

May 13, 2020

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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
They do that here too, if you're not a good little sheep ready to accept any and all bullshit they shove down your throat without any question, you get rolled off. Even if you're a sheep but they don't think you're ''improoving'' fast enough, rolled off. Sometimes they'll just be massive fucking homophobes and roll you off because gay too. Or the opposite, they're lunatics and you're rolled off for being ''privileged'' and therefore not needing help. The entire field of psycology is overpaid charlatans.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I feel fobbed off by my doctor now too. Mostly because I don't want their therapy
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Fish Face

Apr 19, 2019
No help but just anti-depressants, which never work. No proper diagnosis after decades. No reports at all and because of that no benefits. They will not ever understand or accept the damage THEY did to me and continually keep doing.
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
This happened to me during my break down a few years back. First they wouldn't treat me because it was in too bad of a state and when I finally got treatment after nearly being sectioned the guy I was working with was so over worked that he often cancelled or postponed sessions a couple of hours before they were meant to happen.

I wasn't able to attend a couple of the rescheduled appointments because of the short notice or o wasn't informed of the Jew date/time and I didn't want to try the "compassionate mind" group therapy (that he suggested not insisted I should try) and so I was discharged.

Mental health services in the NHS are ridiculously bad. The waiting lists are stupidly long and they don't keep you updated on your position on the list.

To reach out for help is often a big deal for someone who is severally mentally ill and to be told that you will have to wait 9 months for help can be and often is as good as a death sentence.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
In the US, difficult to treat patients are put on a waiting list that can last months, if not a year or two before they are seen by a specialist. Most of them can't wait, end up fucking up somewhere and end up homeless or in jail. Ready to repeat the cycle again.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
This happened to me during my break down a few years back. First they wouldn't treat me because it was in too bad of a state and when I finally got treatment after nearly being sectioned the guy I was working with was so over worked that he often cancelled or postponed sessions a couple of hours before they were meant to happen.

I wasn't able to attend a couple of the rescheduled appointments because of the short notice or o wasn't informed of the Jew date/time and I didn't want to try the "compassionate mind" group therapy (that he suggested not insisted I should try) and so I was discharged.

Mental health services in the NHS are ridiculously bad. The waiting lists are stupidly long and they don't keep you updated on your position on the list.

To reach out for help is often a big deal for someone who is severally mentally ill and to be told that you will have to wait 9 months for help can be and often is as good as a death sentence.
My experience completely matches yours
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
In the US, difficult to treat patients are put on a waiting list that can last months, if not a year or two before they are seen by a specialist. Most of them can't wait, end up fucking up somewhere and end up homeless or in jail. Ready to repeat the cycle again.

I'm sure it's a waiting list for a specialist that charges $400 per hour and has no clue what they're doing anyways.
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Dec 15, 2020
I got asked last year how can I still be unwell when I've been in the system for over a decade...
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Last chance

Feb 6, 2021
My experience completely matches yours
It has the opposite effect of what it should have doesnt it? I had a really good mental health nurse who I bonded with but she left because of how badly the system was being ran. I havent been back since.

My friend was sectioned last year because of her ED,all the therapists had left so seh basically spent 5 months locked in the unit being fed via a tube. No therapy,no healthy meals,nothing. Just sitting around with a tube up her nose.
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Oct 12, 2020
I got asked last year how can I still be unwell when I've been in the system for over a decade...
The answer is in the question.

People think mental health services are so great, when they're abysmal most of the time. And the people running them (sometimes) have no clue.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I took my brother to the GP he sat there crying to the doctor begging to be sectioned and he said ' he doesn't fit the criteria to be sectioned, and if you ask, you don't go. It's normally forced'

my sister had a mental health breakdown. No section, just daily crisis team . When I asked what was being done to help they said well we give her medicine but she goes straight to the kitchen to spit it out.

myself the other day told my gp I can't face another two weeks with no sleep there will be nothing left of me by then response ' oh I'm really sorry but there's not much else I can do '

Suicidal behaviors and completed suicides are very common in people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Research has shown that about 75% of people with BPD will make at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime, and many will make multiple suicide attempts.
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May 13, 2020
I'm completely certain I've been off-rolled for the tenth or so and final time. They've seen me freezing myself to death, slowly killing myself with drugs, so separated from reality that my parents had to take over caring for me again and my family begged for them to help me. They've seen me going to them begging for help because I don't know what else to do. They've seen me after carving myself open down to the fat without batting an eye, they've seen me after giving myself third degree burns and only turning up when they got infected, they've seen me refusing to eat for months on end. They know that I currently possess the means and intention to kill myself.

And every time they've met me with leaflets, medication, and call backs that never come.

I can say with full confidence that there is no "bad enough for help". There is no help. In a system that's all about money, the unprofitable get left for dead.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
i've recently been off rolled by Adult Mental Health Team in england, this is excerpts from my reponse to their discharge letter...

To whom it may concern,

i am writing this in response to the discharge letter sent by the AMHT assessment team. i would like to clarify my experience and where i am currently with my mental health support.
i initially tried to engage with AMHT. i stated clearly in Jan with the GP and in my assessment with AMHT and all further interactions with them that i intend to end my life. After a life time of not wanting to exist, exhausting all therapies and an escalation of my mental and emotional anguish manifesting as intensely as it does physically in me i have come to the confident decision that i want to end my life.
Although i have always been open about my lack of want for life i have never acted out with threats to harm myself as a way to be heard. i contacted AMHT for support and help to change my disordered thinking. i had been doing this in private therapy but since being unable to work i've been unable to afford it. So i turned back to the NHS.
My assessment summary from AMHT did not address my suicidal intent despite it being my sole reason for reaching out in that moment. i emailed and spoke with X about this harmful omission and other inaccuracies. Changes were made but still the suicidal intent ignored.
AMHT offered crisis support, i didn't need crisis support. i have successfully been supporting myself through crisis for years, the fact i am still alive is testament to that. i asked for treatment to the cause of the repeated crisis i live in, my disordered thinking. i explained i have completed Complex Needs Service, that i cannot afford to continue private therapy. i asked to discuss medication to relieve some of the symptoms. AMHT told me to refer myself back to CNS and that there are no meds licensed for my condition. AMHT then confirm what i told them, i cannot go back to CNS but they can reconmend a private therapist, the very person i had to stop seeing due to my financial situation and the trigger to me attempting to access NHS support again.
So i'm told there is no treatment i can access. i engage with AMHT crisis support, i found it triggering. With no fesible support i reached out to my private therapist, they very generously offer to support me short term for free. They heard my intent and contacted AMHT. AMHT called a police welfare check without sufficient attempt to contact me first or after. i waited all day for AMHT to contact me, i eventually called them. No one who is aware of me available to talk. i explain i am struggling to stay engaged but will wait to talk to my care coordinator, no one contacts me till a week later when all i recieve is a letter threatening discharge. At this point my experience with AMHT had been more harmful than helpful so yes, i ignored it and didn't attempt to resume support. i had the offer of support and a potential of actual treatment from my private therapist so am focusing my energy there.

my primary diagnosis is BPD/EUPD, made in 2013. i have since worked very hard in CNS and those traits have significantly descreased. C-PTSD is the debilitating issue that is leading me to end my life. This is what i need support and treatment for. Society and the NHS need to recognise the extent of trauma and that not all suicidal intent is situational or temporary, for many it is a life long personality belief. They need to provide treatment to recover from the cause alongside support to manage the resulting behaviours and distress we suffer from the pain of trauma. Until then we will continue to cycle, requiring support and services, never prospering. For many, personality disorders and C-PTSD can be recovered from, but not without treatment. Most can learn to manage and lessen the impact, with support. The NHS can't offer me either, i've exhausted all therapies available. For some BPD and C-PTSD is fatal; i am fighting to not let it kill me, i have no fight left. i reached out for support but the system spat me back out.

My reason for saying all this? While i accept my role in disengaging with AMHT i will not go unheard and allow the system to hide its failings by laying sole blame on me in presenting me as a stereotypical Borderline patient as they have in my assessment summary and discharge letter, further fueling the stigma and mistreatment of people with BPD.
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Jan 20, 2021
fuck i have bpd and are under cmht nha services. ive been sent out of arrmea befoee and been sectioned. fuck. no hope proba
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
those articles are old, but its still so relevant to today, and how badly the system is failing those with MH. I don't understand why something isn't being done about it, they say MH s getting worse, esp now with the world the way it is, yet they aren't interested in helping or improving the system, a system they say everyday needs somethingdone about it, well stop speaking the words and do something about it instead
I thought I had got myself onto the path of hope and help with them, but 8 weeks in I realise now they are just ticking boxes and not really interested in helping me, I had hope, i no longer do, nor do I have faith or trust in the failing system.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
While the vast majority of my experiences with the mental health industry have not been through the NHS, I experienced similar clownery with other models of healthcare. When my university told me I needed to go back to the mental health system via the NHS, I just stopped responding to the mental health team.

My experience with both psychiatry and psychology was that the standard course of SSRIs SNRIs and CBT was chucked at me, and when those didn't work, I was seen as a hopeless case. I was misdiagnosed for years and told I was merely depressed and anxious, my dehabilitating ptsd and autism ignored until I told the 6th or so therapist that my teacher at school wanted me evaluated for ASD.

Because of the psychosomatic perception doctors have of many chronic illnesses, my physical issues were ignored until they became permanent. I was told even as a young child that I was depressed and lazy and that somehow alll my problems stemmed from that. These were non mental health doctors pushing this narrative.

This started the cycle of seeing a new doctor, getting put on new med cocktails with horrible side effects, then blamed for the drugs not working and told I needed to stay on them longer, rinse and repeat. Cue the same thing with therapists when none of their mindfulness shit worked. I have been in the system since I was 13, with sporadic counseling before that.

They could never admit that they were unable to help me. I'd just get referred somewhere else and told maybe that new psychiatrist or psychologist could help me, maybe they had some special insight or expertise. They never did. It made me realise how powerful the illusion of authority is, at least.

Whenever I registered for disability support at my university, I told them about my ptsd and Autism and how I often get overwhelmed, but have tried pretty much every medication and modality of therapy to no avail. They didn't listen and told me I need meds and therapy and to get with the local NHS GP immediately. They informed me the wait times were many months for ANY kind of services so I better get on the list now or I'd be waiting till I graduated.

The NHS services in my area are notoriously shit. So bad that many people will tell you to reach out to local charities instead. Except the crucial little detail these people fail to mention is that these charities refuse to help people who are suicidal.

Some of them even stipulated that they would not help people who had trauma within the past year, and stated that clause, alongside the banning of suicidal people, was because they can only accept people who are actively ready for healing or some bullshit like that. Seriously?

I don't think the current methods of "help" are really working. We need better treatments, community support, and socioeconomic help, but that will never happen. I am gaslit constantly when I say doctors made my conditions worse. People think I am judging the benevolent NHS healthcare hero's when I inform them that it was literally a doctor who traumatized me. Doctors are pretty much immune to scrutiny so they can get away with treating people horribly. They treat people with chronic pain like we are in hysterics and just mentally ill, and society laps it up and blames many chronic illnesses on "poor mental health" rather than useless doctors doing absolutely fuck all to help.

I have read the NICE guidelines for my conditions many times about what is allowed to be prescribed and I have already exhausted all the options. Still, people tell me it is my fault and not the system's. The system that refuses to try anything even slightly costly or experimental in fear of liability, but will allow you to suffer with no relief for years and years until you end up ctb due to their negligence.

This article has some striking anecdotes about how bloody brain dead many NHS GPs and mental health workers are about these issues:

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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Many psychiatrists are bastards on prescription drugs and switching if they don't work. Wow! Depression is not cured after a divorce, a life of precarious jobs despite having degrees, and basically a screwed-up life from the age of 8. We will send you more drugs. Oh, he's starting to forget things and he may be sleeping more than 12 hours, let's try taking anxiolytics off him, oh my, he's become an alcoholic ... Psychiatry is a sham. In my humble opinion.
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May 13, 2020
I am gaslit constantly when I say doctors made my conditions worse. People think I am judging the benevolent NHS healthcare hero's when I inform them that it was literally a doctor who traumatized me. Doctors are pretty much immune to scrutiny so they can
This is something that really resonates with me. The exact moment you dare critisise the benevolent, all knowing NHS, you become an evil, ungrateful, selfish person in the eyes of the NHS worshipping masses. If the bullshit treatments don't work, everyone will tell you it's your own fault, just like all of the doctors who don't have the slightest clue what they're doing say to cover their backs.

Goddamnit, if tearing paper, going to bed early and challenging your negative thoughts doesn't fix your mental health, you must be lazy and just not trying to get better. Because the NHS is a godlike entity that fixes everything.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
This is something that really resonates with me. The exact moment you dare critisise the benevolent, all knowing NHS, you become an evil, ungrateful, selfish person in the eyes of the NHS worshipping masses. If the bullshit treatments don't work, everyone will tell you it's your own fault, just like all of the doctors who don't have the slightest clue what they're doing say to cover their backs.

Goddamnit, if tearing paper, going to bed early and challenging your negative thoughts doesn't fix your mental health, you must be lazy and just not trying to get better. Because the NHS is a godlike entity that fixes everything.
Wow, you are so right. They really do treat it like a religion. Any valid criticism of the NHS is sacrilegious blasphemy, we can't insult our holy prophets can we? Have you not read the book of NICE guidelines?

I found the clapping creepy and strange. For every caring person who actually does want to help people, there are several assholes who are burnt out and are just there for the paycheck.

Not everyone is a hero, most of them are nowhere near sages with secret knowledge, at least the GPs and counselors. Expert neurosurgeons, I have serious respect for. Not some idiotic GP who thinks everything is a "hysterical woman problem."

There are serious structural and procedural issues with the NHS that don't get acknowledged cause of the worshippers. I have seen elderly people almost have to do without lifesaving diabetes medication because the dumbass NHS doesn't trust people to have long term prescriptions that last over a month and the chemist mucked up the delivery due to the prescriptions being so frequent.

People want to be told what to do and I guess the NHS serves that role. You get no agency in your treatment and are regarded as a smooth brained ignoramus who needs to shut up and listen to the all knowing doctors who just spend 10 minutes googling things because it turns out they don't know so much after all.
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Paint the black hole blacker
Jan 9, 2021
Since my impulse train attempt the CNHRS team has been up my ass forcing me to engage with them. I only am because I got prescribed strong sleep medicine, sadly everyone on here says it won't do crap to kill me but I just keep lying to doctor to prescribe me benzos stronger than diazepam