
Sep 16, 2020
I consider myself to have a fair knowledge base on hormones. TRT, PED'S, AI'S, SERMS and a little about HCG. And GH'S.

If you think your hormones are a contributor or cause to your issues... Like they were for me ten years ago, it took me years of researching even though now I only personally take a TRT dose weekly but I understand the rest out of a need to try and masculinize myself.

I remember being overwhelmingly confused due to information overload making everything seem more complicated than it actually is because alot of people state their opinions as 'facts'
When the only fact is that
We are all different so I can't tell you exactly what will give you the best benefits but I understand how confusing this all is when you first get into it that a lot of the time you just give up due to all the false information, differing opinions, and people trying to sell product.
I'm not offering any of that, I can just guide you on what's what and put it layman's terms as I wish someone did for me when u first discovered my test was incredibly low.

For those who don't understand the point you obviously don't understand the horrific effect hormones can have on your mental health.

. It's fact low testosterone has caused derealization, depersonalization, major depressive disorder.
And literally every issue mental and physical is aggravated further if your hormones are haywire.

I feel I sound like a broken record with most my advice turns into ranting id like to offer help to anyone needs it.

I don't claim to be an expert but it's commonly known people like me tend to know more than the doctors, even the actual hormone specialists in a lot of cases.
If there is anything you would like me to try and offer an opinion on post it and I'll try to get everything put as simply as possible.
I feel this is a subject I'm actually qualified to help with.
I am not condoning the use of these things without supervision from a professional but anyone who understands this thread will know the doctors are rarely willing to help so we have to help ourselves.
If I help one person even if this is looked back on in years it'll be worth it.
I'll start with some basic info...
Get your Blood Tests

Firstly I would tell anyone to get there bloods tested.... Ask your doctor for a hormone panel
Free test

LH and FSH (chemicals produced in brain to signal testicles to produce testosterone

E2. (estrogen(female hormone)
These tend to be the standard though you can go for more complex tests but they get expensive and your doctor won't do them.

Depending on what country and your surgeries choice your test numbers should be between 9-35
However there's a lot of studies being done that are proving 9 can be low for some people and 15 is more reasonable (especially if you have ailments/symptons

Depending on your number it's up to you whether you want to be injecting needles (minimum every 3 months) usually fortnightly or weekly.
or rubbing creams on for the rest of your life.
Personally my test was 10 nmol but I looked feminine no body/facial hair at 19, female fat storage, wide hips, big feminine pelvis,
I actually think I have a chromosome abnormality personally my doctor I evidence suggests he may have lied to me to get me out the door, but I'm not paying £1000 for a test to which the treatment is only HRT anyway which I'm already on. (reason I feel the doctor lied is because there was nothing on my medical records having gone back a couple of years ago.

I started on basic testosterone and improved fast.
Now I'll get into the testosterone forms......
So you have testosterone, if you're using it in injectable form it is suspended in oil and you have what's called an ester. So to name a few: most commonly: testosterone enanthate which comes about 250mg per ml, so you would need one injection every 10-14 days for a standard testosterone level of about 25n/mol which is average for a healthy male 15-30years old then it slowly starts declining you'll notice alot of middle aed men are using it these days because of the pressure of body standards.... Make no mistake what lies you're told EVERY Hollywood body is full of drugs.

You want to find what suits you.

Some people develop problems with their estrogen increasing even if they're only taking small doses.
You have AI'S Aromataze inhibitors
These fend the production of a chemical called 'Aromataze' which purpose is to bind to testosterone and convert it to estrogen.

Then you have SERMS selective estrogen receptors modulaters

These to be honest I'm not entirely sure how they work but I can find the information if anyone wants to know. They more so target directly the problems high estrogen can cause ie. Gynecomastia whilst increasing LH and FSH
(Yes these medications are used for breast cancer)
There is always debate on "which is better". But as I always say with everything everyone's body is different and it's finding what helps you... If you're unfortunate to need them at all...

Well after typing all this im wondering if my time will actually be of use to anyone and it's only me that found all this stuff very complicated in the early days and nearly gave up. So just ask if you have any questions at all. I don't wish hormone problems on anyone... Well maybe the people who keep it from getting more attention.
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Apr 5, 2018
I was already thinking for some time that I might have a hormonal problem.
I looked feminine no body/facial hair at 19, female fat storage, wide hips, big feminine pelvis,
Pretty much me + irregular, weird, disproportionate hair growth. I don't know how to call it, but it definitely doesn't look normal.

But I'm not doing anything about it for the same reason I'm still alive -- I feel no motivation for change. My interest is very fleeting but I can read small bits of information occasionally, like I read your entire post.
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Sep 16, 2020
I was already thinking for some time that I might have a hormonal problem.

Pretty much me + irregular, weird, disproportionate hair growth. I don't know how to call it, but it definitely doesn't look normal.

But I'm not doing anything about it for the same reason I'm still alive -- I feel no motivation for change. My interest is very fleeting but I can read small bits of information occasionally, like I read your entire post.
Disproportionate hair growth could be down to other things like vitamin deficiencies etc but is often genetics/ hormonal

Having low testosterone diminishes our motivation pal. I'm not sure if having low t for so long permanently instilled this into me or I'm just like this because of other life situations.

If you read all that and you aren't seeking advice you have a lot more motivation than me buddy. I've been an arse hole lately not reading people's posts properly and making remarks unnecessary to the post. Hope you're OK.
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Apr 5, 2018
Disproportionate hair growth could be down to other things like vitamin deficiencies etc but is often genetics/ hormonal

Having low testosterone diminishes our motivation pal. I'm not sure if having low t for so long permanently instilled this into me or I'm just like this because of other life situations.

If you read all that and you aren't seeking advice you have a lot more motivation than me buddy. I've been an arse hole lately not reading people's posts properly and making remarks unnecessary to the post. Hope you're OK.
You mentioned questions earlier. I'd like to hear your story. The part of it that was affected by hormonal treatment. Anything you're willing to share. You have already mentioned how you looked before treatment. I'd like to know how was it before and how the treatment affected you over time, the notable changes. I'm talking about experience. How did you felt emotionally, your energy levels, motivation to do things, sexual drive, etc.. How did the treatment affected all that, and your body structure. Personal experience, basically.
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Dogpill Theorist.
Sep 27, 2018
are Aromatase inhibitors safe?
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