Sleeper System
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- May 5, 2022
- 806
I came across a video where this man was talking about a hardship of life with people that are currently entering late adulthood that no one talks about or prepares for. He was talking about how we're under a financial pressure unlike the previous one.
How we work to support ourselves, then we have children and we support them. At the same time that they're presumably starting college and we're working to pay for it, our parents start getting sick. Then we're put in this position where we begin a chain of dept in the later stages of our lives trying to balance everything and we end up dying in that debt and it creates this cycle of generational poverty.
You're probably wondering what that has to do with anything and the answer is simple. One of my main sources of deep depression is financial stability. Coming from poverty, it really turns my stomach hearing this sort of thing and my thoughts keep me awake at night.
Anyway, he was talking about how people should invest in things that prepare for the inevitable things in life. Seems like common sense but everyone always waits until its too late.
The one good choice in that equation that I feel ive made is not having children. Its sad to think about that too. Having no one to mourn or care for you when you're older. Being one of those old people with no one that nurses and onlookers pity.
What an awesome future I have to look forward to, huh?
I read that if someone dies and nobody claims them that the state has to take care of everything. The idea of not being able to afford proper burial and having to officially claim no connection to loved one just so they can be taken care of seems like a huge betrayal. but not alot of options when you have no money so it is what it is.
How we work to support ourselves, then we have children and we support them. At the same time that they're presumably starting college and we're working to pay for it, our parents start getting sick. Then we're put in this position where we begin a chain of dept in the later stages of our lives trying to balance everything and we end up dying in that debt and it creates this cycle of generational poverty.
You're probably wondering what that has to do with anything and the answer is simple. One of my main sources of deep depression is financial stability. Coming from poverty, it really turns my stomach hearing this sort of thing and my thoughts keep me awake at night.
Anyway, he was talking about how people should invest in things that prepare for the inevitable things in life. Seems like common sense but everyone always waits until its too late.
The one good choice in that equation that I feel ive made is not having children. Its sad to think about that too. Having no one to mourn or care for you when you're older. Being one of those old people with no one that nurses and onlookers pity.
What an awesome future I have to look forward to, huh?
I read that if someone dies and nobody claims them that the state has to take care of everything. The idea of not being able to afford proper burial and having to officially claim no connection to loved one just so they can be taken care of seems like a huge betrayal. but not alot of options when you have no money so it is what it is.