

I did it for me.
Mar 26, 2020
Full text of the bill can be found here:

Rough overview of important points:
  • New federal gun licensing system, required to possess any firearm or ammo
  • Precise storage location of every single civilian-owned firearm in the US would be public record
  • Ridiculously expensive mandatory insurance ("$800 fee"), making N look like a bargain
  • Minimum age for owning any firearm raised to 21
  • At least 24 hours of certified training required ($$$)
  • So-called "psychological evaluation" required (bill explicitly mandates discrimination against those diagnosed with depression)
  • Breaking these new laws would mandate sentencing harsher than for rape and murder
If this goes through - even a modified version - I can't see firearms being a viable method anymore for the vast majority of US citizens on this site. We'd be in the same boat as many European countries. Expensive as all hell (gun + ammo + eval + insurance + training would be way more expensive than N), time consuming, and permanently barred for the many of us diagnosed with mental conditions.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Well at least there'll be no more school shootings right? Oh wait, Covid already curbed that.....
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Mar 17, 2018
Guess that means our only option would be to make an improvised bootleg firearm or something.
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Jan 22, 2021
I'm not american so not familiar with this process - but is it even likely this will go through all the stages to become law? I could see some specific states doing it or borrowing from it but it seems near impossible to enact and enforce from a federal level. Please correct me if I'm wrong though!
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm not american so not familiar with this process - but is it even likely this will go through all the stages to become law? I could see some specific states doing it or borrowing from it but it seems near impossible to enact and enforce from a federal level. Please correct me if I'm wrong though!
If I recall correctly, a bill has to pass through both the Senate and the House of Representatives before going to the President for final approval. I don't know which sides are majority in either the house or senate right now but Biden would be very likely to approve this bill if it ever reaches him, he has literally no reason not to.


Apr 26, 2020
It will be filibustered in the senate or ultimately struck down by SCOTUS, as it isn't compatible with the Heller decision.

BTW school shootings are already illegal.
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Dec 28, 2020
Senate will never let this through. Or anything related to gun control at all.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Full text of the bill can be found here:

Rough overview of important points:
  • New federal gun licensing system, required to possess any firearm or ammo
  • Precise storage location of every single civilian-owned firearm in the US would be public record
  • Ridiculously expensive mandatory insurance ("$800 fee"), making N look like a bargain
  • Minimum age for owning any firearm raised to 21
  • At least 24 hours of certified training required ($$$)
  • So-called "psychological evaluation" required (bill explicitly mandates discrimination against those diagnosed with depression)
  • Breaking these new laws would mandate sentencing harsher than for rape and murder
If this goes through - even a modified version - I can't see firearms being a viable method anymore for the vast majority of US citizens on this site. We'd be in the same boat as many European countries. Expensive as all hell (gun + ammo + eval + insurance + training would be way more expensive than N), time consuming, and permanently barred for the many of us diagnosed with mental conditions.
It won't pass no worries. It's a clear violation of the 2nd amendment of the right to bear arms.
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Dec 20, 2020
Legislation is dead in the water.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Yeah, this is a "let's pretend" bill written to give a bloc of constituents the inaccurate perception that Congressperson X is Really Doing Something On Capitol Hill! In reality, wishing and blowing out your birthday candles is more effective.
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Sep 28, 2020
Making guns illegal, even disarming the general populace, will not stop gun-related crime.

@Dr Iron Arc Now, the Democrats have a slight majority in the House of Representatives; in the Senate it is 50-50 but the VP is the tie breaking vote (so the Democrats have majority there, too, unless a bill requires a 2/3 majority vote, as in the current impeachment trial), and the POTUS is a Democrat. The Supreme Court is 6-3 conservative but it seems they are refusing to hear controversial cases. The Democrats have essentially complete control.
The Communist Party of America and the Socialist Party both support the Democratic Party.

Shell has announced that by 2025, they will be producing half of the gas they are producing now, in order to decrease greenhouse emissions. Expect fuel prices to go up dramatically. The dollar is weakening. The debt is astronomical so taxes must go up.

Now, they are starting to encourage double masking.

I am not confident that things will go well. It will affect the entire world. Get ready.

I hope I am wrong.
Last edited:
  • Aww..
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
These laws never pass and would be nearly unenforceable anyways.

A25C530B 1D11 4BE7 AD98 B0D54C5A2626
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Sep 21, 2020
Agreed. It will never pass and they could not enforce it even if they did. As someone commented, it is just an exercise to make certain groups feel like something official is being done.
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Apr 26, 2020
While I don't think it will pass in the senate, bear in mind there was an assault weapons ban for most of the 1990s in the US.

The reason the bill is flawed legally from a Supreme Court perspective (and the Heller case in particular) is several. The first is the extensive requirement for psychiatric examination. This essentially will result in many jurisdictions refusing to issue licenses. It is dubious that SCOTUS will buy the line of reasoning that a guaranteed right requires interviews with multiple family members.

Additionally, the 9th circuit has struck down Ammo cap limitations as unconstitutional in CA. The requirement of a $200 tax on the most common gun in the US is also not going to pass muster based on Roberts line of questioning in a SCOTUS case dealing with mandatory sentencing legality (case name escapes me) as well as Heller.

If the Dems weren't absolutely insane regarding gun control, they would reintroduce the Clinton assault weapons ban from the 90s, but they won't and essentially are poisoning the bill with requirements that would take years to implement (psychiatric exams and ATF tax stamps) with gun owners becoming felons in the meantime.
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May 6, 2018
Only law abiding citizens would comply with this nonsense. There's an amazing amount of guns in private hands. There is no way they would ever be able to get them all.

This is political. Ask for xyz and get abc when abc was what you really wanted all along.
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Apr 26, 2020
The only saving grace is that the most rabid anti gun individuals are the least knowledgeable about them. You can find plenty of clips of politicians saying absolutely ridiculous things about guns indicating how unfamiliar they are with them. This leads to over reaches and constant screaming about things that don't exist (gun show loophole, the idea that the ar15 is fully automatic, etc).

if this passed, there would be injunctions at the federal level in district courts until scotus strikes it down. Likewise, there would be multiple lawsuits by state attorney generals and states that refuse to allow enforcement.

like I said, if they were smart they would reintroduce the 90s bill which essentially grandfathered everything but set limitations moving forward. They can't help themselves and are trying to take too big a bite too quickly
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Sep 28, 2020
These types of bills (HR127) are sent to committees, which usually means dead in the water. HR 127 also states that gun manufacturers will be liable for anyone hurt by a gun. It will shut them down. Will they make the auto manufacturers liable for injuries caused by auto accidents, next?

What does happen, is it becomes a base for negotiation. An all out attempt is just a way to get the "other" side to allow part of it, which probably wouldn't pass on its own. For instance, rather than requiring an $800 insurance policy issued by the government (as proposed in HR127), we will make it a $100 policy available through a private insurance company. Sounds so much better, right? The opposing side agrees to that as an alternative. It is a drip drip drip method that, over time, errodes constitutional rights. Right now, social media is banning those who make certain comments (you know, pro-Trump). Drip. Drip. Drip Now, anybody who supported him is targeted as a domestic terrorist if Pelosi et al get their way. Drip. Drip.

The current $1.9 trillion bill for covid relief includes paying every child $3,000 to stop child poverty. Sounds good, eh? What MSM does not tell you is that it will be $300 per month for 10 months, until you file your tax return. Then, you will not receive the child tax credit instead. The proponants of this want to make it permanent. Which will basically do away with that tax credit. See where this is going? Guess who uses that credit the most? The working class.

The tax-the-rich ideas, even at a very high rate, wouldn't raise enough $$$ to pay for everything. There aren't enough uber rich to cover that. Also, do you think those ultra rich haven't already established their trusts and non-profits to protect their assets? The Clinton and Gates Foundations come immediately to mind. The only way to pay off the tens of trillions of debt is to tax as many as possible, the middle class. What happens then? The middle class goes away. Then you have only the ultra rich and the poor, who are dependent on the government for everything and must toe the line.

As for rushing out and buying a gun, gun sales are at astronomic highs. The real gun enthusiasts are not the ones buying. Most are first timers. Are they all "red necks"? Lol! The rednecks have had their guns forever. These buyers are scared. And THAT is a scary thought!

The first thing the govt must do to control the people is to disarm them. Then, control money. Read your history.
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Mar 17, 2018
there's many ways where that could go wrong, unfortunately.
Good point. I'm not exactly the greatest at following mechanical instructions.
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Apr 10, 2021
Full text of the bill can be found here:

Rough overview of important points:
  • New federal gun licensing system, required to possess any firearm or ammo
  • Precise storage location of every single civilian-owned firearm in the US would be public record
  • Ridiculously expensive mandatory insurance ("$800 fee"), making N look like a bargain
  • Minimum age for owning any firearm raised to 21
  • At least 24 hours of certified training required ($$$)
  • So-called "psychological evaluation" required (bill explicitly mandates discrimination against those diagnosed with depression)
  • Breaking these new laws would mandate sentencing harsher than for rape and murder
If this goes through - even a modified version - I can't see firearms being a viable method anymore for the vast majority of US citizens on this site. We'd be in the same boat as many European countries. Expensive as all hell (gun + ammo + eval + insurance + training would be way more expensive than N), time consuming, and permanently barred for the many of us diagnosed with mental conditions.
That bill was dead on arrival....
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Jul 30, 2019
They can't ban rope. I already have mine anyway.
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Feb 20, 2021
If I recall correctly, a bill has to pass through both the Senate and the House of Representatives before going to the President for final approval. I don't know which sides are majority in either the house or senate right now but Biden would be very likely to approve this bill if it ever reaches him, he has literally no reason not to.
Republicans have the majority in the senate and the house is tied

@OP Good thing I already have mine


I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
One free country left on earth and they have to fucking ruin it too...
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