

The important is not how long you live ...
Mar 12, 2022
Hi everyone,

While I'm struggling to make a decision between ctb and living (which is a hard dilema), I worked on my plan to find a way to succesfully die.
I also want to show and to imagine a way to make OD a reliable method, because, I don't have the courage to do SN and I can't buy N currently.

To make it easy, here is what I'll use to ctb:

-150 morphine pills (10mg each pill), so, about 1500 mg of morphine
-3 100ml bottle of oral morphine, so 600mg of morphine
-more than 220 alprazolam pills, so, about 110mg of alpra
-30 zopiclone pills so, 225mg of it
-Valium (900mg of it)
-Oxy (25mg)

I'll add alcohol of course.

Here is the plan ______________________________________________

1) I won't eat during the previous and the day of my attempt

2) I'll try to sleep a little (but not too much) to stay really tired, to faint quickly and to avoid hard SI

3) I'll go in a forest like that, I will not be found before a long period

4) I'll take some benzo during the day to make SI decrease

5) time to take the cocktail

6) I'll quickly tape my mouth by adding multiple layers of tape

7) waiting for the end

--> I guess that using tape could add a layer of reliability, like that, if I throw up while being unconscious, I'll die because of asphyxia in my vomit.

Do you think this could work ? Do you think this is reliable ?

I really hope so !

Loving you, be strong dear members, we all deserve peace <3
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Sep 16, 2022
I cannot find words. May you find love and peace.
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Mar 13, 2020
Damnn.. That sounds like a lot of medication / drugs. It Might work,. Hard to say for sure.. but I believe the tape over the mouth could possibly make it worse / more SI.

Just my .02. ... I wish you the best.


The important is not how long you live ...
Mar 12, 2022
I cannot find words. May you find love and peace.

What do you mean, it's reliable for you ?

Ty ❤
Damnn.. That sounds like a lot of medication / drugs. It Might work,. Hard to say for sure.. but I believe the tape over the mouth could possibly make it worse / more SI.

Just my .02. ... I wish you the best.

Ty ❤
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quietam pacem12

quietam pacem12

Aug 22, 2022
Hi everyone,

While I'm struggling to make a decision between ctb and living (which is a hard dilema), I worked on my plan to find a way to succesfully die.
I also want to show and to imagine a way to make OD a reliable method, because, I don't have the courage to do SN and I can't buy N currently.

To make it easy, here is what I'll use to ctb:

-150 morphine pills (10mg each pill), so, about 1500 mg of morphine
-3 100ml bottle of oral morphine, so 600mg of morphine
-more than 220 alprazolam pills, so, about 110mg of alpra
-30 zopiclone pills so, 225mg of it
-Valium (900mg of it)
-Oxy (25mg)

I'll add alcohol of course.

Here is the plan ______________________________________________

1) I won't eat during the previous and the day of my attempt

2) Ich werde versuchen, ein wenig (aber nicht zu viel) zu schlafen, um wirklich müde zu bleiben, schnell in Ohnmacht zu fallen und harte SI zu vermeiden

3) Ich gehe so in einen Wald, ich werde nicht vor langer Zeit gefunden werden

4) Ich nehme tagsüber etwas Benzo, um den SI zu senken

5) Zeit, den Cocktail zu nehmen

6) Ich werde schnell meinen Mund kleben, indem ich mehrere Schichten Klebeband hinzufüge

7) Warten auf das Ende

--> Ich schätze, dass die Verwendung von Klebeband eine Ebene der Zuverlässigkeit hinzufügen könnte, so, wenn ich mich übergeben würde, während ich bewusstlos bin, werde ich an Asphyxie in meinem Erbrochenen sterben.

Meint ihr das könnte funktionieren? Halten Sie das für zuverlässig?

Das hoffe ich wirklich !

In Liebe, sei stark, liebe Mitglieder, wir alle verdienen Frieden <3
Das klingt nach einem Plan. Ich hoffe für dich, dass du den Frieden findest, den du suchst und der Weg dahin soll ganz friedlich sein. Ich weiß leider nicht ob das klappt. Mit Klebeband hört sich schon hart an. Kannst du das in dem Moment? Ich glaube, ich könnte das nicht. Ich hätte zu viel Angst, dass ich Qualen hätte.
Deshalb hab ich mich für Heroin und Benzos entschieden und hab alles da.

Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen, dass deine Hoffnungen in Erfüllung gehen.


The important is not how long you live ...
Mar 12, 2022
Das klingt nach einem Plan. Ich hoffe für dich, dass du den Frieden findest, den du suchst und der Weg dahin soll ganz friedlich sein. Ich weiß leider nicht ob das klappt. Mit Klebeband hört sich schon hart an. Kannst du das in dem Moment? Ich glaube, ich könnte das nicht. Ich hätte zu viel Angst, dass ich Qualen hätte.
Deshalb hab ich mich für Heroin und Benzos entschieden und hab alles da.

Ich wünsche dir von ganzem Herzen, dass deine Hoffnungen in Erfüllung gehen.


hush hush

May 13, 2022
Hi everyone,

While I'm struggling to make a decision between ctb and living (which is a hard dilema), I worked on my plan to find a way to succesfully die.
I also want to show and to imagine a way to make OD a reliable method, because, I don't have the courage to do SN and I can't buy N currently.

To make it easy, here is what I'll use to ctb:

-150 morphine pills (10mg each pill), so, about 1500 mg of morphine
-3 100ml bottle of oral morphine, so 600mg of morphine
-more than 220 alprazolam pills, so, about 110mg of alpra
-30 zopiclone pills so, 225mg of it
-Valium (900mg of it)
-Oxy (25mg)

I'll add alcohol of course.

Here is the plan ______________________________________________

1) I won't eat during the previous and the day of my attempt

2) I'll try to sleep a little (but not too much) to stay really tired, to faint quickly and to avoid hard SI

3) I'll go in a forest like that, I will not be found before a long period

4) I'll take some benzo during the day to make SI decrease

5) time to take the cocktail

6) I'll quickly tape my mouth by adding multiple layers of tape

7) waiting for the end

--> I guess that using tape could add a layer of reliability, like that, if I throw up while being unconscious, I'll die because of asphyxia in my vomit.

Do you think this could work ? Do you think this is reliable ?

I really hope so !

Loving you, be strong dear members, we all deserve peace <3
Tbh, it depends on how fast you can swallow the pills, as you may fall unconscious before being able to ingest the lethal amount. I don't know if you are able to crush the pills and dissolve them in water. Be relaxed to take the meds, you do not need to faint quickly.
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Oct 11, 2022
Hi everyone,

While I'm struggling to make a decision between ctb and living (which is a hard dilema), I worked on my plan to find a way to succesfully die.
I also want to show and to imagine a way to make OD a reliable method, because, I don't have the courage to do SN and I can't buy N currently.

To make it easy, here is what I'll use to ctb:

-150 morphine pills (10mg each pill), so, about 1500 mg of morphine
-3 100ml bottle of oral morphine, so 600mg of morphine
-more than 220 alprazolam pills, so, about 110mg of alpra
-30 zopiclone pills so, 225mg of it
-Valium (900mg of it)
-Oxy (25mg)

I'll add alcohol of course.

Here is the plan ______________________________________________

1) I won't eat during the previous and the day of my attempt

2) I'll try to sleep a little (but not too much) to stay really tired, to faint quickly and to avoid hard SI

3) I'll go in a forest like that, I will not be found before a long period

4) I'll take some benzo during the day to make SI decrease

5) time to take the cocktail

6) I'll quickly tape my mouth by adding multiple layers of tape

7) waiting for the end

--> I guess that using tape could add a layer of reliability, like that, if I throw up while being unconscious, I'll die because of asphyxia in my vomit.

Do you think this could work ? Do you think this is reliable ?

I really hope so !

Loving you, be strong dear members, we all deserve peace <3

I dunno how much opiate can be kept down orally without puking. A regular user on here would know better of oral OD reactions to opiates (pill or liquid)

Wish you the best in whatever you decide.

Also wouldn't mixing benzo with the opiate together be effective.
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Sep 5, 2022
Hi everyone,

While I'm struggling to make a decision between ctb and living (which is a hard dilema), I worked on my plan to find a way to succesfully die.
I also want to show and to imagine a way to make OD a reliable method, because, I don't have the courage to do SN and I can't buy N currently.

To make it easy, here is what I'll use to ctb:

-150 morphine pills (10mg each pill), so, about 1500 mg of morphine
-3 100ml bottle of oral morphine, so 600mg of morphine
-more than 220 alprazolam pills, so, about 110mg of alpra
-30 zopiclone pills so, 225mg of it
-Valium (900mg of it)
-Oxy (25mg)

I'll add alcohol of course.

Here is the plan ______________________________________________

1) I won't eat during the previous and the day of my attempt

2) I'll try to sleep a little (but not too much) to stay really tired, to faint quickly and to avoid hard SI

3) I'll go in a forest like that, I will not be found before a long period

4) I'll take some benzo during the day to make SI decrease

5) time to take the cocktail

6) I'll quickly tape my mouth by adding multiple layers of tape

7) waiting for the end

--> I guess that using tape could add a layer of reliability, like that, if I throw up while being unconscious, I'll die because of asphyxia in my vomit.

Do you think this could work ? Do you think this is reliable ?

I really hope so !

Loving you, be strong dear members, we all deserve peace <3
I wonder how you're going to be able to take that many pills? 400 pills without SI kicking in?.. Rough. I guess if you do it's probably pretty likely to succeed from there, but not sure I'd wanna be witness to what might happen if you get stuck after 40 or so. Rough. I struggle with taking 2 paracetamol, so wouldn't be for me, but fair play if you think you can actually manage this
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The important is not how long you live ...
Mar 12, 2022
I wonder how you're going to be able to take that many pills? 400 pills without SI kicking in?.. Rough. I guess if you do it's probably pretty likely to succeed from there, but not sure I'd wanna be witness to what might happen if you get stuck after 40 or so. Rough. I struggle with taking 2 paracetamol, so wouldn't be for me, but fair play if you think you can actually manage this

Of course SI might kick on but this is why I worked on my preparation since months ago now
I dunno how much opiate can be kept down orally without puking. A regular user on here would know better of oral OD reactions to opiates (pill or liquid)

Wish you the best in whatever you decide.

Also wouldn't mixing benzo with the opiate together be effective.

Yes this is the only thing I wonder !
Tbh, it depends on how fast you can swallow the pills, as you may fall unconscious before being able to ingest the lethal amount. I don't know if you are able to crush the pills and dissolve them in water. Be relaxed to take the meds, you do not need to faint quickly.

Yes I think that I will disolve them into water !
Last edited:


I'm so tired, I can't sleep
Oct 15, 2022
You have enough there to get the state of Rhode Island high. I imagine your success rate would be very high if you can manage to swallow that many pills. You'll be so incapacitated after just the alprazolam and Valium. This mixture should absolutely be lethal, kind of jealous.


The important is not how long you live ...
Mar 12, 2022
You have enough there to get the state of Rhode Island high. I imagine your success rate would be very high if you can manage to swallow that many pills. You'll be so incapacitated after just the alprazolam and Valium. This mixture should absolutely be lethal, kind of jealous.

I'm really sorry for you if you feel stuck without any methods..

Of course, there's always a way to obtain what de want

It looks like SN and N can be ordered with the mail in the PPH. F, Opioids ans Benzo can be prescribed or obtained on the DNM..

Times can be hard but here, you'll get the help and the answers you deserve ❤

In any case, thank you for your answer ❤❤


I'm so tired, I can't sleep
Oct 15, 2022
I'm hoping to have such a stash such as yourself and to be able to succeed in the future. I wish you the best of luck and hope you are at peace when you depart.

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