary. Meanwhile even tho an OD would be terrible, atleast it's not immediate. Also yeah not all will be cheap however last time I got around to buying 2 boxes of aspirin (was gonna buy more but as I mentioned I got an intervention), it was cheap.also I've looked at the mega threads but so far things like SN are the only possible ways. I'm gonna look into SN more but I'm not old. I'm getting a feeling that a lot of people on this are 25+ so people who will most likely have enough of their own money. Meanwhile any money I have is from my parents. Also I'm wary of the fact that buying things online means using a credit card. My parents have access to my credit card and I wouldn't want them to randomly decide to check it or something and see a payment for poison you know. But damn I think im gonna have to go for SN since there's 0 info on OTC medication here and bc it's so unreliable. Also it seems like antiemetics are very hard to get without a prescription. Thanks for your response tho and sorry you feel the same way too.


Aug 3, 2019
In going to take lorazepam just enough to knock me out and go out in freezing water I have tried extra pills with booze hoping to not wake up but keep doing so


Sep 9, 2019
It mKes me sad to think ur under 25 ! and in no way want to diminish what yr going through , or to suggest that only older folk have the sole rights too be feeling this way. Of course anyone at any age is valid to feel however they do- it just breaks my heart as so much more time, scope & potential to turn things around- but again I do not know yr personal situation & in no way want to undermine those younger folk that of course have an equal right to feel the way they do. Best wishes


Oct 24, 2019
It mKes me sad to think ur under 25 ! and in no way want to diminish what yr going through , or to suggest that only older folk have the sole rights too be feeling this way. Of course anyone at any age is valid to feel however they do- it just breaks my heart as so much more time, scope & potential to turn things around- but again I do not know yr personal situation & in no way want to undermine those younger folk that of course have an equal right to feel the way they do. Best wishes

I understand what you mean and don't take it in an insulting way at all. Ik it's bad that a younger person could be so set on ending their own life. And I would also think that someone else should wait and see how their life plays out but I just don't want to do that you know. I actually always think that another person should keep living and see how their life plays out bc you can never say you're life will always be bad no matter how old you are. Honestly I don't even agree with being 'pro choice' bc people who want to die most likely have warped POVs so how can you trust their decision?? But everyone on here with a method to kill themselves is likely set on the idea so the concept of waiting around isn't really accepted. It's all just very sad.
Thanks for you response. I hope something good happens in your life.
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Sep 9, 2019
I understand what you mean and don't take it in an insulting way at all. Ik it's bad that a younger person could be so set on ending their own life. And I would also think that someone else should wait and see how their life plays out but I just don't want to do that you know. I actually always think that another person should keep living and see how their life plays out bc you can never say you're life will always be bad no matter how old you are. Honestly I don't even agree with being 'pro choice' bc people who want to die most likely have warped POVs so how can you trust their decision?? Also if I knew you irl I'd probably beg you to not try what you said you want to try. But everyone on here with a method to kill themselves is likely set on the idea so the concept of waiting around isn't really accepted. It's all just very sad.
Thanks for you response. I hope something good happens in your life.
My catch is that it is my belief that some of the people in my life - the ones that have caused me a lot of emotional suffering - have a very warped POV on why I shouldn't be this way & why it is selfish & why I should continue to exist . It is my belief that sometimes (not always ) that someone that wants to suicide can be of sound mind & be thinking rationally- there is a very interesting lecture on you tube from Yale- called the something like 'Rational suicide" it in no way suggests that this is something someone should do- but puts across reasoned argument as to why and at what point it may be considered a rational choice for an individual within the context of their life. Thku for ur well wishes anyways. You sound wise & smart for yr age. I'm sorry you feel the way you do.


Oct 24, 2019
My catch is that it is my belief that some of the people in my life - the ones that have caused me a lot of emotional suffering - have a very warped POV on why I shouldn't be this way & why it is selfish & why I should continue to exist . It is my belief that sometimes (not always ) that someone that wants to suicide can be of sound mind & be thinking rationally- there is a very interesting lecture on you tube from Yale- called the something like 'Rational suicide" it in no way suggests that this is something someone should do- but puts across reasoned argument as to why and at what point it may be considered a rational choice for an individual within the context of their life. Thku for ur well wishes anyways. You sound wise & smart for yr age. I'm sorry you feel the way you do.
I understand that idea and I might check out the video thanks.
Thanks again and sorry to you too.
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I have no idea what I’m doing.
Oct 9, 2019
I've overdosed on OTC drugs a bunch of times, definitely isn't a reliable method. Personally I wouldn't try it again but here's some links that are hopefully helpful for you

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Sep 7, 2019
Aspirin is a very long and painful way to die.
See if you can get emetics in your local drugstore and buy SN. That is the best way to go if you can't afford N.


Oct 24, 2019
I've overdosed on OTC drugs a bunch of times, definitely isn't a reliable method. Personally I wouldn't try it again but here's some links that are hopefully helpful for you

Thanks for the links. Also yeah it's sounding more and more unreliable everytime I read something about it
Aspirin is a very long and painful way to die.
See if you can get emetics in your local drugstore and buy SN. That is the best way to go if you can't afford N.
Planning to research more about SN. However from the thread on this site about it, it seems like you need very strong antiemetics that tend to be prescription only.
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