
God has a sick sense of humor
Aug 20, 2024
If you struggle with something in life there are usually supportive communities, but not really for this problem. (Sure there are some incel websites, but people there are batshit insane and misogynistic). When you try to find guidance on how to find girlfriend you either get somebody taking advantage of you, telling you that you are lazy looser and need to go to sigma grindset and trying to sell you their stupid course. Or you get people to tell you that relationships aren't important and you shouldn't base your self worth on it (if it was so easy tho, your brain is designed to do so).

Loneliness sucks, sexlessness sucks and it can really fuck up someone's psyche. And you feel like you are missing out becuse everyone is advertising how great sex and love is. Literally every song is about one or the other. And if you try to complain a bit, they label you an incel, which is like a third most hated thing ever right after pedophiles and hitler, so you are done for😂.

In my case I'm asperger with adhd and I find talking to girls incredibly difficult, I tried to get help, I've spent all highschool trying to improve social skills and I tried to find some type of therapy that could help, but got nothing. Because who cares about it anyways, I should just accept that I don't deserve anyone and try to contribute to the society with all my effort so that people who do deserve it can have even better life, I should also stop complaining ang smile i guess. Why should I have a girlfriend, after all I'm a lesser being compared to neurotypicals, because unlike them half of my brain is not dedicated to status signaling. I guess my fauly genes should die with me😂.

In short I really hate this world and can't wait to leave it. Why would a loving God ever allow for this kind of suffering. And society doesn't give a shit about people like me. Sorry for my rant, but I needed to take this off my chest.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I see people talking about the "male loneliness epidemic" all the time on Reddit. I find it's mostly men who have barely tried talking to women complaining about how they can't get girlfriends. At least you have autism as an excuse, I can see how that complicates things. It's unfortunate that crazy incels going on killing sprees kinda zapped everyone's empathy for guys who can't get laid.
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Aug 13, 2024
If you ever go to Vegas... pm me. I Iived in a casino a couple years. I know things. If you're truly a virgin id recommend a Vegas prostitute its legal there. On the strip it's 100% legal. In any hotel its 100% legal. And you are guaranteed privacy.

Sorry bro that sucks. Go to Amsterdam or Japan.
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New Member
Aug 30, 2024
I have been a virgin for almost 30 years (27 to be exact).
The people around me... probably suspected it, because I never talked about sex. I was very ashamed about it.

I too do not like (to use an euphemism, let's say i profoundly do not like!) incel culture... there are good women and bad women as there are good men and bed men; they too suffer, they too struggle relationally. I perfectly know that the lack of sex in my first three decades has been due to my relational issues, not due to something evil in other people.

Growing up, I found some people that clicked. It took a long time, however.
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Dec 25, 2021
You will be okay.
I lost my virginity at 25. My good friend (good looks, great personality) lost hers at 33.
You are not alone. Its just not talked openly about. There is a taboo on being a virgin at a later age. But it is not unheard of.

Some find the one for them at age 15. And some at age 33.

An no I think prostitution is not the answer. It won't fill the void you feel. It is empty sex.
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concupiscent soul
Jun 5, 2024
just wanted to let you know that your problems are extremely valid. some are more socially compatible for entering into commitments, which involve sex, than others. i myself am an individual who will probably never have sex on this basis.
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Jan 1, 2024
I slept around a lot in my 20s . Sex isnt that great its a temporary high. Its only good with someone you care about and even then its so temporary
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