

There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
Apologies but it lost me at the end. They blatantly blame loneliness on the person and instead it's just a choice, not discussing it as a symptom.

"People today are less likely to trust their neighbours for support, fewer people are involved in volunteering, and there is a dramatic decline in church membership," says Dr. McConnell. "We're not as plugged-in locally."

Yea I wonder why cause most of those people wouldn't give me the time of their day to reach out unless they wanted something from you. It's a vicious cycle from both ends, people don't want to put in the effort into knowing you and so you don't put any effort in knowing them.

"In the final analysis, lonely people need to recognize loneliness for what it is – a trap – and make a conscious decision to break the negative cycle of thinking that tells them to play it safe by staying isolated."

Loneliness stems from a lot of things, events led it up to being a trap. It's not as easy as to just break the cycle.

"Ironically, in order to establish meaningful connections with others, it seems that the chronically lonely first have to establish a new connection with themselves."

So just lay it all on us to put all the work in when society breeds individualism and selfish deeds to create a competition of peacocking yourself. Apologies if I misinterpreted.
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May 31, 2018
Apologies but it lost me at the end. They blatantly blame loneliness on the person and instead it's just a choice, not discussing it as a symptom.

This is standard fare for a lot of population mental health interventions: place the burden of making the intervention effective on the shoulders of the "ill." Imagine if the pharmaceutical industry could blame you for their (expensive) drugs' lack of effectiveness. You didn't try hard enough, that's why the drug didn't do what it's claimed it does. :)
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Feb 2, 2019
My own experience with two therapists followed the same pattern. They have nothing better to run with than medication or "mindfulness", a term rarely heard until perhaps 12 years ago, but now it is the holy grail of every clinic. "Start thinking positively!" Psychology mixes uncomfortably well with mass-market self-help, and, much like that godforsaken little tome "The Secret", your difficulties in life are regarded as your own mental fault.
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