

"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
Living is irrational, i think anyone that ever tried to prove nihilism was wrong, by strict logical arguments will see this. So, why don't everyone see this?
I think the answer is simply that some people were never brought down, they have no reason to dislike a meaningless existence that still offers pleasure, we like to think we are logical beings, but ultimately we follow emotional needs.
So, being stuck in trying to apply logic to life, to only meet nihilistic conclusion is counter productive. We dont live for logical reasons, and meaning is often so subjective, that the meaning of one person will sound like insanity to another. Religion, delusions of changing the world, i say delusion, because the only thing we changed is how fast the world is deteriorating. Anyway, this isn't about saving the world, but, the guy that will read this mess.
My point is, don't apply logic to life, create a subjective meaning based on emotions and accept the ape you are. Life is tough, but we have a great tool in our side, that is suicide. There's no point in being afraid of life, we can always leave. Just live it the way you want it, go after a goal.
Think this is it, thank you for reading my convulsted thoughts, hope they were helpful
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Destiny Calls Me

Destiny Calls Me

Do I answer?
Nov 23, 2022
It goes to show how unrealistic the expectations of life can be. Coming from the U.S.A. all I hear is go to school, get a job, get married, have kids. etc. Not everyone wants the same things out of life, much less living at all.

Imagine being told that not wanting to live is irrational and illogical
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
It goes to show how unrealistic the expectations of life can be. Coming from the U.S.A. all I hear is go to school, get a job, get married, have kids. etc. Not everyone wants the same things out of life, much less living at all.

Imagine being told that not wanting to live is irrational and illogical
Can definitely agree whit your statement. The only thing i dislike is people suffering to get out of bed, if they manage to deal whit their pain by commiting suicide or living, doesn't matter.
For a lot of us, living might be the ideal solution so we don't hurt anyone, but we all know life isn't really ideal by any means. So if you have the courage to commit suicide or to endure the pain life brings when it put us down, that's what matter. You have stop suffering.
My post was made whit the intent to remove feelings of doubts from those wishing to recover tho, i hope i accomplished that.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Life has a meaning, but I don't want to spoil the surprise (of finding out, not that it is acceptable). I hope you get to find out, many people do not get it ... it is understood mainly by observing, learning and understanding.


La vida te un sentit, però no et penso aixafar la sorpresa (d'averiguar-ho, no pas de que sigui acceptable). Tant de bò aconsegueixis averiguar-ho, molta gent no ho aconsegueix... s'entén sobretot a base d'observar, d'aprendre i comprendre.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
It goes to show how unrealistic the expectations of life can be. Coming from the U.S.A. all I hear is go to school, get a job, get married, have kids. etc.
Nothing particularly American about that.
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Existence is absolutely meaningless
Nov 12, 2022
Life is meaningless and humans are meaningless animals in a gigantic Universe. But most people are so busy with their lives that they don´t think about it. People are programmed to live. The society is in denial of death.
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Aug 18, 2020
I don't believe in nihilism. Though in the past I did and yes this time was very detrimental for my mental health. I am glad I quit it. However when the pain returns I might find new sympathy for it. Nihilism contributed to the pain. But it was not the root for my suffering. My sympathy for nihilism was rather a reaction to my tormenting existence to that time.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Life is not rational, nor is it irrational. Life is as it is.

People and their ideas about rationality, irrationality, meaningfulness and meaninglessness are all passing phenomena which appear inside of life.
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Jul 11, 2021
Life is not rational, nor is it irrational. Life is as it is.

People and their ideas about rationality, irrationality, meaningfulness and meaninglessness are all passing phenomena which appear inside of life.
Indeed, rationality is something that came after life and is tied to a being's conscious experience Life exists outside of this experience.

Life has a meaning, but I don't want to spoil the surprise (of finding out, not that it is acceptable). I hope you get to find out, many people do not get it ... it is understood mainly by observing, learning and understanding.


La vida te un sentit, però no et penso aixafar la sorpresa (d'averiguar-ho, no pas de que sigui acceptable). Tant de bò aconsegueixis averiguar-ho, molta gent no ho aconsegueix... s'entén sobretot a base d'observar, d'aprendre i comprendre.
Can't you talk more about what you think that meaning is?
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Can't you talk more about what you think that meaning is?
I was so excited to find out for myself after so many years of thinking about it that I take it as a SuperSpoiler.
I actually think that finding out for yourself, or at least realizing how wrong the thoughts were, makes it much better to digest. But I don't think a random person can get their head around what I tell them if they haven't first gone through a process of self-knowledge.

But the phrase that opened my eyes and showed me the way is one that I have already written several times, but as I say it only makes sense if you have made the path, otherwise, perhaps, it does not mean anything to most people.
The phrase is similar to this one: "And who told you that this is about you".

Let's say that we live in a society so selfish and so focused on the value we give to ourselves through acceptance and fitting in with others that we are unable to realize that there is no prize for us, that this is not about our happiness, but about contributing to the maximum to the survival of the whole?
... in fact if you do not accept it and try to make your own with total freedom, you get sick because you do not follow the purposes for which you were born. Anyone who doesn't want to (or can't) contribute to keep humanity moving forward, will remain lonely, depressed, sick, isolated and doomed to suicidal thoughts... in fact it's not you who wants to die, it's EVERYTHING that wants you to die if you don't do what you are supposed to do. Freedom does not exist, it is an illusion.

And this is the price we free-thinking people with a yearning for individual freedom pay, to know that we are irrelevant, replaceable, that we are just another cog that doesn't work as it should.

I know I haven't told you anything you don't know, because I don't know how to tell what I discovered years ago.
But, "And who told you it's about you?"

* The most important thing is to take this sentence and keep spinning it from here. Maybe sometime you will understand what I mean.


Es que em va fa fer tanta il·lusió donar-me'n compte per mi mateix després d'estar tants anys donant-li voltes que m'ho agafo com un SuperSpoiler.
De fet crec que descobrir-ho per tu mateix o almenys adonar-te de com anaven d'errats els pensaments, fa que sigui molt millor de païr. Pero no crec que una persona qualsevol es pugui fer a la idea del que li digui si abans no ha passat per un procés d'autoconeixement.

Pero la frase que em obrir els ulls i em va marcar el camí és una que ja he escrit diverses vegades, però com et dic només te sentit si has fet camí, sinó, potser, no vol dir res per la majoría.
La frase és similar aquesta: "I a tú qui t'ha dit que això va de tú".

Diguessim que vivim en una societat tant egoísta i tant centrada en el valor que ens donem a nosaltres mateixos a través de l'acceptació i l'encaix en aquesta per part dels altres que sóm incapaços d'adonar-nos que no hi ha premi per nosaltres, que això no va de la nostra felicitat, sinó d'aportar al màxim a la supervivéncia del conjunt...
... de fet si no ho acceptes i intentes fer la teva amb total llibertat enmalalteixes perquè no segueixes els próposits per els quals has nascut. Qualsevol persona que no vulgui (o no pugui) contribuïr a que la humanitat segueixi avançant, es quedarà sola, depresiva, malalta, aïllada i abocada als pensament suïcides... en realitat no ets tu que et vols morir, és tot plegat que vol que et moris si no fas el que se suposa que has de fer. La llibertat no existeix, és una il·lusió.

I aquest és el preu que paguem les persones lliures de pensament i amb ànsies de llibertat individual, saber que sóm irrellevants, substituïbles, que només sóm una peça mes que no funciona a l'hora.

Se que no he explicat res que no sàpigues, doncs no sé explicar el que vaig descobrir fa anys.
Però: "I a tú qui te t'ha dit que es tracta de tú?"

* El mes important es agafar la frase i seguir donant-li voltes a partir d'aquí.
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Smell lord
Sep 24, 2022
Meaning of life, huh... well I think everyone has their own personal belief on the meaning of life. If you're wondering why humans are on this earth, then there's no reason but if it's your life then I think we have all our personal thing that moves us forward, however little it is. For me, I love entertainment like movies, games, music and books and I always look forward to experiencing next great story
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Shame, Avoidance, hopelessness, lonliness, cbt, pm
Nov 9, 2022
I think I never really cared bout meaning of life as always find religion like an organisation and a tribal empowerement like any other political group or association, there only purpose is social security and direction.people always feel unsecure, lonely, guilty, unsafe, confused nd lost. People might join anything just to feel safe and included. It doesn't really matter if there is truth or any kind of genuine meaning. So it's all really comes down to emotional needs nd desires. I just think society at its core is delusionl nd insane, violent greedy nd their action and believes revolve around the formentioned factors. People whether they have a sens of that or not, if their are capable nd have a place in the power hierarchy they can play this game nd be rwarded despite suffering if not they live a miserable nightmare, only death will spare them the agony.

This is just how I feel.
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Jul 11, 2021
I was so excited to find out for myself after so many years of thinking about it that I take it as a SuperSpoiler.
I actually think that finding out for yourself, or at least realizing how wrong the thoughts were, makes it much better to digest. But I don't think a random person can get their head around what I tell them if they haven't first gone through a process of self-knowledge.

But the phrase that opened my eyes and showed me the way is one that I have already written several times, but as I say it only makes sense if you have made the path, otherwise, perhaps, it does not mean anything to most people.
The phrase is similar to this one: "And who told you that this is about you".

Let's say that we live in a society so selfish and so focused on the value we give to ourselves through acceptance and fitting in with others that we are unable to realize that there is no prize for us, that this is not about our happiness, but about contributing to the maximum to the survival of the whole?
... in fact if you do not accept it and try to make your own with total freedom, you get sick because you do not follow the purposes for which you were born. Anyone who doesn't want to (or can't) contribute to keep humanity moving forward, will remain lonely, depressed, sick, isolated and doomed to suicidal thoughts... in fact it's not you who wants to die, it's EVERYTHING that wants you to die if you don't do what you are supposed to do. Freedom does not exist, it is an illusion.

And this is the price we free-thinking people with a yearning for individual freedom pay, to know that we are irrelevant, replaceable, that we are just another cog that doesn't work as it should.

I know I haven't told you anything you don't know, because I don't know how to tell what I discovered years ago.
But, "And who told you it's about you?"

* The most important thing is to take this sentence and keep spinning it from here. Maybe sometime you will understand what I mean.


Es que em va fa fer tanta il·lusió donar-me'n compte per mi mateix després d'estar tants anys donant-li voltes que m'ho agafo com un SuperSpoiler.
De fet crec que descobrir-ho per tu mateix o almenys adonar-te de com anaven d'errats els pensaments, fa que sigui molt millor de païr. Pero no crec que una persona qualsevol es pugui fer a la idea del que li digui si abans no ha passat per un procés d'autoconeixement.

Pero la frase que em obrir els ulls i em va marcar el camí és una que ja he escrit diverses vegades, però com et dic només te sentit si has fet camí, sinó, potser, no vol dir res per la majoría.
La frase és similar aquesta: "I a tú qui t'ha dit que això va de tú".

Diguessim que vivim en una societat tant egoísta i tant centrada en el valor que ens donem a nosaltres mateixos a través de l'acceptació i l'encaix en aquesta per part dels altres que sóm incapaços d'adonar-nos que no hi ha premi per nosaltres, que això no va de la nostra felicitat, sinó d'aportar al màxim a la supervivéncia del conjunt...
... de fet si no ho acceptes i intentes fer la teva amb total llibertat enmalalteixes perquè no segueixes els próposits per els quals has nascut. Qualsevol persona que no vulgui (o no pugui) contribuïr a que la humanitat segueixi avançant, es quedarà sola, depresiva, malalta, aïllada i abocada als pensament suïcides... en realitat no ets tu que et vols morir, és tot plegat que vol que et moris si no fas el que se suposa que has de fer. La llibertat no existeix, és una il·lusió.

I aquest és el preu que paguem les persones lliures de pensament i amb ànsies de llibertat individual, saber que sóm irrellevants, substituïbles, que només sóm una peça mes que no funciona a l'hora.

Se que no he explicat res que no sàpigues, doncs no sé explicar el que vaig descobrir fa anys.
Però: "I a tú qui te t'ha dit que es tracta de tú?"

* El mes important es agafar la frase i seguir donant-li voltes a partir d'aquí.

Wouldn't it just push the search for meaning a degree up in the scale?

If our individual lives don't have a purpose by themselves, but have the purpose of contributing to the perpetuation of a whole, why does this whole needs to be perpetuated? What's the purpose of humanity, why did it come into existence, and why should it keep existing?

is there an end to existential questions?
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Wouldn't it just push the search for meaning a degree up in the scale?

If our individual lives don't have a purpose by themselves, but have the purpose of contributing to the perpetuation of a whole, why does this whole needs to be perpetuated? What's the purpose of humanity, why did it come into existence, and why should it keep existing?

is there an end to existential questions?
There is no end to existential questions. But at least I found an answer to the meaning of my life... I think it's a very important step to keep looking from here.


No hi ha fi a les preguntes existencials. Però almenys he trobat una resposta al sentit de la meva vida... crec que és un pas molt important per seguir indagant a partir d'aquí.

Mmmmh...🤔 what is the meaning of a chocolate bar? what is its real purpose?
Mmmmh... 🤔quin és el sentit d'una tauleta de xocolata? quin és el seu propósit veritable?
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Jul 11, 2021
Mmmmh...🤔 what is the meaning of a chocolate bar? what is its real purpose?
Mmmmh... 🤔quin és el sentit d'una tauleta de xocolata? quin és el seu propósit veritable?

The chocolate bar is the inviting candy that fills my mouth with a bitter sweetness, bringing me a blast of chemical reactions, hacking my brain into a primalistic state that fights against my rationality, making me want more and more, devouring it like an animal...

...until it ends, and I'm left to what I've become, suffering in anxious abstinence with the heaviness of the consequences of eating too much sugar and fat, messing with my future health, and the guilty of contributing to dubious production chains, tainted by the sweat and blood of labor exploitation, and feeder of powerful companies.

What purpose does the chocolate bar have? To give me a brief relief from my life? But at what cost?
How could everything converge to this rectangular bar, without a real intention behind?
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