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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
I quit my job. I had started losing my hair, having nightmares, throwing up due to stress. They wanted me to take the place of someone who had been there 26 years. She would do anything for these assholes - she would go to work at 3 a.m. and work all day until they told her she could go home. She has no identity other than this job. That's NOT me. It was really bad. Anyway, I quit today. I'm relieved. They were disrespectful to me constantly, condescending, just plain assholes. I think I needed to do this so now I can get things in order to go to my next step. i have a question. If I'm not supposed to ask it here - forgive me for my ignorance. This is the only place I have where people really understand me. I have numerous pills (including xanax, and a bunch of anti depressants plus I have a small hibachi - I will be using both. I'm 99% sure this will do the trick. Does anyone see any issues with this? I don't want to wind up a vegetable. Thanks.
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Close the world, Open the next.
Oct 12, 2021
It's a risk, Overdoses usually aren't fatal in suicides (That's what members on here say)
You can certainly try, @StarryStarry
Just do plenty of research on it beforehand to max out Lethality,
Or choose a different method it's up to you

Also await further comments with information on this, my advice could be false

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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Why do you mention the hibachi?... Are you considering using it for charcoal method alongside overdose on pills?

Personally I'd advise against this method with or without the charcoal. It could leave you much worse off than you currently a are. Overdoses has high risk of failure these days.
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
Why do you mention the hibachi?... Are you considering using it for charcoal method alongside overdose on pills?

Personally I'd advise against this method with or without the charcoal. It could leave you much worse off than you currently a are. Overdoses has high risk of failure these days.
Any suggestions? Those are the only two things I have access to. I don't have a gun and I would probably screw up hanging myself.
in hell out soon

in hell out soon

Apr 27, 2020
Activated charcoal tends to cancel out meds. As in, overdose would straight up fail or go wrong

Not sure if this related to your method but charcoal and meds don't tend to mix


Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
Activated charcoal tends to cancel out meds. As in, overdose would straight up fail or go wrong

Not sure if this related to your method but charcoal and meds don't tend to mix
That so sucks. Damn. I wonder if just charcoal in an enclosed car in the desert would do the trick.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I'm sorry, I can't in good conscious offer suggestions. However, if you want to reas some informative documentation yoy could read through all the links on the resources megathread in the suicide discussions section of the forum. Also use the search function at the top of the page to better inform yourself on the pitfalls of various methods. There is no 100% guarantee you'll get anything right but there are certainly methods with less chance of failure and potentially are peaceful by comparrison to others. There's also a recovery section which many may have a knee jerk reaction to and avoid like the plague but it's not to be overlooked if you, like many of us would actually prefer not to have to ctb.

PS, I'm sorry if that's come across patronising. I always feel like my good intentions come across a bit pateonings in hindsight. I don't know what you've done or read already so in and attempt to leave nothing unmentioned I tend to cover all bases.

Hope it's useful to you in one way or another.


Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
I'm sorry, I can't in good conscious offer suggestions. However, if you want to reas some informative documentation yoy could read through all the links on the resources megathread in the suicide discussions section of the forum. Also use the search function at the top of the page to better inform yourself on the pitfalls of various methods. There is no 100% guarantee you'll get anything right but there are certainly methods with less chance of failure and potentially are peaceful by comparrison to others. There's also a recovery section which many may have a knee jerk reaction to and avoid like the plague but it's not to be overlooked if you, like many of us would actually prefer not to have to ctb.

PS, I'm sorry if that's come across patronising. I always feel like my good intentions come across a bit pateonings in hindsight. I don't know what you've done or read already so in and attempt to leave nothing unmentioned I tend to cover all bases.

Hope it's useful to you in one way or another.
I just feel so overwhelmed. I'm not very computer literate and the abbreviations are unknown to me. I just want to be sure that it gets done and in the right way. Thank you for all your information.
IF all of these young people know how to ctb, why am I having such a difficult time figuring it out. I'm so frustrated I can't stand myself. I fuck everything I do or think up. There is no hope for me. Maybe I just need to stand in front of a train. Sorry, my anxiety is overwhelming. I hate being a perfectionist.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I can relate to being a perfectionist. I mean honestly.... it has been a constant theme throughout my life. When I was a child learning to draw (I'm an artist) I used to draw a line on a piece of paper and throw it out because I was unsatified. My mother would find a bin full of paper and go mad. It served me well in life however as I became skilled at modt things I put my hand to. So I definitely relate and don't think you should hate yourself for being perfectionist. It's purely a sensible way of avoiding accidents or failure. Human nature of a discerning mind. Many jump in feet first and never learn from their mistakes. Which is what mistakes are for. Learning.

Anyway, I went a little off topic. You're clearly in a bad place and if you're struggling with anxiety it really impedes your ability to focus on anything else so first of all maybe you can address that. Do you have anxiety meds? Anything you can do to take a breath and stop to take stock of things. You don't have to ctb this minute or this year or the next. It's something you can do when you have made your peace with everything that surrounds it,. Method included. It's something we all have to grapple with unfortunately and none of us are going to be in the best place given the subject matter.

You menrioned struggling to understand abbreviations.... Maybe you can start there. Post up a list of them you don't understand and I'm ceetain you get replies listing all their meanings.

Don't compare yourself to others, young or old. Many fail attempts. Probably most. I have failed an attempt at patial hanging and I was honestly very determined. My failure wasn't down to poor planning (although I didn't really plan at all). I fsiled due to SI (an abbreviation for Survival Instinct). I had blacked out and was flapping around. I was still somehow concious in some form even though I was tingling all over and couldn't see anything other blackness. Somehow my body pulled me out and I came around as I was entering another room. The sensation was like coming round from a head rush like when you stand too quickly after laying down relaxing only much stronger. I don't know how I was standing as just standing up too qjickly has made me come close to falling over in the past. Like many none suicidal will have no doubt experienced at some point in life. The point I'm aiming to make is that there is a lot that we don't have control over as instictive survival is so baked into our genetic make up and this echoes back to even the simplest of things in life and the human condition. We're slaves to it and can't blame ourselves for it's impact on our being. I think you need and deserve to be a bit kinder to yourself. So take a breath, give yourself time and pace your journey through what you're going through. Don't let be tempted to compare yourself to others, just find some understanding of you and your motivation and push theough a little at a time.

Is there somebody you can speak with about your predicament surrounding your professional life. From what you've told us your response to things and your feelings around it all are entirely natural and in my opinion very reasonable. Work environments and the pressures surrounding the expectations put on us are very unnatural. When you think about how we were once foraging and hunting to survive and the work system was/is considered a more efficient and civilised solution to things, it's ironically and aguably become a much more draining and harsher environment. It's occured slowly, bit by bit and shows no signs of letting up. Slavery under the guise of civilisation and elusive opulence. Can't even get on the property ladder without over paying into a lifetime contract. God forbid you do the natural thing and go buold your own home on a plot of land with materials foraged buy your own hand unless you have large amounts of money and the capacity to jump through all the hoops meeded only ro have the goal posts moved at the critical moments. It's a blueprint for disaster and there's no way out. So it's no wonder you (and many others) feel the nees ro hit the eject button. Only that has been taped over and hidden behind a locked door because you're no longer the owner of your life and destiny. Though they will never admit this and do everything to have you believe you're crazy and it's all in your mind.

It's hard not to fuck things up because there are no hard or fast rules in many cases. Conteacta are literally unreadable. Take foe example the terms and conditions you sign when putting your details into a google contract when setting up your new phone. That whole thing you're promptes to sign/tick to say you read it all is actually impossible to read in a day. It would take weeks to read the whole thing and there are multiple terms and condition documents to read in the whole process. It's officially accepted that you are lying when ticking to say you read it and serves as a ransom, signing away privacy rights amongst others just so you can gain functionality of the device you just spent hundreds on. The world has gone mad. It's corrupt and the emporer truly has no clothes. Only these days pointing that out gains no traction.

It's not you that you should be aiming your hatred and distain at. You're a victim like the rest of us. So I'll go back to my previous and original asvice which is to take a breath, eat something, give yourself time to get your mind around all you need to and gain a bit of perspective. There is no rush. Speak with somebody you trust if you can. Maybe seek professional help if it's a realistic option. Don't be embarrassed to open up but be careful about telling medical professionals about the desire to ctb as that can lead down a shitty path. Be honest all the way utpo that but leave it unsaid. There have been posts on the forum aaking for volunteers to chat with them. They usually get replies offering to talk quickly. Post a list of any abbreviations you don't understand and somebody will answer to tell you what they mean.

Remember you will get through this one way or another if you enlist a little help either here or professionally and take comfort in knowing that. During the meantime try to be nice to yourslef. Eat some nice food. Enjoy some media in whatever form you usually do. Take a xanax as you mentioned you have them and if you have a loved one nearby, get a hug. I'm sorry for you and what you're dealing with. I can tell you, for what it's worth that you are far from alone. You are one of many many people suffering this way and your feelings are valid in the most absolute way. The world/humanity is suffering a major glitch by its own hand and you are unfortunately a casualty whose reaction is entirely natural. It's hard to play a broken/glitched game. Sometime there is no work around without hitting the reset button. We have accepted this but the majority are essentially like 'boomers' attempting to operate a smart phone or are blissful in ignorance.

Life is hard but suicide is harder.

Wishing you the best!

P. S I have no issue with 'boomers'. It was just fitting for my analogy socplease don't take offence.

P. P. S Don't feel bad about being computer illiterate. We're here to help so feel free to ask questions for tech help.

Lastly, here's a link to the resource thread.....
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we are dead without dying
Nov 22, 2021
I quit my job. I had started losing my hair, having nightmares, throwing up due to stress. They wanted me to take the place of someone who had been there 26 years. She would do anything for these assholes - she would go to work at 3 a.m. and work all day until they told her she could go home. She has no identity other than this job. That's NOT me. It was really bad. Anyway, I quit today. I'm relieved. They were disrespectful to me constantly, condescending, just plain assholes. I think I needed to do this so now I can get things in order to go to my next step. i have a question. If I'm not supposed to ask it here - forgive me for my ignorance. This is the only place I have where people really understand me. I have numerous pills (including xanax, and a bunch of anti depressants plus I have a small hibachi - I will be using both. I'm 99% sure this will do the trick. Does anyone see any issues with this? I don't want to wind up a vegetable. Thanks.
Depending on what kind of antidepressants you have for this purpose, only amitriptyline is used for this purpose. Benzodiazepines are not used for suicide, there are many suicide attempts in which benzodiazepines have been used. Someone took three boxes of diazepam and vomited, then woke up after a long time with a headache. It can only die if taken in large doses with alcohol and opioids. Benzodiazepines have replaced the old "barbiturates" sleeping pills because they are safe in case of overdose and do not endanger life.
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