
Jan 15, 2019
anyone else here a neet (not in employment, education or training)? it's a huge part of why i want to ctb. it sounds fun at first but it quickly spirals and it's had a massively negative impact on my mental health. the isolation, feeling of being a leech, doing literally nothing all day every day.. and yet, i don't know if i could handle any of it changing right now. employment seems just as scary, i'm far too stupid to perform even basic tasks. at least i'm having some success with partial after a lot of practice.

i think i'm nearing my time, i'm just still very scared of putting my family through the event of my suicide when they've had to deal with so much lately.
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Jan 1, 2019
Hi, I'm not but I wanted to reply as I feel sad that being in this 'category' has really affected your self-worth and I'm sad that has happened. Just because you are CURRENTLY not in education or work doesn't mean you are valueless or worthless but I feel the government catagorising of people in this manner is really unhelpful. You are not a 'leech' - you are a person, a human being of value and importance regardless of job or anything else!

If you were, this is a huge IF, well and feeling mentally fit and confident, what sort of thing would you like to do? My dream thing would always be a fudge taster for a gourmet sweet shop.
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Apr 30, 2018
I've become a neet. Am living off savings, but at one point I was a workaholic until my anxiety and of course the reality of it all set in.
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Sep 13, 2018
I've become a neet. Am living off savings, but at one point I was a workaholic until my anxiety and of course the reality of it all set in.
Anxiety sucks...
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
Not right now, but if I spent a lot of time without studying or working, just being at home and I know it's horrible, I understand what it feels like to be useless, I feel that way very often, everything costs me three times as much work, it's one of my reasons for ctb.

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Oct 8, 2018
i am mostly because o my depression, anxiety and fobias
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Jan 1, 2019
It doesn't help that people always want to know what other people 'do' - as if their career is the only thing that defines them rather than their values and morals.
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Apr 30, 2018
Anxiety sucks...

It's rendered me a shell of a human. I'm looking forward to being free of it.

Not even massive doses of benzos or booze touch my anxiety.
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Sep 13, 2018
It's rendered me a shell of a human. I'm looking forward to being free of it.

Not even massive doses of benzos or booze touch my anxiety.
Sorry to hear that..
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
This thread is really neat. I'm not doing anything with myself and I doubt I ever will again, to be honest. I am sick, and so rusty with people, plus I didn't finish college and have no real work experience. It's all pretty hopeless at this point.
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Jan 1, 2019
It's rendered me a shell of a human. I'm looking forward to being free of it.

Not even massive doses of benzos or booze touch my anxiety.

Anyone who hasn't experienced true anxiety cannot begin to imagine how life changingly debilitating it is. It's crippling. I'm so sorry @Smilla that it's wrecking your life ❤️
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Jan 1, 2019
This thread is really neat. I'm not doing anything with myself and I doubt I ever will again, to be honest. I am sick, and so rusty with people, plus I didn't finish college and have no real work experience. It's all pretty hopeless at this point.

But you're still our Carebear so fcuk the rest

:-) ❤️
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Jan 15, 2019
If you were, this is a huge IF, well and feeling mentally fit and confident, what sort of thing would you like to do?
i used to have a huge interest in programming and was very into it for a while before school killed it. over the past year especially i've been getting into music quite a lot, so i guess that would be my answer. fudge tasting sounds amazing too.

It doesn't help that people always want to know what other people 'do' - as if their career is the only thing that defines them rather than their values and morals.
yup! it's like some game i never asked to be part of. there's no room for people taking things at their own pace, or deviating at all from whatever the status quo is.

thank you and hugs to everyone for all the support and kind words, you guys are truly amazing.
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Jan 1, 2019
@valium music is awesome :-) and, yes, you can break free from the poxy status quo and go at your own pace! I long for a time when people say as an intro, "what do you like doing?" Instead of, "what do you do for a living?"

Do you play an instrument or do you think you might get into music production?
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Jan 1, 2019
Of course fudge taster would be Best Job Ever!
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Loving life!! /s
Nov 21, 2018
I'm actually five classes away from getting a bachelor's degree. I just don't really want to though.. I don't want to do anything.. So I do have education stuff going for me but I don't care..
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Jan 1, 2019
I'm actually five classes away from getting a bachelor's degree. I just don't really want to though.. I don't want to do anything.. So I do have education stuff going for me but I don't care..

You're doing good then, nearly there. Well done :-)
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Jan 23, 2019
anyone else here a neet (not in employment, education or training)? it's a huge part of why i want to ctb. it sounds fun at first but it quickly spirals and it's had a massively negative impact on my mental health. the isolation, feeling of being a leech, doing literally nothing all day every day.. and yet, i don't know if i could handle any of it changing right now. employment seems just as scary, i'm far too stupid to perform even basic tasks. at least i'm having some success with partial after a lot of practice.

i think i'm nearing my time, i'm just still very scared of putting my family through the event of my suicide when they've had to deal with so much lately.
I have become increasingly isolated and unable to get out there. Havent worked FT in over a year. I can now not focus and have zero motivation. This is all that is keeping my interest. I sympathize. Its horrible, at least in my case. I go to bed at night not wanting the next day, its mindless. No TV, no reading....I understand the family, I have two beautiful daughters and a husband but I cant get out of my own way
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I was a NEET for a long period of time and just recently I started working. I'm not really a fan of working, but I just do enough to make sure I get by. I'm hoping that with my Aspergers and inability to hold down a job (was let go a few times in the past and also quit a few times) will allow me to obtain welfare or something like SSI. There are days where I feel a bit guilty, but I feel less guilty knowing that I've been brought into this world against my consent, threatened with punishment and consequences if I choose to end my life on my own terms (aside from natural causes), and of course, the way people have been treating me (family, peers, non-existent friends, and etc.).

I figured I might as well just be hedonistic till my end. I don't care much for money (that isn't to be misconstrued as that money isn't important), but I see money as a means to an end; a tool and means to help me achieve certain goals (including my method which I've obtained a month ago). When things get too hard for me, that's when I decide to check out.
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seeking for salvation
Jan 12, 2019
I am a neet, too. But that doesn't affect me so much at the moment, because I made the experience, that everything I did before like school or studying was just to cope my other personal problems. Everything I did was just running away from me, so at the end I was totally wrecked and stopped with all. Now I don't give a fuck on this, because first I need to treet my personal hell. Either I can process my hurting from my childhood or I give up. The uncomfortable thing for me is about people asking what I am doing all the time, me saying I'm doing an experimentation year (or decade :P)
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Sep 3, 2018
I work with a bunch of neets. I'd trade them for you all. At least we could sit around all day talking about killing ourselves. It would be great. The neets I work with are all life lovers. We have nothing in common. They don't even work. They just sit and talk about somebody else working.
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Sep 21, 2018
I've effectively been living as a NEET since my brief period in a mental institution. I thought I had given up on life before being committed, but that feeling increased exponentially after that experience. I can relate to feeling like you're not doing anything, but my desire to die overrides everything else. I've long accepted that some people aren't cut out for life, just like some people aren't cut out for any other activity.
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Jan 15, 2019
Do you play an instrument or do you think you might get into music production?
i'm quite deep into music production at the moment, with an okay understanding of piano which i've played on and off since childhood. i don't feel like i've made enough progress in any hobby to really validate the time i've spent neet, i hate how fast the days pass.
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Sep 28, 2018
I am neet. Its a consequence of my choices and the situations I was born into.
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dead and gone
Nov 6, 2018
Not yet. But I probably will be soon. Definitely is one of my reasons for wanting to ctb.
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
Neet from May 2018 to January 2019. Started classes because I wanted to keep my insurance through the military. Before May I was working a temporary job until I got fired in May. I was a neet for god knows how long. Two years because I wasn't doing anything? Something like that.
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Born To Die
Jan 13, 2019
anyone else here a neet (not in employment, education or training)? it's a huge part of why i want to ctb. it sounds fun at first but it quickly spirals and it's had a massively negative impact on my mental health. the isolation, feeling of being a leech, doing literally nothing all day every day.. and yet, i don't know if i could handle any of it changing right now. employment seems just as scary, i'm far too stupid to perform even basic tasks. at least i'm having some success with partial after a lot of practice.

i think i'm nearing my time, i'm just still very scared of putting my family through the event of my suicide when they've had to deal with so much lately.
This sounds exactly like me. I can relate entirely. I had a cashier job at 16 for 2 months and that's it. Ever. I'm 27 now.
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Jan 7, 2019
It doesn't help that people always want to know what other people 'do' - as if their career is the only thing that defines them rather than their values and morals.
Right?? I just love it when people ask me where I'm "working these days," and I just say, "I'm not working right now. I'm so lucky to be able to stay home and take care of my son." As if staying home, taking care of the day-to-day shit isn't as stressful or as difficult as having a job. I've always felt like my boyfriend resents me for not working. He's never said that but I'm pretty good at picking up what he's thinking and how he's feeling. That just makes me feel even more worthless and useless.....not to mention working for me is incredibly difficult physically, mentally and emotionally, which he doesn't understand. He just thinks I should be able to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" and get a full-time job, when it's just not that simple for me. Maybe I should just apply for disability again....at least then I'll be bringing in some money.
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Jan 1, 2019
Right?? I just love it when people ask me where I'm "working these days," and I just say, "I'm not working right now. I'm so lucky to be able to stay home and take care of my son." As if staying home, taking care of the day-to-day shit isn't as stressful or as difficult as having a job. I've always felt like my boyfriend resents me for not working. He's never said that but I'm pretty good at picking up what he's thinking and how he's feeling. That just makes me feel even more worthless and useless.....not to mention working for me is incredibly difficult physically, mentally and emotionally, which he doesn't understand. He just thinks I should be able to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" and get a full-time job, when it's just not that simple for me. Maybe I should just apply for disability again....at least then I'll be bringing in some money.

It's sad when people judge each other's choices isn't it. I'm sorry that you feel your partner isn't supportive, that can make things really stressful for you I can imagine? Especially when you are tackling your own health issues. Xx
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Dec 18, 2018
Right?? I just love it when people ask me where I'm "working these days," and I just say, "I'm not working right now. I'm so lucky to be able to stay home and take care of my son." As if staying home, taking care of the day-to-day shit isn't as stressful or as difficult as having a job. I've always felt like my boyfriend resents me for not working. He's never said that but I'm pretty good at picking up what he's thinking and how he's feeling. That just makes me feel even more worthless and useless.....not to mention working for me is incredibly difficult physically, mentally and emotionally, which he doesn't understand. He just thinks I should be able to "pull myself up by my bootstraps" and get a full-time job, when it's just not that simple for me. Maybe I should just apply for disability again....at least then I'll be bringing in some money.

Literally in the same boat as you. Stay at home mom of two young kids, never had a real job, and don"t think i ever could for the exact reasons you stated. And my boyfriend deffinitely resents me for it i can tell, even though he says crap like "but i'm so happy you get to stay home and take care of our kids". Then his next sentence is complaining about how broke we are. Sigh. And it doesnt help that i literally have no friends or a car of my own to even go out and do ANYTHING. it's fucking depressing.
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