

Nov 24, 2019
I'm so tired of people giving me spiritual or metaphysical answers to fix clinical depression when I didn't ask for it. It's already hard to reach out to people irl because I feel like such an absolute burden, it makes it 10x harder to do it when I come back feeling even worse.

I'm not trying to come after anyone who's religious- really, I'm glad that people have found something that makes sense to them and brings comfort in this shitty world- but that doesn't resonate with me, and I wasn't asking to be converted to whatever in the first place. I get that it comes from a good place too, I get that that's what the person feels they can offer at that moment, but that's not helpful to me because I never asked for it. And even trying to have that conversation means one side is going to feel hurt and invalidated for their beliefs, which really just makes things worse for everyone.

Sometimes you just need to be seen as a human being for what you're going through, especially when you have a chronic mental illness that will most likely never go away, and has never been even slightly affected by people praying over me or sending good vibes. My life is a cycle of maintenance to hold on to life, and that maintenance will not suddenly become obsolete if I accept Jesus, or "open my 3rd eye", or starting going to church again, or have reiki done, or whatever else we hold on to to try to find some inherent order in this world where I don't believe there is any.

Besides, doesn't everything just boil down to "faith" that it'll work? It doesn't seem to matter if it's a more traditional religion or new-agey. Let's say for a moment I can actually suspend my disbelief- if I still even slightly question whether it will do anything for me, it won't do anything for me, based on the fact that I believe on some level it won't do anything for me. It's just a waste of time and frustration for everyone involved, and isn't sympathetic to my needs. I just wish people understood this.
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Apr 26, 2020
I think this is a touchy subject.. even for SS forum. It is a good one nonetheless in my opinion.
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
i understand. i wish people would stop forcing their ideas onto other people. i understand and appreciate the sentiment behind "praying for you", but it still makes me uncomfortable nonetheless. since i don't believe in any god, prayers are of no use to me. i'd rather hear the stereotypical "i'm here if you ever want to talk".
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emptiness —> nothingness
Sep 15, 2020
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?
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Dreamless Sleep

Dreamless Sleep

The eternal night before chaos...
Feb 1, 2020
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?

My response when people say things like that is always "well if god does exist, he made me this way".
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Your Orange Crush
Mar 7, 2020
I always remember those infamous studies of prayer whereby it was found that hospital patients going in for an operation were more likely to die or have worse outcomes if they had received a prayer beforehand... Nothing particularly mysterious at play, just psychology; but it's a good lesson in the potential sensitivities of imposing your beliefs on someone (innocently or otherwise).
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Sep 1, 2020
I live in mormon country. You have no idea how many times I've been offered a blessing by the priesthood. I wish I had more eyes to roll.
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Dec 26, 2019
I agree. I have no problem with religious people, as long as they don't force their beliefs on me.
Praying and going to church won't fix my problems, can't people see that?
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Apr 26, 2020
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?

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Aug 8, 2020
as we speak, Mankind is worshiping 330,000,000+ gods. That number comes from the total number of Hindu gods. To chose the "correct" god out of 330+ million would be next to impossible, wouldn't it? all of Man's gods are equal, since none of them have any known evidence to back 'em up. Worrying about Man's made-up gods is beyond absurd.
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Aug 21, 2019
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?

He doesn't, and I am 100% of that.
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Jul 14, 2020
'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?
Ask her where she got her evidence that there is such a thing as hell, let alone evidence for god, let alone evidence that god sends 'souls' to hell if they suicide.

The latter is an invention by Augustine, a repressed 4th century algerian theologian with sadomasochistic tendencies (there is nothing in the bible which explicitly condemns suicide), the former is an invention by the church to control its congregation through fear and intimidation (based on greek and jewish myths like hades and sheol (which weren't actually places of eternal torture, more like temporary shadowy abodes of the underworld)), and 'god' itself is an egotistical projection and sublimation of the basest tendencies of the human psyche which are then reified and made infinite.

It's all a load of manmade crock.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?
Did you ask her for his phone number because I have grievances, if she gives it to you can you please pass it on to me.
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Nov 24, 2019
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?
Jfc... I'm so sorry your own mother said that to you.

I've stopped trying to have conversations with religious people like that. I'm sure there are some true godly people out there, but imo they're being drowned out by highly conspicuous, continued hypocrisy. Take, for example, the evangelical preacher in my family. When my dad killed himself, he decided he'd rather go to a gun show 2 states over than support us. He's also cheated on both of his wives. And this "man of god" then has the audacity to suggest that my dad wouldn't have ctb'd if his faith was stronger. Even if there was a heaven, I'm supposed to believe that he's gonna end up there, and my dad isn't because he couldn't take it anymore??? What absolute fucking bullshit.

Of course, this is just my own experience and bias, but most of my interactions growing up have been similar.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, those kind of ppl are certainly annoying.
Anyway, if they magically brainwashed me and made believe there's an afterlife, I'd CTB faster without a doubt.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?
Just ask her where in the Bible does it say that. There were a few people who committed suicide and yet it never said these people were sent to hell. The word hell was mistranslated from Sheol (the grave) Gehenna (the place where children were sacrificed) and Hades the realm of the dead. So what "hell" is she talking about?

I find it disgusting that she would respond to your pain with a threat from a fairy tale character instead of actually trying to help you.
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Aug 21, 2019
as we speak, Mankind is worshiping 330,000,000+ gods. That number comes from the total number of Hindu gods. To chose the "correct" god out of 330+ million would be next to impossible, wouldn't it? all of Man's gods are equal, since none of them have any known evidence to back 'em up. Worrying about Man's made-up gods is beyond absurd.

Well, too be perfectly fair not all of those gods are supposedly equal in power.

Anway, I'm dying to know, what is the most obscure hindu god? The god of sporks?
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Aug 6, 2020
I'm so tired of people giving me spiritual or metaphysical answers to fix clinical depression when I didn't ask for it. It's already hard to reach out to people irl because I feel like such an absolute burden, it makes it 10x harder to do it when I come back feeling even worse.

I'm not trying to come after anyone who's religious- really, I'm glad that people have found something that makes sense to them and brings comfort in this shitty world- but that doesn't resonate with me, and I wasn't asking to be converted to whatever in the first place. I get that it comes from a good place too, I get that that's what the person feels they can offer at that moment, but that's not helpful to me because I never asked for it. And even trying to have that conversation means one side is going to feel hurt and invalidated for their beliefs, which really just makes things worse for everyone.

Sometimes you just need to be seen as a human being for what you're going through, especially when you have a chronic mental illness that will most likely never go away, and has never been even slightly affected by people praying over me or sending good vibes. My life is a cycle of maintenance to hold on to life, and that maintenance will not suddenly become obsolete if I accept Jesus, or "open my 3rd eye", or starting going to church again, or have reiki done, or whatever else we hold on to to try to find some inherent order in this world where I don't believe there is any.

Besides, doesn't everything just boil down to "faith" that it'll work? It doesn't seem to matter if it's a more traditional religion or new-agey. Let's say for a moment I can actually suspend my disbelief- if I still even slightly question whether it will do anything for me, it won't do anything for me, based on the fact that I believe on some level it won't do anything for me. It's just a waste of time and frustration for everyone involved, and isn't sympathetic to my needs. I just wish people understood this.
"I'll pray for you"

"I'm not going to spend time talking with you or doing anything practical to see if I can help. I'm going to appeal to a higher authority that I don't know even exists to do this work for me, while still being able to feel good about myself".

Sorry, I can be very black and white on these issues.
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Mar 31, 2020
I completely agree. Personally, I'm a very spiritual person. I don't post much about it on SS because I don't feel it's relevant to the topic at hand, but I have many spiritual practices, faith in higher powers, etc. Spirituality infuses my life with a sense of meaning and purpose that's kept me hanging on through the darkness, but it's NEVER taken away my suicidal thoughts. It can't. My brain has been wired through agony and repetition to respond to life in certain ways. No amount of prayer or faith will re-wire that. It can't. Anyone who tells you otherwise is sadly misinformed, but maybe they do mean well when they say it.
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Oct 31, 2018
God is dead - he killed himself. The universe is his rotting body. And the goal of everything is to die and achieve the perfect state of nonexistence.änder

Next time someone starts talking about religion tell them that xD
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Nov 24, 2019
Yeah, those kind of ppl are certainly annoying.
Anyway, if they magically brainwashed me and made believe there's an afterlife, I'd CTB faster without a doubt.
I've had this exact thought. If you knew definitively that eternal happiness was waiting for you, why wouldn't you just go ahead and leave? Why would you prolong your existence when everything you've experienced here, everything that's ever hurt you, is all pretty much pointless?

I completely agree. Personally, I'm a very spiritual person. I don't post much about it on SS because I don't feel it's relevant to the topic at hand, but I have many spiritual practices, faith in higher powers, etc. Spirituality infuses my life with a sense of meaning and purpose that's kept me hanging on through the darkness, but it's NEVER taken away my suicidal thoughts. It can't. My brain has been wired through agony and repetition to respond to life in certain ways. No amount of prayer or faith will re-wire that. It can't. Anyone who tells you otherwise is sadly misinformed, but maybe they do mean well when they say it.
I wish more people had this mindset. Sometimes I wish I was still spiritual for that exact reason. When I still believed in something, I felt cared for by the universe and that everything I was going through, no matter how horrible, had a purpose. When depression first started to creep up on me, it personally didn't make the darkness more bearable, but it did give it some meaning.

The problem is when people try to share their faith to stroke their own ego, instead of being interested in actually helping the person. Any time someone gets angry at you for simply not agreeing, rather than being empathetic, you know what side they're on. It's a pretty efficient litmus test actually.
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Apr 26, 2020
The problem is when people try to share their faith to stroke their own ego, instead of being interested in actually helping the person.

This can usually be detected from miles away when people do this sort of thing, even going beyond religiosity when they are trying to help someone.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
The year was 1986 I was still a child, I am from Indian descent and born into Hindu family. We came to Europe in 1983. I heard about the tooth fairy during this time. I started losing my baby teeth and decided to put them under my pillow. In the morning the tooth was still there.

Figured out later that this was an illusion where the parents have to be in on it and they take the teeth and leave coin in it's stead.

Religion is also an illusion but on a much grander scale, and more organised.

Also found out the truth about Santa Claus early on, found the guy changing out of his outfit.
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Apr 26, 2020
The year was 1986 I was still a child, I am from Indian descent and born into Hindu family. We came to Europe in 1983. I heard about the tooth fairy during this time. I started losing my baby teeth and decided to put them under my pillow. In the morning the tooth was still there.

Figured out later that this was an illusion where the parents have to be in on it and they take the teeth and leave coin in it's stead.

Religion is also an illusion but on a much grander scale, and more organised.

Also found out the truth about Santa Claus early on, found the guy changing out of his outfit.

My tooth fairy would leave oreo cookies on my window sill (cill) for me when I was younger and losing my baby teeth.

I found out about Sant Clause being a farce when I was only just four years old. I was still in preschool at the time, not even in kindergarten yet. My older sister took me in to the garage and she showed me all of the hidden presents we were going to be receiving. I tried asking if maybe Santa was only storing them there in order to make his trip to our home a little easier on his reindeer. My sister sat me down.. us two kids at 4 and 6 years of age having a discussion with each other.. and she basically told me she did not want me to be deceived and that she wanted me to know the truth. I told my mom and asked for her verification. My mom hesitated with it at first, but then let me know that my older sister was being truthful about it with me. My dad did not budge on it though, and so I went back to my mom and told her.. to make sure she knew my dad still 'believed' in Santa. I wondered if we should go ahead and tell him too.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
My tooth fairy would leave oreo cookies on my window sill (cill) for me when I was younger and losing my baby teeth.

I found out about Sant Clause being a farce when I was only just four years old. I was still in preschool at the time, not even in kindergarten yet. My older sister took me in to the garage and she showed me all of the hidden presents we were going to be receiving. I tried asking if maybe Santa was only storing them there in order to make his trip to our home a little easier on his reindeer. My sister sat me down.. us two kids at 4 and 6 years of age having a discussion with each other.. and she basically told me she did not want me to be deceived and that she wanted me to know the truth. I told my mom and asked for her verification. My mom hesitated with it at first, but then let me know that my older sister was being truthful about it with me. My dad did not budge on it though, and so I went back to my mom and told her.. to make sure she knew my dad still 'believed' in Santa. I wondered if we should go ahead and tell him too.
Pity some adults never grow up they live in Neverland all there lives and try to convert others into doing the same even children grow out religion, tooth fairy and Santa Claus.
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Jul 26, 2020
Religion gives a shelter to a lot of people who seek it.
Not a physical shelter but rather a mental one.
It gives people something to live for, a purpose.
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im infj with bpd=dysfunctional trash
Aug 25, 2020
Religion is mental retardation,pls keep your religion to your programmed father and mother
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Oct 31, 2018
Religion is mental retardation,pls keep your religion to your programmed father and mother
Retardation is a bit harsh, lol, but it really seems to be some kind of a mental illness.
Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
It really is annoying when people think they can magically fix all of your problems by making you believe in a god. To get any benefit out of the belief at all (and by that I mean psychological benefits, not magical healing), you would need to have faith that whatever god you believed in was benevolent and that it cared for you. Believing in gods does no good if you are not convinced of their benevolence.

If you believed in a god that you thought was sadistic, then the god belief would only make you feel worse and I fail to understand how anyone in this world could believe in gods and not reach this kind of conclusion. If gods exist, whether it's just one or many, but do nothing to stop children from being raped, then those gods deserve no respect whatsoever. They are either powerless to do anything (so why call them gods?) or they don't give a shit so no amount of belief in them would be beneficial to me.

I always remember those infamous studies of prayer whereby it was found that hospital patients going in for an operation were more likely to die or have worse outcomes if they had received a prayer beforehand... Nothing particularly mysterious at play, just psychology; but it's a good lesson in the potential sensitivities of imposing your beliefs on someone (innocently or otherwise).

That's interesting that it made them more likely to die or get worse. Could it be performance anxiety? Maybe they start thinking, "These people are praying for me, I MUST get better!" and the extra stress kills them faster.

When I told my mom I felt like I wanted to kill myself she basically said: 'well you better not because you'll go to hell, and if you wanna do it then you better be 100% sure god doesn't exist because he does.' like WTF? How was I even supposed to react to that?

In your situation, I would have probably responded with an equally disrespectful response. I would have wanted to say something along the lines of, "If your god is sadistic enough to torment me forever because I suffered too much to live in this world, then I would rather go to hell than suck his dick in heaven forever. Have fun spending all of eternity on your knees, Sheep."
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