

Apr 4, 2022
Found these outside my front door. Went to put the bin out, nothing was there. Few seconds later came back and they were outside my door.


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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
…maybe you should call the police instead of asking a suicide forum.
Not to be an asshole but this is the type of post that immediately comes off as trolling or attention seeking via self-made issues.

Apologies if that's not the case, but why aren't you contacting the authorities?
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Apr 4, 2022
…maybe you should call the police instead of asking a suicide forum.
Not to be an asshole but this is the type of post that immediately comes off as trolling or attention seeking via self-made issues.

Apologies if that's not the case, but why aren't you contacting the authorities?
They have been called. I'm not sure what self-made issues you're talking about. I put this in the off topic section. The point of it being "of topic" means it's not discussing suicide. People in this group don't always speak about suicide. I've been here many months now and joined because at the time I was suicidal. I do find your comment appears like an asshole. You implied I'm an attention seeker but don't know me. I put it in the group because I have no friends or family. I'm autistic and grew up in foster care. I use this group for support. If you don't like my post then it's not compulsory to respond.
They have been called. I'm not sure what self-made issues you're talking about. I put this in the off topic section. The point of it being "of topic" means it's not discussing suicide. People in this group don't always speak about suicide. I've been here many months now and joined because at the time I was suicidal. I do find your comment appears like an asshole. You implied I'm an attention seeker but don't know me. I put it in the group because I have no friends or family. I'm autistic and grew up in foster care. I use this group for support. If you don't like my post then it's not compulsory to respond.
FYI the police were called before I posted the letters. Don't make assumptions.
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Jul 14, 2022
Do you have an idea who it might be? Likely, authorities won't/can't do anything since it's not really an outright threat.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
They have been called. I'm not sure what self-made issues you're talking about. I put this in the off topic section. The point of it being "of topic" means it's not discussing suicide. People in this group don't always speak about suicide. I've been here many months now and joined because at the time I was suicidal. I do find your comment appears like an asshole. You implied I'm an attention seeker but don't know me. I put it in the group because I have no friends or family. I'm autistic and grew up in foster care. I use this group for support. If you don't like my post then it's not compulsory to respond.

FYI the police were called before I posted the letters. Don't make assumptions.
I never told you that you posted it in the wrong section..I was merely transparent in my observation of the absurdity behind posting such a thing here..at all.

Lol yea I really just handed you that insult on a silver platter, didn't I.
I don't actually think I'm being one, however, that's why I said "not to be", because I considered it might be taken that way, while knowing the intent was otherwise.

I didn't imply you were an attention seeker, I implied that posts like this HAVE been in the past, and that's why it will come across as suspect, which it IS to me, yes, especially without other information present..which is why I asked.

Having doubt about these types of things and making sure the person in question is taking the proper measures to ensure their safety against a threat is more than reasonable, do you not agree?

"Self-made", meaning fictitious accounts or evidence created by the person crying wolf.

Don't make assumptions?
Then maybe you should have included the info about the police before posting sensationalistic material in the form of "blood"-drawn letters found on your doorstep.
Come on now… That's irresponsible.
How am I supposed to know they were already called if you never said so in the original post?

What does you being autistic or having been in foster care have to do with any of this?
Did I ever say you were without problems?
I think you included that statement to be manipulative to the rest of those viewing this thread.
Should I summarize my whole life story now too?

I use this group for support also but I wouldn't expect them to be much in the help of this type of matter.

You're misunderstanding me. It's not about me "not liking" your post, it's about what it consists of and context that had yet to be clarified, also that it is perplexing as to what one would hope to gain in sharing this here.
That's all.

I did not make any definitive statements about your post, just explorative ones.
(Pretty standard considering you had all of 3 sentences in the original post, which is very unfitting alongside such a raw display.
Not all of us stalk every member's post history.)
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Apr 4, 2022
I never told you that you posted it in the wrong section..I was merely transparent in my observation of the absurdity behind posting such a thing here..at all.

Lol yea I really just handed you that insult on a silver platter, didn't I.
I don't actually think I'm being one, however, that's why I said "not to be", because I considered it might be taken that way, while knowing the intent was otherwise.

I didn't imply you were an attention seeker, I implied that posts like this HAVE been in the past, and that's why it will come across as suspect, which it IS to me, yes, especially without other information present..which is why I asked.

Having doubt about these types of things and making sure the person in question is taking the proper measures to ensure their safety against a threat is more than reasonable, do you not agree?

"Self-made", meaning fictitious accounts or evidence created by the person crying wolf.

Don't make assumptions?
Then maybe you should have included the info about the police before posting sensationalistic material in the form of "blood"-drawn letters found on your doorstep.
Come on now… That's irresponsible.
How am I supposed to know they were already called if you never said so in the original post?

What does you being autistic or having been in foster care have to do with any of this?
Did I ever say you were without problems?
I think you included that statement to be manipulative to the rest of those viewing this thread.
Should I summarize my whole life story now too?

I use this group for support also but I wouldn't expect them to be much in the help of this type of matter.

You're misunderstanding me. It's not about me "not liking" your post, it's about what it consists of and context that had yet to be clarified, also that it is perplexing as to what one would hope to gain in sharing this here.
That's all.

I did not make any definitive statements about your post, just explorative ones.
(Pretty standard considering you had all of 3 sentences in the original post, which is very unfitting alongside such a raw display.
Not all of us stalk every member's post history.)
Right I'm not going to get into it with you. I think you are ridiculous. You are not a moderator on this group. It is not for you to question other members. Ever heard of the saying "have nothing nice to say keep your mouth closed?"

I really don't care whether you think what I post is obsurd. In fact I don't care about your opinion at all. I think you need to get a life if I'm totally honest because you seem to have too much time on your hands. Your in a suicidal group. You're not going to see things deemed "normal". That's because your in a group with some people who have mental illnesses and some who don't. People talk about all sorts of things here. If I don't agree with it, I scroll along. I don't write paragraphs on it. It really don't bother me. What someone else does with their time is none of my business the same way what I do with my time is none of your business.

What I think is obsurd and laughable is you being in a group where you clearly aren't going to see or hear normal things, and taking offence to it. I don't owe you an explanation or anything at all. I wasn't aware what was on the paper was "blood" because I'm color blind. I thought it was paint to be quite Frank.

If you think your comments might make you appear to be an asshole why post them? Your in a group full of many people who are suicidal. I don't know you, you don't know me. So acknowledging you might be coming across as an asshole to a possibly suicidal person, would seem more troll like behaviour that a person posting a letter in a group. If it's blood in the picture (can't tell I'm colour blind) wouldn't common sense tell you to ask me to see if the person was ok? Or call an ambulance aswell as the police? Or do you just enjoy coming across like an asshole?

Fictitious account? Evidence created by me? I've been in this group a while and people have seen me try and attempt suicide and have talked me out of it. I have a serious illness which makes life very difficult. People have seen my self harm marks. The lost goes on. You clearly have too much time on your hands. I don't post here often anymore because I'm very busy with my own life.

It's not about anything I should or shouldn't have done. If you don't like my post, think it's fake or whatever and you have an issue say something to a moderator. It's much better than being willing to come across as an asshole, your own words.

Me being autistic and having been in foster care has alot to do with things. I was explaining why I posted what happened in this group. When you have zero family and zero friends it's nice to receive some support still. I look for support in this group. Me speaking in this group about what happened is fairly normal given the fact I have no one else to talk to about anything. People with families and friends, usually tell them what's happened. I don't have that luxury so I used this group because the group is fairly supportive towards me. I haven't tried to be manipulative. Your just judgemental, ignorant, make assumptions and are clearly bored enough to troll other members of the group.

Exactly what you are a troll and nothing more. You've been in the group since 2019. Is it my place to judge you and question whether you're genuine and not just an attention seeker? It seems a long time to be in a suicidal group don't you think? I've died this year due to my attempts. I have been in hospital. I have looked at your posts and they don't all discuss suicidal things. So why do you think it's ok to speak about random things in your life without being judged but other people don't? I'm not calling you an attention seeker, or anything. My reference to you being in this group for so long, given the nature of the group is to show you, that it depends how you look at things. People interpret things differently. That doesn't mean people will always be shitty enough to question someone. Exactly what you've done to me in my post. You've implied I am being manipulative.

Maybe nicely ask questions and you'll get answers. Of you come across as an asshole like you've acknowledged your response could have been perceived. Expect to be spoken to in a defensive way. Questioning someone, then proceeding to say they are intending to be manipulative. Remember your a stranger on the Internet. Your more qualified to offer your "judgements" because clearly they are wrong. Ask questions get answers. It's all about how you ask. Make assumptions and you'll get people being defensive with you if you're "assholish" in the way you've done it.

No I don't need or want you to summarize your entire life. Quite frankly I don't care about your life. I don't care whether you are here today and gone tomorrow. Me mentioning certain facts about me isn't me discussing my life story. You clearly have something wrong with how you understand information. Maybe see a doctor? Rather than taking the time to misunderstand, and offer judgement whilst also making false assumptions.

"not all of us stalk a members history" so if someone looks at another members account they are "stalking" not looking but "stalking" have you heard yourself? Do you understand what stalking means? Looking at something and being curious is different to stalking. Stalking is a criminal offence. If you don't like the idea of people looking at other people's past posts, then maybe join a group where people don't have acess to that. Personally I think it's great because if you want to help someone it allows you to really understand some things about them, so you know what's going on for them, so you can be supportive.

I think you have a victim mentality, where everyone seem to have a negative intention for doing things. I also think you are judgemental, make false assumptions and need to get a life. I also think you need to work on how you speak to people. If you have a problem ask questions politely and people might answer them politely and in a way that opens up your perspective on things. You're very narrow minded. Everying must be because of one things, you seem to have little understanding that there are numerous explanations for one thing.

I didn't even know it was blood because I'm colour blind. I thought it was green paint. Although rather than asking a question you seem to have made a few judgements. I don't owe you an explanation. I'm not in this group often because I have a life and I'm very busy. You don't like what is posted, because evidently you don't if you entertain the idea it might be from a fictitious account, then report things. Don't make false assumptions. It's a free group, I can post whatever I want as long as it adheres to the rules which my post does. =)
Do you have an idea who it might be? Likely, authorities won't/can't do anything since it's not really an outright threat.
Yes, I have an idea. Probably one of the people involved in attacking me whilst pregnant. Police know. It's ridiculous. Is that blood on the paper? Sorry I'm colour blind and I can see green. I thought it was paint because I'm not able to see the color red. Another member said it was blood. Is it blood? Or is it paint? No it's not a threat but it's considered harassment which is a criminal offence x
…maybe you should call the police instead of asking a suicide forum.
Not to be an asshole but this is the type of post that immediately comes off as trolling or attention seeking via self-made issues.

Apologies if that's not the case, but why aren't you contacting the authorities?
I'm going to place you on ignore because I'm really not interested in your views. I think there's something wrong with you if I'm honest, victim mentality being one. Good bye.
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Jun 14, 2019
If this happened to me this would be one of the first places I would come to. It's hard to find people who care about how this can impact someone internally. If real, law enforcement should get involved obviously, but then what? They don't care about what this does to someone emotionally. You come here sometimes to share your downs and the struggles and there's a lot of understanding people, sometimes. If it's for attention then the thread goes to a new territory. What's creating the desire to present something like this for solace through supportive attention? Most of us come here for support. We all want to be heard and seen when we post. If someone rubs you the wrong way here it's best to respectfully dismiss their threads, unless they're being harmful and then reach out to us.

That looks wet still. I don't what it is. That's quite a bit of blood if so.
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Jul 10, 2022
That's horrible, what is wrong with people?

OP, In my mind, I feel its red paint rather then blood, if you look at the strokes, the part where its darker is where the person stops, surely you cant get a really bold stroke from blood on your finger or arm or somewhere, for that amount of blood, it would have to pour out and you would see blood spatters, you wouldn't be able to control the flow, some of the strokes would be weaker as the blood runs out (I'm no scientist of course, just observing)

It's too clean, it would smell kind of irony as well if it was blood. I hope you are okay OP.
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Apr 4, 2022
Exactly, I think she had just done it. I went to put my bin out. There was nothing there. Probably 20-30 seconds went back to my front door and it was there. I think what happened was, is she'd done that planned on putting it outside my door. Then when she heard me go out to put my bin out quickly put it there. I think she'd already done it and was planning to put it out there anyway. Had I found it later and not put my bin out it would have been dry. Which tells me it was something she'd already done and was waiting to put outside my door. Btw she killed another neighbours cat. She poisoned it.
That's horrible, what is wrong with people?

OP, In my mind, I feel its red paint rather then blood, if you look at the strokes, the part where its darker is where the person stops, surely you cant get a really bold stroke from blood on your finger or arm or somewhere, for that amount of blood, it would have to pour out and you would see blood spatters, you wouldn't be able to control the flow, some of the strokes would be weaker as the blood runs out (I'm no scientist of course, just observing)

It's too clean, it would smell kind of irony as well if it was blood. I hope you are okay OP.
I thought it was paint to. I'm colour blind so can't see red I see green instead. I did think it was paint too. I agree with you. She's not normal.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Exactly, I think she had just done it. I went to put my bin out. There was nothing there. Probably 20-30 seconds went back to my front door and it was there. I think what happened was, is she'd done that planned on putting it outside my door. Then when she heard me go out to put my bin out quickly put it there. I think she'd already done it and was planning to put it out there anyway. Had I found it later and not put my bin out it would have been dry. Which tells me it was something she'd already done and was waiting to put outside my door. Btw she killed another neighbours cat. She poisoned it.

I thought it was paint to. I'm colour blind so can't see red I see green instead. I did think it was paint too. I agree with you. She's not normal.
Zeus, are you the same girl who was assaulted by your neighbour and had your hair pulled out of your head? I remember you said you had proof of the assault and you were going to call the police. Did you press charges?
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
Holy mother of crap, what an absolutely shitty thing for someone to do. I'm so sorry that this has happened. I have had a similar thing happen to me, so I know something of what you are feeling, which is... not good (to say the least). I'm glad you have called the police.

[Also, that is definitely paint, not blood.]
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Apr 4, 2022
Zeus, are you the same girl who was assaulted by your neighbour and had your hair pulled out of your head? I remember you said you had proof of the assault and you were going to call the police. Did you press charges?
Hi yes it's me. Unfortunately charges weren't pressed because the neighbour lied and said I hit her first when I hadn't so it could look like self-defence. The police believed me but they can't do anything without evidence. I do however have proof she's been racist towards me. Police are dealing with that though.
Holy mother of crap, what an absolutely shitty thing for someone to do. I'm so sorry that this has happened. I have had a similar thing happen to me, so I know something of what you are feeling, which is... not good (to say the least). I'm glad you have called the police.

[Also, that is definitely paint, not blood.]
Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?
Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?


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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
No idea, but they definitely want you to think its blood. Present it to police along with the letters. Hopefully they take fingerprints, its quite easy to take them from paper. Hopefully the assault charge would be enough to get permission to take fingerprints from your neighbour. Do they know she poisoned a cat?
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Hi yes it's me. Unfortunately charges weren't pressed because the neighbour lied and said I hit her first when I hadn't so it could look like self-defence. The police believed me but they can't do anything without evidence. I do however have proof she's been racist towards me. Police are dealing with that though.

Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?
Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?
Well you did say that you had recordings of that assault. That should have been enough evidence. Anyway, Police and Social Services need to be involved if you are being verbally/physically attacked and are receiving threatening letters. Your safety is at risk so make sure you deal with it accordingly. Try to keep calm and don't let them take advantage of you.


Apr 4, 2022
Well you did say that you had recordings of that assault. That should have been enough evidence. Anyway, Police and Social Services need to be involved if you are being verbally/physically attacked and are receiving threatening letters. Your safety is at risk so make sure you deal with it accordingly. Try to keep calm and don't let them take advantage of you.
Recordings of the racial abuse not the assault. The police are dealing with the racial abuse. In relation to the assault they believed me (I'm the only one who had injuries)
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Recordings of the racial abuse not the assault. The police are dealing with the racial abuse. In relation to the assault they believed me (I'm the only one who had injuries)
Is it possible to get recording equipment setup near your building that includes video and audio?
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Recordings of the racial abuse not the assault. The police are dealing with the racial abuse. In relation to the assault they believed me (I'm the only one who had injuries)
If only you had injuries then I'm not following why the police haven't taken action. Show them all of this from today, mention what looks like blood, that'll get their attention at least. If there's anything else I suppose bring it up too. I guess you could tell them it's racially motivated, depends whether that shit flies where you live or not.
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Apr 4, 2022
Is it possible to get recording equipment setup near your building that includes video and audio?
No because it's council property. I recorded the racial abuse on my phone.
If only you had injuries then I'm not following why the police haven't taken action. Show them all of this from today, mention what looks like blood, that'll get their attention at least. If there's anything else I suppose bring it up too. I guess you could tell them it's racially motivated, depends whether that shit flies where you live or not.
It's because self defence is legal. So she claimed I hit her first hence why she attacked me. Yes it makes no sense but her partner who joined in the attack said I hit her first. So the police couldn't do anything. They believed me but if it went to cps there would be no evidence of what happened. Had there been cctv showing them both attacking me it would have been a different story. There was no cctv though because I live in a council flat. The communal area isn't covered by cctv. The police wanted her done for ABH and public order. They told me they believed me. Its just a case of evidence. So if someone says they hit you because you hit them first, it's not illegal. If someone hits you that is illegal if you didn't hit them first. That's what happened to get out of it, she pretended it was self defense. She lied with her partner about what happened to prevent her from being charged with ABH and public order. The police believed me though. They also thought that by arresting her it could make things more difficult for me. So I am moving anyway. Its complicated. Its not like e assaulted me with her partner and admitted it. She lied about why she assaulted me. She said I hit her first when I didn't.
Is it possible to get recording equipment setup near your building that includes video and audio?
I'm moving anyway.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
Hi yes it's me. Unfortunately charges weren't pressed because the neighbour lied and said I hit her first when I hadn't so it could look like self-defence. The police believed me but they can't do anything without evidence. I do however have proof she's been racist towards me. Police are dealing with that though.

Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?
Is this paint too? Just heard a knock on my window, opened it and this was left on the windowsill. I just heard foot steps running away that's all. Is this paint to?
Is that toilet tissue?! I know it's gross, but can you please take a second picture of that... whatever it is... and the notes. If it is blood, parts of it will have dried and turned brown rather than being so bright red in color. [Which I realize you cannot see, but I'm explaining that there is a characteristic color change as blood dries.]


Apr 4, 2022
Is that toilet tissue?! I know it's gross, but can you please take a second picture of that... whatever it is... and the notes. If it is blood, parts of it will have dried and turned brown rather than being so bright red in color. [Which I realize you cannot see, but I'm explaining that there is a characteristic color change as blood dries.]
The police have the items now. Yes it looks like toilet tissue. Is it blood or paint?
Message In A Bottle

Message In A Bottle

📜 Just me, myself, and I
Apr 1, 2022
I hope it's not mentrual blood...that make it all the more demented. Seriously, what's wrong with people? Are they that bored or something?

I'm sorry your going through all this. That's awful.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
There isn't really any way to distinguish blood from paint without at least a second photo, because it looks like blood doesn't mean it is, however the police will be able to identify it if they think it's necessary. If it is blood, or even if it isn't, there's a possibility of that and the letters being a separate crime, something along the lines of 'fluid assault', the intent behind the act should be important, e.g. threatening to douse someone in blood when its just paint. Let us know what the police say. Incidentally, injuries should be classed as evidence of assault, self-defense claim or not.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
What the fuck? That seems like blood too. This is quite intriguing! Do you have any enemies?

Also to be the second in command for assholishness to Last Flowers, this kind of thing looks made up out of some mental disturbance but I'm the guy that posted a thread about ghosts lol

If this is real then I would carefully study my surroundings and contact the police of course.

I hope you sort this out!
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