

Mar 26, 2023
I've got a lot of issues with pro lifers but the one I'm going to be ranting about specifically is that they never seem to understand that supporting someone who has made the decision to ctb is wayyy different than being pro suicide. I'm pro choice but if someone is mentally sound & is 100% sure that suicide is their best option I can respect that & support them in their decision. While pro lifers are ostracizing them & telling them that they are mentally ill & need help some people are actually there for them. If one of my friends decide to ctb I'm not going to report them, I would make sure that they are sure about it & if they are I would help them in any way I can because I care about them. Thats much different than encouraging suicide & I'm pissed at pro lifers getting mad at me for trying to be understanding & compassionate. Also on a similar note ctbing is a decision people make on their own. The experiences they have led them to that decision on their own & people who arn't actively against suicide seemed to get blamed for it even if they didn't do anything wrong. Okay & kind of a random jump but also the saying "its a permanent solution to a temporary problem" is such bullshit. There are plenty of problems that are permanent or near permanent, & a solution is still a solution. ctb might not be a good solution to someones problems but sometimes its the best one there is. In those situations its simply the best option, that person isn't mentally ill or need to go to a psych ward, if someones in that situation & has weighed their pros & cons & decided thats the best option for them then its simply the best option for them & they shouldn't try to be stopped or be forced into another option like pro lifers seem to want. Before I attempted I was very serious about deciding whether it was really what I wanted or if I was just extra depressed & made sure to give myself two whole months of "cool down time" before going through with everything. Unfortinaly I didn't succeed & I'm so lucky I have a few friends that supported me & my decision but its awful how many people just automatically assumed that I needed mental help & wasn't right in the head. I am a fully sane perfectly capable human being just like a lot of people who want to ctb & I've decided on my own without outside influences that I really don't want to live any longer, its not worth it, & I wish people weren't as against it as they are. Its ridiculous to expect me to live out my whole life in the situation I'm in & I certainly don't plan on it. Like I said, I've made this decision without anyone whose pro suicide, or from this site influencing me but people are soo convinced that anyone who's not actively against pro choice/pro suicide has made me crazy. I'd like to add that I'm not pro suicide or necessarily against pro life. Occasionally I'll hear a good point of why its better not to ctb from a pro lifer, or someone who's pro suicide will give an opinion that I totally agree with, I really don't think that either side hating each other just to hate each other is good thing. Everyone has their own opinion & I think thats totally fine but what I don't like is when people try to force their ideals onto others & I've been seeing that way to often with pro lifers recently. Just because you think that suicide is wrong doesn't make it objectively wrong & just because you have an opinion doesn't give you the right to judge other people. Pro lifers can see suicide as something wrong, evil, & tragic & I cant understand it. Death is death & I don't see why it has to be overcomplicated as much as it is. People live & people die & taking when you die into you're own hands isn't anything that should be cried over. I miss my dead friends but I'm glad they were able to take their life into their own hands & not prolong any suffering they were going through. If you're life is great & you're happy then I get why you think life is worth living but some peoples lives are awful & they constantly feel terrible. If someones life is like that & it appears that it will be like that for a while then ctbing is a totally reasonable option. The last thing I'll say, & I guess this applys to pro lifers & people who are pro suicide, is that things arn't usually as black & white as you may make it out. Life for the vast majority of people isn't some great gift where they're constantly happy & have something to live for & it also isn't some awful curse where nothing good every happens to you. I get that there are exceptions but I strongly believe that anyone who has either of those opinions could benefit from some perspective. Its not a guarantee but my life will almost definitely get better eventually, It will also probably be worse than it is right now at some point. I don't want to have to wait a while for my life to get better & I definitely don't want to wait for my life to get worse & that's one of the main reasons I've decided that I'll ctb when I feel ready. I definitely won't right now due to unrelated circumstances but thats not very important. Anyway I think thats most of what I'd like to say. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions on this & what parts you agree or disagree with. Good for you who disagree with me because if you give a convincing enough argument I'm not so narrow minded that you might actually change my mind.
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