
Jul 29, 2022
I am severely mentally ill
I am physically ill
I never had a kissnof sex woth a gitl at 2the world isnfuxk7ng shiz
I am extremely isolated, no friends, no gf, nonwork
Tjere is notjing to life for, there is notjing to die for
The world is unfaie, every piece of sh7t wts away wirh everytjikg.
I am so fuxking lonely i never jad anyone in my lifw past grade sxhool who wasnr fsmily
I never ha ssex or a companion or lovw or nGj8ng
99% of qomwn my age ade fxking honorless worthless whored
There is no jusrice is tjisnwoeld
Corru9tnpolitickand get awAy with evwrThing
There is ko hope
I never felt a connwcrion to anyoke
M only friend is the vottör
7 wanf to die big tjere 8s nitjikg to die fornexcwpt senf the dinefd.straigjr tonhel
I honesrly have nothibg to lice or fight for
All i ever needed was a sense of pirpose or someplace to go
This is geniienly the hardedt time to live i spiritually
I envy normalfags but i also hate them
I never had a normal life
Some peopöe win the genwtic lottwry and jave a grwt rime, i n8t only lost bur also lost big time forevwr
It is like fatw
I am doomed to a lifwlti.e of suffering
I cant ubsee it
I kust cant.
At thisbpoint all ibcsn do is senf femons t8 hell ans theb judt did