

Apr 17, 2021
I've always noticed; and feel like, people that are genuinely suicidal/depressed often times get socially isolated, get called names (derogatory stuff like "Attention Whore"), lose friends; or even have their suicidal feelings taunted at. Meanwhile those that often times fake being mentally ill, depressed or suicidal often get away with it without much backlash that the genuine ones have to feel.

For example, I used to have two friends - one friend and one "friend". Years ago, when I expressed suicidal feelings to my "friend" - he just asked me to "Do a Flip"; essentially taunting and encouraging me to actually go off myself. What a shithead. And this is the kinda person that my other "friends" are friends with. Awesome.

Last year (I think), when I expressed my suicidal feelings to my friend (well, ex-friend now), he just posted a video of TF2 Spy hanging himself. I didn't watch it; because I feel like he was openly mocking my desire to off myself. Though he would apologize in his later messages, I don't understand why post such taunting material on the first place if you're just gonna apologize afterwards? Apparently his excuse was that he got pissed at me.


Then again, I shouldn't be surprised; I've vented to that friend for years and years now, he was probably starting to get tired of my charade.


Anyway, that was my story. What are your thoughts on people that taunt, or encourage you to off yourself (or if you wanna get creative - feed you suicide fuel) when you express your desire to off yourself to them?
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"Everything is meaningless" ~King Solomon
Apr 10, 2021
I feel like your one friend and your other "friend" were 1, not taking you seriously or 2, kind of did, but didn't understand the extent and the seriousness of your thoughts, let alone how to respond maturely. I can be wrong. It seems like they were trying to play along with your thoughts and make light of it with their own type of morbid response. Not understand or taking into consideration the actual threat that's alive and breathing. As far as my feelings toward people who talk shit TO or about suicidal people; I feel that 97% of society is programmed to think and speak negatively about it or in response to it. They don't think on our level but yet we still seek understanding and input from them. We search for the needle in the haystack that will sympathize and give us meaningful feedback. Until we find the needle every straw in the stack is going to piss us off, only if we allow them. It's like a scientist trying to sit down with an elementary schooler and discuss superstring theories.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
B1F9F58D DFFE 4DE3 8B23 BC3166061393
This could be considered suggestive, encouraging and/or taunting.
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Sep 16, 2020
I have been in psychiatric units and have witnessed people in there who are faking mental illness and those who have experienced this also know that fakers are often easier beloved than genuine people so these cowardly scum who are in there to escape prison sentences are just in a holiday camp bullying other patients.

This is the society we live... Evil scum are taken care of where as good people are left to suffer at their hand and if they dare retaliate they they soon experience the cruel hand of the 'way it is'.
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Mar 21, 2021
Sounds like your friends saying that aren't really friends. I am not a big talker to people I know irl, I've become distant from them anyway. I don't disclose such thoughts to people I know, I'm too ashamed, and I just don't talk like that anymore like about big things and emotions, it's just not me. My mother who I talk too would never say anything like that even when I've done terrible things and said terrible things to her she would never mock me like that, maybe she is worried I don't know, I like to think it is because she loves me though.

Some people can be really rude, "do a flip" ha yeah how amusing… sounds like a real comedian let's hope he/she never gets in that situation. I know how hard it is to disclose such thoughts maybe people are uncomfortable talking about it I don't know, still not really an excuse to mock you though. It is a lot easier to say mean things over the internet or by text message than face to face that's one of the problems I think.
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Apr 17, 2021
We search for the needle in the haystack that will sympathize and give us meaningful feedback
True, but... I'm wondering. Are you implying that it's not worth looking for the special someone that would hear us out? Seeing as how difficult it is to find someone that's open-minded when it comes to talking about Mental Health.

It seems like they were trying to play along with your thoughts and make light of it with their own type of morbid response
...isn't that a bad thing to do, to make light of someone's suicidal ideations?

I have been in psychiatric units and have witnessed people in there who are faking mental illness and those who have experienced this also know that fakers are often easier beloved than genuine people so these cowardly scum who are in there to escape prison sentences are just in a holiday camp bullying other patients.
I... have several questions. How come people are more repulsed towards the genuinely mentally ill than the fakers? And how come people even tolerate these cowardly scum that you mentioned; bullying other patients?

Sounds like your friends saying that aren't really friends.
Took me a long while to realize that the majority of people I've been "friends" with were probably never really my friends to begin with; nor did they ever considered me as such. At best they were probably just tolerating me or something. Because of this, I hardly know anymore how, and who - to consider as my friend and who not to.

Some people can be really rude, "do a flip" ha yeah how amusing… sounds like a real comedian let's hope he/she never gets in that situation.
This is what I always think of whenever I see someone making fun of; or even outright encouraging someone to do harmful things to themselves.


Love heart next to a noose, girl smiling at noose, "mmm... noose"?
...yes, and?

It isn't. I interpret it as a meme describing suicide ideation, therefore "mmm nose aka I want to use it".
Yep, this. I intended it to be like an edgy joke, especially to cope with my own suicidal ideation.

You interpret it as that. It could be interpreted otherwise.
I feel like it's just you interpreting it as otherwise for some reason. But regarding your concern for it being interpreted as otherwise - I feel like someone's bound to misinterpret a concept sooner or later; seeing as how subjective and unique peoples' minds can be. Best thing you can do at that stage is to try educate them on the matter.
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Sep 16, 2020
I... have several questions. How come people are more repulsed towards the genuinely mentally ill than the fakers? And how come people even tolerate these cowardly scum that you mentioned; bullying other patients?
Because people fear what they don't understand...
Most people have not suffered like mentally ill people who are under forced hospitalization.

The people who fake mental illness tend to know how to deceive.
They tend to have gift of gab.
Or they put on an act of derangement so are kind of predictable and the few compassionate carers will think 'this one needs keeping safe'.

Most people are scum so they look after scum, I've seen people in terror wanting to go home and a group of staff laughing amongst themselves whilst making noises to copy the distress of the poorly patient.
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Apr 17, 2021
Because people fear what they don't understand...
That's the problem. Getting scared of something you don't understand is not contributive at all compared to learning about the "threat" you're so worrying about. I've met someone who preferred to keep bashing on my (now former) religious beliefs despite my countless attempts to educate them about it. I don't know what people gain from this, honestly.

mentally ill people who are under forced hospitalization
Why is forced hospitalization even a thing? :meh:

Most people are scum so they look after scum, I've seen people in terror wanting to go home and a group of staff laughing amongst themselves whilst making noises to copy the distress of the poorly patient.
Yeesh, that's some enraging stuff. Such people should get their sorry asses fired and banned from ever working at a medical facility; if that's how they plan on treating patients as. I'm wondering, did this happen in the western world?
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Sep 16, 2020
It's a tough one fear is in our nature it's very necessary for survival but causes so much unnecessary pain especially in this case when people want to cover their gear by opposing such as mental states.

Witnessing such despicable acts makes you worse. In my opinion that cowardly ridicule was worse than physical assaults. But even worse is when they emotionally manipulate patients by telling them they will face punishment and all sorts of evil stuff, bear in mind these positions can be gold for sadistic people and the world ain't short of evil psychopaths.
Yes in UK.
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Jan 10, 2021
It feels awful when people do taunt you and how little the care about what they just said. I assume its because they dont have the mental capactiy to understand simple cause and effect of words and actions tho
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Apr 17, 2021
It's a tough one fear is in our nature it's very necessary for survival but causes so much unnecessary pain especially in this case when people want to cover their gear by opposing such as mental states
Well, I do often say that fear is a precursor to hatred of something...

bear in mind these positions can be gold for sadistic people and the world ain't short of evil psychopaths.
And nobody's stopping them for some reason.

Yes in UK.
Well that's tragic. And here I thought westerners were more serious about mental health than most easterners over here. But I guess I'll have to just wait until around Year 3000 AD for that to happen across the globe.
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Aug 6, 2020
they seem quite senseless, easily amused probably never had a bad thought in there life but probably never though about much in there life.

in the UK they make a fuss in the media about mental health but it's not real, it's not what really happens.
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