

an ideation regular
May 1, 2023
I'm experiencing intense, negative emotional reactions and I don't know how to deal/cope, I'm considering going to my psychiatrist and talking about it but I don't want to go if it's going to be a fruitless consult.

If someone so much talks to me in a pointed tone/slightly aggressive or critical to me, I go into a crying fit and can not stop. I've tried calming methods but I literally can't think about anything else when it happens and end up crying for 2-3 hours.

Often this will happen at work or in a personal setting where it's inappropriate to react this way but idk what to do or if theres medications to treat this. I'm already on 20mg of lexapro but that's about the only psych med I'm on.

Tldr: can I go to a psych and ask for meds to combat intense emotional reactions?


May 1, 2023
My heart goes out to you at this difficult time. Antipsychotics is what they will most likely recommend. Research the medications that are available and discuss your options with your psychiatrist.

ETA: Yes, you may request any drug without raising suspicions. Just don't ask for benzos or opiates if you're an American. Remember that narcotics/controlled drugs (Adderall) are listed on the pharmacy database, which your psychiatrist will check before issuing a prescription; be honest about previous medications.
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an ideation regular
May 1, 2023
I don't have any medications in mind, I just can't take being so overly reactive and I dont want to do coping methods or do cognitive behavior therapy. basically I just want to be a straight up numb rock, I feel like anything or everything sets me off.

Currently I am on Adderall, Trazodone and Lexapro but they have all of that information as where I live only has one psych office/theyre the ones who prescribed it to me. With Adderall and Trazodone I only take as needed, I probably take them once each a day about 2 or 3 days a week

I mean not that anyone is a psych here sorry if it is inappropriate to put here; I was just wondering if they're just going to tell me to fuck off I suppose.

But yeaaaaaaaaa I don't know where to even start with medications for this.

I'm relatively new to mental health treatment as I only had the means to start treatment 3 years ago and live in a place in the US where people think you're either perfectly fine (suck it up mentality), mentally disabled, or criminally psychotic.

Ive cried at every adhd appointment I ever had
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