
Jan 23, 2021
A response to the idea that humanity a "cancer", or a "curse":

"It is irrational codes of ethics above all else that feed the malevolent-universe attitude in people and lead to the syndrome eloquently expressed by the philosopher Schopenhauer: 'Whatever one may say, the happiest moment of the happy man is the moment of his falling asleep, and the unhappiest moment of the unhappy that of his waking. Human life must be some kind of mistake.'

"Now there is certainly 'some kind of mistake' here. But it's not life. It's the kind of philosophies used to wreck man—to make him incapable of living—philosophies, I may say, which are perfectly exemplified by the ideas of Schopenhauer."

[Leonard Peikoff, "The Philosophy of Objectivism" lecture series (1976), Lecture 8.]

Ayn Rand; Harry Binswanger. The Ayn Rand lexicon: objectivism from A to Z (Kindle Locations 5519-5521). Meridian.

Whatever valid reasons one may have for suicide, the world itself is too good, (and humanity itself has down its own good), to surrender to the misanthropes, or to those Thanos-worshipping nihilists (some on this very forum!) who call for the genocide of all humanity. Not without a fight.
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