

Sep 19, 2018
I believe that this entire "life system" is fucked up. I just want the suffering to stop. Since lifeforms developed a nervous system some 600 million years ago, there has been nothing but perpetual suffering. Then we had "civilization". Nothing civilized about it. Not one nation has been created without massive torture and bloodshed. Christopher Columbus was brutal.....but the Indians in American soil were just as brutal amongst themselves for example. By scientific definition we are predatory animals. I remember being in grade school and watching VHS tapes on how "United" we would be due to the Internet. Fast-forward to 2018 and we are more divided now than we were in 1985 when Gorbachev loosened restrictions on the Soviet Union.

People have been trying to promote anti-bullying and anti-drug campaigns for decades. Since bullying and addictions are apart of human nature, it cannot be changed. To change human nature is to change the laws of physics in my opinion.

Long before the Pharaohs came to be and long after we are gone, the people with power will always rule over us. It's just the law of nature. Peace on earth is a pipe dream. You can't have world peace with predatory animals calling the shots. If you want to understand human nature, watch animal nature. Look at the gorillas and chimpanzees. We just do the primitive shit in a different hue. We are more stealthy About things so to speak.

Our imposition runs far deeper than just dealing with people and animals. Nature itself enslaves and tortures all sentient life. The only way to defy nature is to CTB.
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Oct 3, 2018
Life itself is predatory. Resources are always scarce, and competition for them brings strife, suffering, pain...
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Oct 3, 2018
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Sep 19, 2018
Life itself is predatory. Resources are always scarce, and competition for them brings strife, suffering, pain...
I absolutly agree with you. How can we have "peace on earth" with so much desperation. I may be on the pessimesitic side of things but even in a post scarcity world I figure the tyranrs will still take everything they can...even when they don't have to.
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Sep 19, 2018
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Alive and unwell
Sep 9, 2018
Doleo, ergo sum.

I suffer, therefore I am.
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  • Aww..
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Very true and very well written, worldexploder. I believe that we are the ones who knows all the bullshit that society has imposed on us and I think the majority of people in society somehow fears us because they know that we have the ultimate win card (which is ctb). They don't want us to ctb because it would defeat them so they try so damn hard to enslave us, brainwash us, pump us with drugs, shower us with pro-life platitudes to stop us from winning. For the people who have successfully ctb, they have emerged victorious in an unfair, cruel world.

I love the sci-fi animation in that video and it fits your username well.
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Sep 19, 2018
Very true and very well written, worldexploder. I believe that we are the ones who knows all the bullshit that society has imposed on us and I think the majority of people in society somehow fears us because they know that we have the ultimate win card (which is ctb). They don't want us to ctb because it would defeat them so they try so damn hard to enslave us, brainwash us, pump us with drugs, shower us with pro-life platitudes to stop us from winning. For the people who have successfully ctb, they have emerged victorious in an unfair, cruel world.

I love the sci-fi animation in that video and it fits your username well.
Thanks. I first saw the amimation 10 years ago but it was under a different name and had better music in the background - Lamb of God. Great band btw.
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Sep 3, 2018
Basic premises for antinatalism. I wholeheartedly agree. Only a species formed by such a cruel nature can reproduce and call it salvation. Everything is like Stranger Things' upside down world. A land of hypocrisy and hidden darkness.
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