

Aug 9, 2023
Hello everyone.

Every time I apply for a job and there are other candidates around me in the waiting room the result is always the same: I am not hired.

I can't be a freelance or have my own business now and I have no contacts so to make a living here is very hard for me, if I am currently working it is because I get it by chance or by miracle, they desperately needed people at that precise moment and that's why I managed to get in. That's the only way you know, they didn't really want me, they just needed to fill jobs urgently. So do I have to be grateful for working so many hours in order to make a living? What will happen if I lose this job?

Meanwhile I recently applied for a job in another country for earn a living there, just in case, because there are more opportunities in that country but after intensive online interviews the answer was that they hired another candidate.

So if you had a bad life but you want to keep fighting for x reason and if you end up with this problem, why fight so hard? Because they are pushing you towards a precipice, can't we all fit in this society?

There are many people who cannot make a living in any way no matter how qualified they are and have been doing so for years, what do they want these people to do?
I know very well this is one of the main reasons why many people CTB.
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Infinite Solipsist

Infinite Solipsist

Jun 20, 2024
This exact issue will be one of the main deciding factors when I CTB. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you may not be American. I really admire the ability of people from Europe to be able to freely move around to many different countries without incurring debts in order to just travel for work opportunities. As far as fighting so hard, I choose not to. I've given up. I even went to school for vocational training and that didn't help pull me out of this misery. Naturally, my line of reasoning for why they push you towards the homeless-and-starving precipice is riddled with conspiracy theories that I'm unable to actually substantiate. I wish I could have been born in Norway or Finland instead of this dying empire we call America.
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in the luminous darkness
Jan 31, 2024
I think we give human society too much credit. We assume it's for the benefit of the people living in it, but really, I find it to be a convenience that is tailored to the rich and powerful. I come from a poor country, and by mere circumstance I found myself in America. When I came here, I thought my life would finally be great and have some significant meaning. But what I found was the same corrupt, classist society as the one I came from, only here, they do a better job of concealing it behind money that really doesn't exist. I won't pretend it's not better than where I was, but better and good are more different than the same.

The hoops I have jump through to have job here, are depressing. Clearly, it's not my country, so I know I don't belong. But even where I come from, it feels like a death trap. Your words kind of sum it up, "why fight so hard? Because they are pushing you towards a precipice, can't we all fit in this society?" yes, exactly. This society churns the weak, different, and unfortunate, then spits them out when they have no will left to live. Then even then, it mocks them by dangling the prospect of a dignified ending from the highest point few can reach.
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Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
I'm having the same issue despite having a BFA (they don't care) and a myriad of skills. I know engineer homies, other seemingly guaranteed fields and they can't even find jobs. My partners mom can't find one. I've applied to hundreds of things, some I have no clue what the job even is. My will is running out FAST. Full Solidarity OP <3 You are not alone in those feelings, trust. Here if you ever want to vent or talk.
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incapable of shutting up
May 2, 2024
Same here. I wish I had advice to give you, but I'd be employed if I did. I'm sorry you're dealing with this too, I know how much it wears a person down 🫂
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Aug 9, 2023
Thank you all for the answers, I am sorry that you also find yourself in such a situation.

I am from Spain, the country with the highest unemployment in Europe. A person close to me has been looking for stable employment for years without getting it and I myself was in that situation some time ago.

btw the media is not interested in communicating the number of people who CTB each year for this or other reasons.
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Jul 23, 2022
It's all a number games and unfortunately the only way to win at one of those is to keep on playing. All it takes is one person in charge of hiring to give you a chance. Seen that way it doesn't seem so daunting.

Te deseo mucho éxito.
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