

Jun 5, 2024
so a potential nootropic stack that i might purchase in future consists of the following:

cdp choline, alpha gpc, donepezil, uridine monophosphate, piracetam, l-tyrosine, adderall, modafinil, selegiline, propranolol, diazepam, fluvoxamine/amitripyline, cerebrolysin. obviously you need to accomodate for such changes in your lifestyle: nutritional changes, such as eating foods rich in l-tyrosine instead of buying it OTC; in conjunction with exercise, such as hiit training, seems reasonable. but these are just possibilities at the moment. what matters more is adopting a mindset of biohacking that allows me to accomodate for these changes in future

other drugs such as pregab, baclofen, cialis, lasix, eplerenone, KCL, kratom might be useful for other purposes

any experiences with any of these? did they help?