
Jul 9, 2024
I'm just curious how the SaSu community feels about this topic.

I know exit international won't support people with mental issues but at what point does
anyone with compassion understand that mental health is a major reason why people want to end their life.

I personally suffer from emotional disorders and come off as immature to others, and have ruined my life in so many ways its upside to even think about.

People will say you can't commit suicide for being stupid, but honestly, if I have a mental disorder that is the cause of my suffering, shouldn't that be justification for wanting a humane way to end my life?

For many, even at their lowest points life can get better, but mine will only get worse because of stupid decisions I made in my 20s, which I know deep down come from my emotional ineptitude.

What hurts tho is that when I bring this up with family members, they just brush it off and don't want to talk to me.

There really is no support for being depressed and wanting to end ones life. Maybe I could try therapy again but honestly it's too late. When I did see a therapist in my 20s, I said I wanted to change who I was, and their response was so do it.

For most functioning people, this is a no brainer, but I honestly couldn't get past my own grandiosity and realize I'm the problem.

I know I'm the source of my problems, but at what point do we force people who are truly suffering from mental health conditions to keep living?

Suicide is a tricky subject, and I don't live in a state that has a death by dignity law, but even if I did I wouldn't qualify because I'm deemed not mentally competent.

All I want is a humane way out of my problems, but the topic is so taboo my voice will never be heard.

My family says they don't want me to die but they also don't talk to me anymore, and deep down I feel like he same way about myself. I don't like who I am as a person, and know I could end up dying on the streets soon.

When I bring this up, everyone in my family gets quiet. Suicide is bad, but dying in the streets is "sorry about your luck".

I'm not mentally competent to choose to end my life, but I'm supposed to be able to take care of myself against all odds.

That to me is the cruelest twist: deep down I know I'm a broken individual and have made bad choices that are slowly hurting me even worse, but honestly have to hide my emotions because no one wants to hear about suicide.

I just want a humane death where I can stop being a burden to my family and slowly let go of the fact to knowing I'm not liked not will ever be. I'm just a shitty human being unable to end my life because there is no viable options.

I've never owned a gun and I tried to CTB with argon and an exit bag that didn't work. I could hang myself but the thought of suffocating for 7 minutes stops me from doing it.

I'm running out of time before things get to the point where I can't physically end my life, and if I die outside in the winter, will sadly know there were better ways to go than this.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
To be honest, it annoys me in general that doctors get to decide on whether our circumstances are dire enough for us to be given a humane exit. I don't suppose all people with chronic physical illnesses are accepted either.

That's not to say I don't think there should be some gatekeeping. I suspect it is possible for a person to commit suicide impulsively or while psychotic. I definitely think there needs to be assessment of the person and a waiting period. That they need to be able to communicate why they think dying is their best option. It's obvious to me that you are able to do that. I don't think the presence of a mental illness means that a person is incapable of assessing their own situation. Of course, their view on it could be negatively skewed but, that could be gently suggested to them.

I suppose what I would like to see is- that person being properly listened to. I'm sure ideation can be a symptom of things like depression. So then, it does become a case of- what has that person tried to combat it? Are they aware of all the treatments open to them? Where I probably differ to more pro-life people though is- I firmly believe it should be up to the individual whether they want to try these 'treatments'. I believe people suffering with mental illness should have as much right to turn down treatment as those suffering with physical ailments. Within reason of course- if they truly are psychotic and acting violently towards others and themselves and seemingly unable to understand or communicate, I guess treatment has to be forced in that case. But, for the less extreme forms of mental illness, I can't say I trust some of the treatments! Some people on here are worse off for being on certain drugs. Even some therapies have left some people worse off. Not to say people shouldn't try them but, like regular medicine, they ought to be made aware of the risks and given the freedom to choose.

I hold an even more unpopular opinion that even healthy people ought to be given access to assisted suicide if they can demonstrate sound mind. Otherwise- we're pretty much slaves. If we don't want to stay here- why should others insist that we do? To fulfil their needs.

I know it's unlikely to happen though. Perhaps severe, debilitating mental illness will one day be accepted as just cause for assisted suicide. I doubt they'll ever let 'healthy' people have access to it unless something drastically changes.
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Jul 9, 2024
To be honest, it annoys me in general that doctors get to decide on whether our circumstances are dire enough for us to be given a humane exit. I don't suppose all people with chronic physical illnesses are accepted either.

That's not to say I don't think there should be some gatekeeping. I suspect it is possible for a person to commit suicide impulsively or while psychotic. I definitely think there needs to be assessment of the person and a waiting period. That they need to be able to communicate why they think dying is their best option. It's obvious to me that you are able to do that. I don't think the presence of a mental illness means that a person is incapable of assessing their own situation. Of course, their view on it could be negatively skewed but, that could be gently suggested to them.

I suppose what I would like to see is- that person being properly listened to. I'm sure ideation can be a symptom of things like depression. So then, it does become a case of- what has that person tried to combat it? Are they aware of all the treatments open to them? Where I probably differ to more pro-life people though is- I firmly believe it should be up to the individual whether they want to try these 'treatments'. I believe people suffering with mental illness should have as much right to turn down treatment as those suffering with physical ailments. Within reason of course- if they truly are psychotic and acting violently towards others and themselves and seemingly unable to understand or communicate, I guess treatment has to be forced in that case. But, for the less extreme forms of mental illness, I can't say I trust some of the treatments! Some people on here are worse off for being on certain drugs. Even some therapies have left some people worse off. Not to say people shouldn't try them but, like regular medicine, they ought to be made aware of the risks and given the freedom to choose.

I hold an even more unpopular opinion that even healthy people ought to be given access to assisted suicide if they can demonstrate sound mind. Otherwise- we're pretty much slaves. If we don't want to stay here- why should others insist that we do? To fulfil their needs.

I know it's unlikely to happen though. Perhaps severe, debilitating mental illness will one day be accepted as just cause for assisted suicide. I doubt they'll ever let 'healthy' people have access to it unless something drastically changes.
I know in Belgium mental illness can qualify for euthanasia, but sadly that's the only country I know of.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's so dreadful to me how there's all this suffering, I personally find it so painful and cruel how there's the absence of painless ways to die in peace, I'm sorry you have to suffer. But anyway I wish you the best.
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