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Aug 8, 2019
First of all, i have seen that there are similar threads to this one, but none of them explained how to extract nicotine successfully from cigars, cigarrettes, tobacco and chewing tobacco.
Sure, you can take liquid nicotine from e-cigars but that contains a whole lot of other chemicals that are pretty hard to separate, and can make you feel worse afterwards if it doesn't work.
So, for this method you'll need at least 100 grams (3.5 ounces), i'd recommend going for 150 grams (5.2 ounces), if you are a smoker then go for 200+grams (7+ ounces).
15 packs of cigarettes should be more than enough. One thing tho, don't go for cheap packs, they contain less nicotine, you can smell and taste the difference between a good and a bad cigarette.
I went for the good old chesterfield:
No more than 20$ dollars, each pack had 20 cigarettes.
Other thing that might help you, get some travel sickness tablets (2 are enough) or any other anti-histamine.
Here's the preparation:
Put on some gloves, grab a bucket or something to put the tobacco in, and start tearing each cigarette until there's no tobacco left in the roll, throw the paper and the filter away, and repeat that with every other cigarette.
when you are done with every pack, go to the kitchen and fill the bucket with water, about the same level as the tobacco is, so all of it gets wet, and let it soak in a place that have no sun light, but not too dark so it doesn't start to grow fungi, for 2 days and a half - 3.
when the time comes, grab a strainer and strain all of the tobacco (don't throw away the liquid, that's what we need, use the strainer to put it in another bucket, you can use a spoon to make sure every little bit of liquid is gone from the tobacco, applying pressure above it. you can do it in small portions, because you might break the strainer if you put all of the tobacco at once).
Now here comes the cooking part, grab the bucket (or w/e you used to store the liquid) and start to simmer at slow fire, this is very important, if you do it at a fast/high fire you'll mess everything.
It will start bubbling, you'll need to stir it a bit and softly with a spoon from time to time. Meanwhile, you can think what are you going to do with all of the strained tobacco, because it has no nicotine it can't be smoked (i mean, you can, but you wouldn't enjoy it).
After 20 minutes or so, the liquid should be evaporating (and let a smell like coffee), but don't worry, the smell doesn't reach too much, i did it with my parents sleeping (they room i'ts next to the kitchen), you can let a window open or a door for the smell to go out. Keep watching the liquid, it should be evaporating more and more, you just need to stir it and check it's consistency, if it's like water, it's not ready, if it's like treacle-brown then it means it's almost ready. The entire cooking should be done by 1 hour or 2 if much.
When the liquid it's ready, it'll be like 2-5 teaspoons of treacle, you'll need to drink it, alone or with anything you want.
For it to hit you faster, you'll need to take it on an empty stomach, so, don't eat and drink anything for 5-6 hours before. Take the travel sickness tablets or your anti-histaminics about 30 minutes or so before the cooking it's ready, that's why you'll need to keep on checking it's consistency, a common error is to let it cook too much time, it will become a solid brownish stone.
Warning: Bitter as hell. don't make my mistake, if you are going to mix it with some other drink, don't pour too much of the other drink in it, it'll make the suffering less bearable.
Symptoms: They hit you about 10 minutes after drinking it.
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting (that's why we took antihistaminics), high blood pressure, high heart rate.
If you make it pass the nausea and didn't vomit (30 minutes to 1 hour) you'll start to feel tired, your respiration will be slower and slower, until you pass out.
After some hours (3-4) you'll die from respiration failure.

If you did vomit, prepare for the worst, you'll be vomiting for hours straight, feeling nauseas and a bad headache, you wont be able to sleep for hours and your respiration will be fast and shallow.
Definetly would not recommend this method if you aren't pretty drunk or high, in this position you may have the option to choke with your own vomit.

Good luck, any questions will try to be answered from my experience.


Jun 13, 2019
I do not know waht say about that.
Where did get that senseless idea?.
If I bought 30 kgs of coffee, according that experience I could die for caffeine OD.

I will attach this method to a next thread called thousand bizarres way of die.
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May 26, 2019
Nicotine can also be absorbed via the skin (transdermal) right?

First of all, i have seen that there are similar threads to this one, but none of them explained how to extract nicotine successfully from cigars, cigarrettes, tobacco and chewing tobacco.
Sure, you can take liquid nicotine from e-cigars but that contains a whole lot of other chemicals that are pretty hard to separate, and can make you feel worse afterwards if it doesn't work.
So, for this method you'll need at least 100 grams (3.5 ounces), i'd recommend going for 150 grams (5.2 ounces), if you are a smoker then go for 200+grams (7+ ounces).
15 packs of cigarettes should be more than enough. One thing tho, don't go for cheap packs, they contain less nicotine, you can smell and taste the difference between a good and a bad cigarette.
I went for the good old chesterfield:
View attachment 14641
No more than 20$ dollars, each pack had 20 cigarettes.
Other thing that might help you, get some travel sickness tablets (2 are enough) or any other anti-histamine.
Here's the preparation:
Put on some gloves, grab a bucket or something to put the tobacco in, and start tearing each cigarette until there's no tobacco left in the roll, throw the paper and the filter away, and repeat that with every other cigarette.
when you are done with every pack, go to the kitchen and fill the bucket with water, about the same level as the tobacco is, so all of it gets wet, and let it soak in a place that have no sun light, but not too dark so it doesn't start to grow fungi, for 2 days and a half - 3.
when the time comes, grab a strainer and strain all of the tobacco (don't throw away the liquid, that's what we need, use the strainer to put it in another bucket, you can use a spoon to make sure every little bit of liquid is gone from the tobacco, applying pressure above it. you can do it in small portions, because you might break the strainer if you put all of the tobacco at once).
Now here comes the cooking part, grab the bucket (or w/e you used to store the liquid) and start to simmer at slow fire, this is very important, if you do it at a fast/high fire you'll mess everything.
It will start bubbling, you'll need to stir it a bit and softly with a spoon from time to time. Meanwhile, you can think what are you going to do with all of the strained tobacco, because it has no nicotine it can't be smoked (i mean, you can, but you wouldn't enjoy it).
After 20 minutes or so, the liquid should be evaporating (and let a smell like coffee), but don't worry, the smell doesn't reach too much, i did it with my parents sleeping (they room i'ts next to the kitchen), you can let a window open or a door for the smell to go out. Keep watching the liquid, it should be evaporating more and more, you just need to stir it and check it's consistency, if it's like water, it's not ready, if it's like treacle-brown then it means it's almost ready. The entire cooking should be done by 1 hour or 2 if much.
When the liquid it's ready, it'll be like 2-5 teaspoons of treacle, you'll need to drink it, alone or with anything you want.
For it to hit you faster, you'll need to take it on an empty stomach, so, don't eat and drink anything for 5-6 hours before. Take the travel sickness tablets or your anti-histaminics about 30 minutes or so before the cooking it's ready, that's why you'll need to keep on checking it's consistency, a common error is to let it cook too much time, it will become a solid brownish stone.
Warning: Bitter as hell. don't make my mistake, if you are going to mix it with some other drink, don't pour too much of the other drink in it, it'll make the suffering less bearable.
Symptoms: They hit you about 10 minutes after drinking it.
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting (that's why we took antihistaminics), high blood pressure, high heart rate.
If you make it pass the nausea and didn't vomit (30 minutes to 1 hour) you'll start to feel tired, your respiration will be slower and slower, until you pass out.
After some hours (3-4) you'll die from respiration failure.

If you did vomit, prepare for the worst, you'll be vomiting for hours straight, feeling nauseas and a bad headache, you wont be able to sleep for hours and your respiration will be fast and shallow.
Definetly would not recommend this method if you aren't pretty drunk or high, in this position you may have the option to choke with your own vomit.

Good luck, any questions will try to be answered from my experience.


Aug 6, 2019
A few things come to mind immediately.

1) You can buy nicotine online and skip the whole cooking process. It usually comes as a diluted liquid (evaporating off the liquid seems easier than extracting it from cigarettes), and you can also find "pure" liquid nicotine and nicotine salts as well. Given the ridiculous taxes on cigarettes in most places, this is likely to be much, much cheaper for whatever amount of nicotine you desire. By my math, at 20mgs per cigarette, (which are strong cigarette), and assuming 100% extraction (which you won't get), you'd get 400mgs per pack, which would mean you'd need 250 packs to get the 100 grams of nicotine you're after. Not sure how much that would cost where you live, but I can think of far better ways to die on a four figure budget.

2) You can buy "vape juice" from a vape shop or online, often in yummy flavors. I'm sitting on more than 10 grams of nicotine in this form right now, and I have to imagine that swallowing that would be much less distasteful.

3) Nicotine ODs are very unpleasant. I've had a few (both as a smoker, and when failing to exercise care with as a vaper by absorbing a bunch through the skin), and I can't imagine actually choosing to CtB this way. I had maybe a few hundred mgs worth of nicotine leak onto my skin, through a pocket once and got a pounding headache, felt extremely hot, had my heart racing through my chest, and was so dizzy and nauseated I couldn't stand up for more than a few seconds. I ended up on the floor of my tub, alternating between running a cold shower to cool myself off and turning it off when the noise and tactile sensation of the water got too much for me. I think my relatively minor nicotine OD was a worse experience than the life threatening anaphylactic shock episodes I've had, actually.

4) Related to 3, the lethal dose of nicotine is actually not well established for humans (the published data you find is based on dubious self experiments from the 1800's - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3880486/ ). The actual lethal dose is vastly higher than the literature says, as I've personally had hundreds of mgs in me at a time, and am still here to tell the tale (not to mention that 60 mgs is as few as 3 cigarettes with high nicotine content). The link above mentions the implausible discrepancy between verified LDs in animals and the alleged LD in humans, as well as a suicide survival of someone who ingested 4 grams of pure nicotine, so... yeah. You'd definitely want a much higher quantity, as you suggested, but extracting it from cigarettes doesn't seem plausible.

As far as chemical poisons go, nicotine is not a good choice - it doesn't absorb quickly, has a short half life and isn't all that fatal to anything bigger than an insect. Assuming you down a lethal dose, you're basically giving yourself a long, painful heart attack with additional side effects, and downing enough to be fatal is pretty difficult.
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Jun 29, 2018
I would prefer a more peaceful death without all of this expensive work you describe. If you really want to do this then just stock up
on nicotine patches and cover your whole body with them. Much cheaper easier and reliable. Still a horrible way to die though
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May 29, 2019
Yes, you can kill yourself with nicotine. Yes, it's going to hurt like fuck.
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Aug 3, 2019
This is going to involve a 99% chance of puking your brains out and wishing you were dead and a 1% chance of actually dying.

You can overdose on water too if you drink 3 gallons all in an hour. Talk about pain and misery.
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d e a d i n s i d e
Jul 29, 2019
Why not to buy vaping liquid and drink it?
Tried that, mixed it with an energy drink but it still tasted horrible. I didn't take any antiemetics but I constantly woke up throughout the night and puked my brains out in the morning while feeling groggy for the rest of the day. Wouldn't recommend.
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Tens of personalities wearing one trench coat
Aug 19, 2019
I know it's been a while since this thread was active but I don't want to make a new one on nicotine OD. I was wondering, what if I'd inject nicotine extract right into my bloodstream?
The oral lethal dosage is estimated to be 6,5 - 13mg/kg, which really isn't much considering that pure nicotine has density of ~1g/ml(cm³), and that digestion absorbs only a certain percentage of substance into the bloodstream.
But idk, I might be a moron.
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Aug 8, 2019
I know it's been a while since this thread was active but I don't want to make a new one on nicotine OD. I was wondering, what if I'd inject nicotine extract right into my bloodstream?
The oral lethal dosage is estimated to be 6,5 - 13mg/kg, which really isn't much considering that pure nicotine has density of ~1g/ml(cm³), and that digestion absorbs only a certain percentage of substance into the bloodstream.
But idk, I might be a moron.

You'll experience the same symptoms, but faster, i don't know if you want to experience them, but your choice.
Ofc it would lead to death, but not a pretty one as you'll still suffer, at least if you ingest it you can vomit it, but if you inject it puking will be of no use and you'll have to call emergencies if you can't stand the pain.


Tens of personalities wearing one trench coat
Aug 19, 2019
You'll experience the same symptoms, but faster, i don't know if you want to experience them, but your choice.
Ofc it would lead to death, but not a pretty one as you'll still suffer, at least if you ingest it you can vomit it, but if you inject it puking will be of no use and you'll have to call emergencies if you can't stand the pain.
Yeah, but if you get your hands on pure nicotine, a small 5ml syringe will pump 5 GRAMS of nicotine right into your body. Taking the highest threshold of 13mg/kg for LD, it would be enough for 385kg of body mass. Plus by digestion you get only some of that dosage into bloodstream, not 100%. So it would be an enormous amount of poison spreading directly through all the vessels, organs and tissues. Shouldn't that be a quick death? I even doubt it would be that painful, I'd expect that to be rather a complete shock. But I'm no medic, and I haven't found any information on taking so much nicotine into your body.


Aug 8, 2019
Yeah, but if you get your hands on pure nicotine, a small 5ml syringe will pump 5 GRAMS of nicotine right into your body. Taking the highest threshold of 13mg/kg for LD, it would be enough for 385kg of body mass. Plus by digestion you get only some of that dosage into bloodstream, not 100%. So it would be an enormous amount of poison spreading directly through all the vessels, organs and tissues. Shouldn't that be a quick death? I even doubt it would be that painful, I'd expect that to be rather a complete shock. But I'm no medic, and I haven't found any information on taking so much nicotine into your body.

This is all i can find: Data More data And more
The direct cause of death of nicotine OD is respiratory failure, so i think instead of buiding it up slowly you could get a "shock" (let's say it that way, but i'm meaning that you could get short of breath pretty quickly and get some tachycardia) in your respiratory system, leading up to your goal, but i don't know, maybe the symptoms will be bearable in the time the nicotine kicks you out, maybe not, unfortunately we don't have that much data on people injecting nicotine, and the media ofc won't report all of it, so we are just speculating. But interesting concept you brought up.

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