Jengator, I know exactly what you are talking about. I have chronic Lyme, 15+ years plus, only 2 years in treatment, mold tests came up positive, I also found it in my bedroom , Lots of it in corners and a window after last winter. It's also in our basement. Cleaned it with bleach, but not professionally which isn't enough. Can't move out of the house though. My docs only treatment costs $700 per week out of pocket for IV vitamin c plus other nutrients. Can't afford it. I have heavy metal posing as well, have been doing proper chelation (which is metal detox) with DMSA and EDTA for over a year, lead is still high. One of my highest metals, called thallium (no idea where I got it from) cost me $1500 per month out of pocket for the med to bring it down. My immune system is barely functioning, I'm on 2 intravenous antibiotics and one oral, that's the only way I can function and it's still very low functioning and almost constant physical and mental discomfort . My head is always spacy, my memory is terrible, I can't think easily at all,poor word recall, depression, insomnia, fatigue and weakness, severe arthritis of the jaw bone, joint paint. And I'm only in my mid 30s. Before my diagnosis they told me I had bipolar too, I was on 4 diff psych meds for a few years, didn't help. There's also other complications I have , that's just the start of it.
Despite all my treatments I'm not getting better. Over the summer, it was the worse, we switched up some meds ,I ended up being bed bound for weeks, couldn't move much, so tired, tingling all over, horrible discomfort, hard time breathing. I was getting low blood sugar which caused disorientation, weakness and feeling faint. My mother did everything for me, she had to otherwise I'd be dead. Made my food, fed me, showered me, washed my hair in the bathtub. Just to show how bad things are I have a bucket next to my bed to pee into every night for the last few years bc My bad insomnia wakes me up every hour and I have to pee, and getting up to walk to the bathroom is too hard.
After how bad this summer was I promised myself never again, that's why I know I have to cbt, I can't allow that kind of pain and discomfort to happen again. I'm on diff meds now, they help but I can't stay on them forever bc you have to rotate the antibiotics. Once I'm off them I'll slide down again like last time into pure hell.
I'm also worried about how my body will handle the meto as I'd really want to do the 48h method with SN vs the stat. I plan on testing it when it comes.