
Feb 21, 2020
Exit International has. podcast Doxit. I think two episodes ago they talked about some new combinations of things for peaceful CTB. I wrote them down with out much context but you can find the podcast anywhere. I have no other info except this. I believe it's the Feb 21st podcast.

3 drug protocol
Chlorolhydrate, phenobarbital and morphine. Burned throat

4 drug mix DDMP.
Digoxin diazepam morphine propranolol (cardiac switch)
some didn't die 2 in hours. Take digoxin 20 minutes before other 3. D-DMP

Replace amyltriptyline instead of propranolol. D-DMA

5 drug mix plus anti vomiting. Also rectal.
Add phenobarbital. D- DMAPH
Cheaper than Nembutal and results are good. Within 2 hours. Must be asleep before heart stops.
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