

Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
I've been on so many medications and nothing has been beneficial. The majority have had no effect what so ever. I'm mainly struggling with BPD, OCD and currently experiencing psychosis. I'm on a long wait list for therapy. I really want to CTB soon but until then I need something to take the edge off. Are there any herbal medicines, otc, or recommendations for meds that will help? I'm desperate.

I've tried fluoxetine, Sertraline, Miratazpine, Trazadone, quetiapine, citalopram, and now I'm currently on aripriprazole for the psychosis but no effect other than sleepiness.
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Your RX drugs are likely your real problem
Nov 4, 2019
Depending on how many meds you were on at once, how long you were on them, and how you were tappered off. You could have psychiatric drug induced psychosis. If that is the case your brain just needs a lot of time to heal.

You could also really benefit from a doctor that is willing to look for physical reasons or diseases that may be causing your symptoms.
I would get a complete blood work up with all vitamins and minerals , as well as a thyroid test, and if you live in an area with tics or heavy mosquitoes, a Lyme test could not hurt either.

Also a parasite and candida / yeast test should be done.

Everyone reacts to herbs differently , it really depends on what symptoms are your most troubling. Here are some alternative herbal options.

It's a great resource thanks to @Sensei for putting it together
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Sep 16, 2019
Unfortunately I'm not sure what medications are helpful for psychosis but I know that with some people it takes a combo of meds to have any affect. I had a severe hypomanic/mixed episode and now take three medications to keep it at bay. Nothing will touch my "depression" because it is not "chemical" but rather situational due to chronic pain and the fallout.

I have heard of St. John's Wort and 5-HTP helping people which mental health issues/serotonin shit but St. John's Wort I know for sure can interact with Bipolar Disorder which often comes with psychosis so l would look into that. Kratom is legal and used for pain but I have also heard it can help with anxiety. I'm not going to get into CBD because it's hyped so much as a cure all for everything I'm amost thinking it's the snake oil of our generation.

Good luck to you and I hope your wait with a therapist speeds up. That must be so frustrating.
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May 31, 2019
Xanax helped me a lot, but it's rarely prescribed because of tolerance. I went from being obsessed with suicide to feeling more at ease and relaxed in life. Unfortunately my doctor wouldn't prescribed so I had to get other ways and I'm out of supply atm.
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Jun 5, 2019
Sometimes combining two antipsychotics works better. The combo of rexulti and Seroquel worked quite well for me. I find meds help mostly with psychosis, mania but not so much depression or anxiety. Just my experience.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
I'm the same tried a lot of different meds but none work. Every time I go to my GP he just fobs me with a new one and when I go home and google it has no relation whatsoever to my symptoms. It's so frustrating. Plus I'd say all of them with the exception of amitriptyline are not strong at all. They're useless.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
The problem with medications is that they only do so much, they don't really cure mental health but are meant to make certain aspects of it more manageable. I currently take antidepressants, antipsychotics and sleeping tablets for BPD, self injury disorder and GAD. It's helped reduce my paranoia and lifted some of the fog a little, but it's not cured anything.
I've heard people microdosing on certain drugs helped, but be careful, if you're already paranoid certain things can make it worse.
Also, you should ask for DBT as it's better for BPD then CBT is apparently. But I guess it won't hurt to try both. Good luck and I hope you get some relief.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I've been on so many medications and nothing has been beneficial. The majority have had no effect what so ever. I'm mainly struggling with BPD, OCD and currently experiencing psychosis. I'm on a long wait list for therapy. I really want to CTB soon but until then I need something to take the edge off. Are there any herbal medicines, otc, or recommendations for meds that will help? I'm desperate.

I've tried fluoxetine, Sertraline, Miratazpine, Trazadone, quetiapine, citalopram, and now I'm currently on aripriprazole for the psychosis but no effect other than sleepiness.
I hate to break it to u. Psychiatry is a fraudulent practice. It's not surprising the meds are not curing u. The problem likely is that u had been wounded in childhood. Most mental health problems come from not having your needs met as a child correctly including depression and anxiety. If u had inconsistent care givers in the first 2 to 4 years of life u will have attachment problems and invisible wounds. You will likely not understand why u feel so bad. Human beings are very fragile in the first years of life but the mothers of more recent generations especially are dropping kids off very early w strangers which causes psychological problems later. Also if your mother is working in those early years this really impacts your development. You need mom to be around pretty much 24/7 in the first 4 or 5 years. If your mother had BPD or Narcissistic pd u are at risk of developing the same issues.
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Sep 16, 2019
I hate to break it to u. Psychiatry is a fraudulent practice. It's not surprising the meds are not curing u. The problem likely is that u had been wounded in childhood. Most mental health problems come from not having your needs met as a child correctly including depression and anxiety. If u had inconsistent care givers in the first 2 to 4 years of life u will have attachment problems and invisible wounds. You will likely not understand why u feel so bad. Human beings are very fragile in the first years of life but the mothers of more recent generations especially are dropping kids off very early w strangers which causes psychological problems later. Also if your mother is working in those early years this really impacts your development. You need mom to be around pretty much 24/7 in the first 4 or 5 years. If your mother had BPD or Narcissistic pd u are at risk of developing the same issues.
im honestly questioning this myself. I know most "personality disorders" are caused by childhood trauma and parts of your brain not developing right in your formative years. But what about so called "mood disorders"? I question my mild bipolar disorder. I have periods of extreme anxiety and "depression" not euphoric hypomania at all. I'm "depressed" and should be medicated for it because I have chronic pain that made my entire life fall apart? You can't medicate that shit away. Depression is usually a NATURAL HUMAN EMOTION to shitty life circumstances. I need my night meds - I can't sleep without them because I'm DEPENDANT. I think my severe anxiety and (anxiety related) insomnia is the result of never having it addressed through therapy or proper human interaction when it began to present in early childhood. My parents swept it under the rug even though it's fucked up when a 8 year is up all night panicking about the upcoming day. My parents were emotionally unavailable and oftentimes just mean and I never felt safe opening up to the or asking for help. The schools never intervened because it was a different time and a private religious school. Nowadays teachers would intervene and guidance counsellors are available. I often wonder if these issues had been addressed when they began if they would have spiralled as out of control as they did. I'm going to guess not.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
It took me a long time to find the proper meds. Do not give up. Wellbutrin has worked for me.
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Dec 10, 2019
It's good your being proactive in trying to improve your situation. Yeah I think you could find the right pharma drugs still somehow as Jean says if you carry on going. Hope your CBT goes well.

I use herbs and mindfulness meditation for mental well being, it works nicely for me, although requires a bit of work and isn't for everyone. Ashwagandha is one of the best herbs for the mind generally, that can help calm things down a lot, everyone I think should know about this herb. I take root powder capsules of that from amazon. Might be worth looking into as well as the material you were linked to by Sensei. I could talk a lot about mindfulness, but I feel you should easily be able to find out about that if you want.

I did get drug induced psychosis in my 20s and over the years learnt to live with it and it doesn't really bother me much anymore. No more drugs for me, think I may have gone a bit overboard with that one, haha.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I'm sorry guys if I diss meds. If u find something that helps u than it's a good thing. I've just never really noticed much difference in my life on any meds I tried and some made me suicidal. You just need to really pay attention when u try a new med. Don't keep taking something if u feel really off, stop as soon as u feel that something is not right. Trust your gut. I'm already suicidal lol! I mean the meds made me actively suicidal.
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May 31, 2019
Potent CBD OIL?
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
I'm sorry guys if I diss meds. If u find something that helps u than it's a good thing. I've just never really noticed much difference in my life on any meds I tried and some made me suicidal. You just need to really pay attention when u try a new med. Don't keep taking something if u feel really off, stop as soon as u feel that something is not right. Trust your gut. I'm already suicidal lol! I mean the meds made me actively suicidal.
Meds work differently for anybody. Not just psych meds. For the past 3 years, my pulmonologist has been trying to find an asthma med that works. We are still questing.
Potent CBD OIL?
CBD never worked for me. It's a miracle drug for others. It is worth a try.
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Nov 4, 2019
L0ne1ygh0st, it might be a good thing to do what APharmaDestroyedLife suggests. Suprisingly often, mental health issues turn out to be physical. For instance, temporary brain damage can make you exhibit behaviour typical for bipolar disorder.

According to what I've read about your disorders, which admittedly isn't that much, there isn't really any proof to suggest that there are any medicines that have any real effect on BPD (I assume you mean borderline and not bipolar), and as I understand it, the primary treatment of OCD is CBT, not medicines. In other words, I believe that it probably would be better for you to get therapy instead of medicines. I'm no psychiatrist, though. As you already have noticed, there are many members who have BPD, and they probably have valuable advice to offer you.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
L0ne1ygh0st, it might be a good thing to do what APharmaDestroyedLife suggests. Suprisingly often, mental health issues turn out to be physical. For instance, temporary brain damage can make you exhibit behaviour typical for bipolar disorder.

According to what I've read about your disorders, which admittedly isn't that much, there isn't really any proof to suggest that there are any medicines that have any real effect on BDP (I assume you mean borderline and not bipolar), and as I understand it, the primary treatment of OCD is CBT, not medicines. In other words, I believe that it probably would be better for you to get therapy instead of medicines. I'm no psychiatrist, though. As you already have noticed, there are many members who have BDP, and they probably have valuable advice to offer you.
Lots of love @Sensei and good afternoon.
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Nov 14, 2019
Just to echo what the other members here are saying, keep trying. You never know, you may find a new medication that helps - not necessarily cures, but helps - that could make all the difference.

As always, both @Sensei and @APharmaDestroyedLife both offer very sound advice, which I would seriously heed if I were you.
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Memento mori
Oct 1, 2019
Thank you all for your suggestions. I will look into some of them and I'll also book in to see my doctor about the possible physical reasons.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
Thank you all for your suggestions. I will look into some of them and I'll also book in to see my doctor about the possible physical reasons.
You do that, and please keep us up to date. :)
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Deleted member 13227

Deleted member 13227

Good night
Dec 21, 2019
I've been on so many medications and nothing has been beneficial. The majority have had no effect what so ever. I'm mainly struggling with BPD, OCD and currently experiencing psychosis. I'm on a long wait list for therapy. I really want to CTB soon but until then I need something to take the edge off. Are there any herbal medicines, otc, or recommendations for meds that will help? I'm desperate.

I've tried fluoxetine, Sertraline, Miratazpine, Trazadone, quetiapine, citalopram, and now I'm currently on aripriprazole for the psychosis but no effect other than sleepiness.
I have a lot of panic attacks and Obsessive thoughts/thinking , weed helps me a lot. I feel so good in the afternoon after a morning joint.
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In my beginning is my end.
Aug 25, 2019
I have a lot of panic attacks and Obsessive thoughts/thinking , weed helps me a lot. I feel so good in the afternoon after a morning joint.
I agree. Weed's helped me more than any pill, & I've pretty much taken them all over the last 18 years. Everybody's different of course.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
I agree. Weed's helped me more than any pill, & I've pretty much taken them all over the last 18 years. Everybody's different of course.
I'm on Wellbutrin and medical marijuana. That combination works for me.
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In my beginning is my end.
Aug 25, 2019
My psychiatrist once told me 3% of mental patients don't respond to meds or therapy at all & I could be one of those people. Sounded like horseshit then & still sounds like it. It never stopped him from making me a new appointment every month.

I agree with @Final Escape on this one. These guys are professional crooks, all they care about is money. If you don't believe me stop paying them and you'll see the sad truth.
I'm on Wellbutrin and medical marijuana. That combination works for me.
I dearly wish I could get prescribed medical marijuana because I know I'd benefit from it but alas I'm in one of those states where medical marijuana is illegal.
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