Time and space are intertwined - inseparable.
So , although this doesn't discount the theoretical possibility of infinite recurrence ..
it does stack another layer of complexity to be duplicated.
Now ; pushing the boundaries to say : there may be parallel universes spawned from "our" big bang ..
( maybe the dark matter world ? ) , then , those universes may have some interaction with ours , so
that with each theoretical recurrence EVERY parallel universe has to be identical to seamlessly duplicate our present situation .
At that level of complexity the odds start to fall dramatically.
Now , as a firm Douglas Adams'ian and colander hat wearer , I have always held true to the least likely being the most probable , based on the "share and enjoy" mantra. ( Blue whales do manifest in entirety, hurtling towards "hopefully friendly " planets along with vases of tulips . ( Indisputable.))
But , some would disagree.
I think Nietzsche was bashing on against the conditioning and adjustment inculcation .
( For a regimented Prussian School "die for empire and king " generation , that was a pretty freaky thought.)
( Be an individual ? A what ? We are 'the people' ... we worship god and by default , the king etc.
People were brainwashed into nothingness and grateful for it , because it removed their existential angst .
They lived without the burden of "the self". )
(But maybe this is the fourth or four millionth time I have typed this . )
I think , primarily , that "science" hasn't really even begun to lift the lid on the mysterious shit in our existence.
It probably never will , because certain tools are inappropriate for uncertain problems ?
( I am SO smart .... coincidentally, it is thunder and lightening here , as I type ... for the first time ? )