
Jul 18, 2023
This year has been so dizzying. I was doing somewhat ok just half a year ago now. It's like every aspect of my life, my existence, faith, family, friends, hobbies, school, work, etc has been shaken so violently out of control. Im torn apart and I feel like absolute shit every fucking day. I cry when I wake up and cry myself to sleep. There's a few reasons why im feeling this way. I have friends but I still feel lonely, I come from a good family (had a good childhood), I go to a decent college. During my first year here, I met an amazing girl who I became fast friends with and shortly fell in love with. It wasn't long before I asked her out, and she politely rejected me. "I never thought about us that way" "I don't want to ruin our friendship". I understand completely, but that didn't stop me from so fucking idiotically deluding myself into believing there could be a chance. We stayed friends, but it seemed so blurred to me. We only ever hung out 1-1, we stayed up nights really close to one another, held each other, nice and sweet things were said. She texted me every day, all day. I could tell she really did like being around me. And I was just so weak. She's a great person and beautiful too. It hurts to think about her, but I can't stop. I fantasize about a life with her. The thought of someone else being lucky enough to spend a lifetime of happiness with her is enough to make me suicidal. It feels like dying every day, my chest aches all the time now. I made it pretty obvious I still loved her. I got her flowers, she liked them. But something changed, maybe she finally realized I still wanted her. It seems like the last few times I've asked her to hangout, she's always busy or has some excuse. She even mentioned the fact that she doesn't want me to think that she's avoiding me after turning down an invite to hang out one time. One Saturday, we agreed to go out one night. Once again, "she couldn't go". I think that was the last straw, I've already been thinking about cutting contact with her, but hadn't done so out of fear of hurting her.

I feel worthless, if only I had been different. If somehow I can be the man she thinks about at night as much as I do. But I'm not that man, it seems. I'm just her friend, like all her others, while to me, she's a glimpse into a lifetime of happiness. I know it's wrong to think like this, but it's honest to god how I feel.

I think this complicated relationship exposed a lot I need to work on. It's been so traumatizing, It shook every fiber of my being. I feel so alone, like I won't ever love like that again or find someone to love at all, even though I know that's probably not true. But if I'm being honest, it's hard to hold out hope for that.

My faith in God is fading, so that's been very hard for me. This world is cruel enough as it is, and it's hard to realize that god might not exist and that life really is as meaningless as I feared it might be. I have no interest in going to church anymore, and sometimes I suspect that if god does exist, then he's for sure abandoned me. My church has many great people, so no illl will against them or Christianity either. I have no idea what I want to do in life either. I'd love to work in the arts, im into photography and piano, but I barely practice those as it is. I have a few other ideas, I'm majoring in economics, comm, and French. I generally feel empty in life, like everyday is the same.

Some part of me deep down is still holding out hope. It's hard tho. I tried therapy once, my first counselor wasn't a good match, so I'm seeking a new one rn. In the meantime, I get as high and drunk as I can every now and then. As cliche as it sounds, it does help numb this soul crushing pain I feel all the fucking time.

I used to think suicide was crazy, irrational. But for the first time, it's starting to make sense. I never had suicidal thoughts before and now I do all the time, all of a sudden. It's terrifying to think about. I only made it this far cause of my family, but I'm afraid even they won't be able to stop me if my depression gets worse. I already have thought about some ways I might do it, and I might just kill myself in September. But I still don't know, maybe things will change, I've somewhat accepted that nothing will change tho. And if that's the case, what's the point.

I'm so tired. Sleeping is the only time I feel peace nowadays.

Does anyone know what I should do to feel better. I feel like I'm running out of time. I'm still so young but it feels like a future isn't happening.
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Jul 22, 2023
The thought of someone else being lucky enough to spend a lifetime of happiness with her is enough to make me suicidal.
FUCK man. i feel this one hard. i've felt it a lot with people in the past, some stronger than others. it's an attachment thing. over time, it does go away, but the hard part is waiting for that. always remember there are other options first. depending on how attached you were, the longer it'll take. just try to keep an open mind. i'll follow you and if you ever need to talk shoot me a pm. i'll be on this thread though, if you respond here.


Jul 18, 2023
FUCK man. i feel this one hard. i've felt it a lot with people in the past, some stronger than others. it's an attachment thing. over time, it does go away, but the hard part is waiting for that. always remember there are other options first. depending on how attached you were, the longer it'll take. just try to keep an open mind. i'll follow you and if you ever need to talk shoot me a pm. i'll be on this thread though, if you respond here.
Hi, thank you so much for responding. It really is a shitty feeling. Im sorry if that brought back some painful memories. Im new here so I don't exactly know how to pm you, but could I ask how long did it take you to get over someone you were attached to? It's been a little over half a year now since I've met this person and I still feel like shit about the whole situation, doesn't seem like it'll pass anytime soon either.


Jul 22, 2023
Hi, thank you so much for responding. It really is a shitty feeling. Im sorry if that brought back some painful memories. Im new here so I don't exactly know how to pm you, but could I ask how long did it take you to get over someone you were attached to? It's been a little over half a year now since I've met this person and I still feel like shit about the whole situation, doesn't seem like it'll pass anytime soon either.
hey, don't worry! after all, they're people i'm over now. the memories don't warrant any reactions from me anymore! my last one is the one i remember most, but it might be a bad example since it was shaky. the only times i ever got over someone i was obsessed with quickly is if i met someone better. i guess the way that worked for me was after being so attached to them and starved of the affection i wanted from them for so long, when someone else came along and showed me the kindness i wanted, i was able to get attached to them. it might not be healthy to go from attachment to attachment though, so take this all with a grain of salt. but if you can find someone, soon or not, just in general, who you're happy with, then that's perfect. half a year is a really long time, but there's still hope. i know someone who's also currently struggling to get over someone. she was manipulative but he didn't want to accept it.
I don't exactly know how to pm you
also, i wasn't sure either. i just read the tos and we both have to be active for at least 24 hours i think


Jul 18, 2023
hey, don't worry! after all, they're people i'm over now. the memories don't warrant any reactions from me anymore! my last one is the one i remember most, but it might be a bad example since it was shaky. the only times i ever got over someone i was obsessed with quickly is if i met someone better. i guess the way that worked for me was after being so attached to them and starved of the affection i wanted from them for so long, when someone else came along and showed me the kindness i wanted, i was able to get attached to them. it might not be healthy to go from attachment to attachment though, so take this all with a grain of salt. but if you can find someone, soon or not, just in general, who you're happy with, then that's perfect. half a year is a really long time, but there's still hope. i know someone who's also currently struggling to get over someone. she was manipulative but he didn't want to accept it.

also, i wasn't sure either. i just read the tos and we both have to be active for at least 24 hours i think
Ah I see. I've considered meeting other people. The problem is, I'm simply not as interested. No one is her. I know that there isn't such a thing as "the one" but it seems that facts don't matter to me. I have no ill will towards her, she's really a great person and anyone would be lucky to be with her. She's never had a boyfriend tho. One particular time we hung out, we went for mini golf and went out to eat at a nice restaurant. It felt like real happiness and comfort for the few hours we were out. It feels like I had a chance at happiness, and now it's forever gone, or at least for long enough for me to have given up before that chance comes again. I just hope I can be in your position where I can just be over her and she can stop haunting my brain. I'm sorry to be ranting at you like this too.


Jul 22, 2023
Ah I see. I've considered meeting other people. The problem is, I'm simply not as interested. No one is her. I know that there isn't such a thing as "the one" but it seems that facts don't matter to me. I have no ill will towards her, she's really a great person and anyone would be lucky to be with her. She's never had a boyfriend tho. One particular time we hung out, we went for mini golf and went out to eat at a nice restaurant. It felt like real happiness and comfort for the few hours we were out. It feels like I had a chance at happiness, and now it's forever gone, or at least for long enough for me to have given up before that chance comes again. I just hope I can be in your position where I can just be over her and she can stop haunting my brain. I'm sorry to be ranting at you like this too.
it's alright, you can rant here, that's what it's for! i really do hope you can reach a point where you feel happy again. i noticed you were looking to get therapy. that's good! people often fear therapy, but it can really do a lot as long as you cooperate. though i'm sure you know that considering you're looking. i also believe in god. i don't pray often, but when i'm in dark times, i try to. even if it doesn't change anything it does tend to give me a little sense of security. i'll pray for you after this reply is posted. another thing that helped me is changing how i perceive the person over time, and trying to see them in a different light. if i'm around someone i like and constantly remind myself that i like them it'll never go away, but if i tell myself we're just friends then over time it can start to fade. it does take a very long time to do this though. changing your mind completely like this isn't easy, but with enough persistence, you can do it.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It must be really dreadful having to suffer like that, existence certainly is too cruel and I think it's understandable feeling so tired of it all. But anyway I wish you the best.


Jul 22, 2023
btw, just know that i'll pm you as soon as it gives me the option to.


Jul 18, 2023
it's alright, you can rant here, that's what it's for! i really do hope you can reach a point where you feel happy again. i noticed you were looking to get therapy. that's good! people often fear therapy, but it can really do a lot as long as you cooperate. though i'm sure you know that considering you're looking. i also believe in god. i don't pray often, but when i'm in dark times, i try to. even if it doesn't change anything it does tend to give me a little sense of security. i'll pray for you after this reply is posted. another thing that helped me is changing how i perceive the person over time, and trying to see them in a different light. if i'm around someone i like and constantly remind myself that i like them it'll never go away, but if i tell myself we're just friends then over time it can start to fade. it does take a very long time to do this though. changing your mind completely like this isn't easy, but with enough persistence, you can do it.
I really appreciate your prayer. Thanks for the advice. I'm trying my best. Have a great one man.
btw, just know that i'll pm you as soon as it gives me the option to.
Yes please do. Thank you so much.
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Jul 22, 2023
I really appreciate your prayer. Thanks for the advice. I'm trying my best. Have a great one man.

Yes please do. Thank you so much.
you too!!! seriously, best of luck. you deserve the best you seem super cool


Jul 22, 2023
i think i should be able to pm now, how about you?


Shall I linger a little longer?
Nov 19, 2023
My apologies for joining the discussion a little late, but I really related to your experience, and I wanted to share my thoughts on this matter.

I am so sorry that have to feel this way. I understand where you're coming from as far as family goes. I know that a lot of people here have significant familial issues that have contributed to their suicidal tendencies. My family isn't perfect, of course, but they are good people, and I would like to think that they care about me; It makes it so much harder to just let go, though, and I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing. And, I don't know about you, but it makes me feel obscenely guilty for having these problems in the first place.

As far as your difficult relationship with this girl goes, I have some thoughts from the inverse side. It is evident that you really value her and treat her well, so I see why it could be so difficult to understand why she won't consider you as a partner. In the light of her behavior, as related by you, I would like to present a few options of what her reasoning might be (as I am also a female and I might understand her way of thinking in a different light). However, I would only recommend reading these next few points if you are still intent on pursuing her. I completely understand if you have given up, and I find no fault in you if this is the case.

1) She is currently seeing/longing for another person. This would present a really difficult situation for you, as it would mean that you would either have to compete for her love or let her go, assuming that her relationship with another lasts.
2) She may not be attracted to you. Although I have to present this as an option for the sake of frankness, I find it highly unlikely as she has seemingly displayed affection toward you in the past. However, it is feasible that she may be more focused on her education right now, and she might simply feel that the time is not right. In this case, you could wait until she has achieved her educational goals.
3) She has experienced something in the past that has caused her to have difficulty committing to a relationship with another human. If this is the case, and it seems likely that it very well may be, I would encourage you to simply treat her with love, patience, and kindness; don't pressure her excessively to move forward with the relationship. However, combine this with charming her, and make her feel that she is worth it (if you feel comfortable doing that).

I know you may have already attempted/considered a lot of these things, so I am sorry if I just shared a bunch of redundant tips. It could be something else entirely from what options I have presented. I only shared from my own experience because I have a friend who has been pursuing me for a while. Though he's made it clear that he likes me, I haven't allowed him any closer. He's a nice person, he really is, but I have my reasons which I use to justify pushing him away, cruel as it might seem. It's not because I have feelings for someone else, and it's not because I am attracted to a different sexual orientation (I am a straight female). No, it's because I don't think he, or anyone else for that matter, deserves to suffer through being in a romantic relationship with me. I have a lot of scars from self-harm on my arms, and they haven't stopped growing in number and severity since I developed this habit to cope. No one knows about them except me, and God, I suppose, since I choose to believe in Him. Imagine how shocked my friend would be if we took it further and he saw my scars that I have tried so hard to cover up. I would be utterly mortified. He doesn't even know that I'm depressed and don't really wish to be alive anymore. And I know he wants children someday, and I do too, but I quite literally am incapable of doing so (I have amenorrhea for whatever reason and have never even had my mentrual cycle even though I should have by now). Maybe it's selfish of me to assume that he wouldn't accept me despite my many failings; but I know that I don't deserve him, and I want him to find someone better than me. I feel so guilty that he might think that am leading him on, but I really don't want to cut off ties with him completely, so our friendship continues. I tell you this because I want you to know that she might have problems of her own that she is overcoming, or trying to anyways, and you might not have a clue about it, as painful as that might be to hear.

So, ultimately, I leave you with this: I know that her happiness might be your first priority, but don't let you dedication to her leech away your own joy, if it hasn't already. I know this is easier said than done. However, if you want to let go of her but find it impossible to do so, there are other ways. Though it might seem like you will always feel pain and sadness if she chooses never to accept you romantically, I know that, if you are willing, you can overcome this in time. I am so sorry for your pain, and I hope I helped you feel better even just a little bit.

*Sorry this is soooo very long! I got overly involved in the subject matter. If anyone read to the end, I applaud you ;) 👏
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