

Jun 5, 2020
Hello everyone,

I hope you are well? Or hope you are doing the best you can? I am not doing well at all!

I hope that my rant can have its place here, I hesitated for a long time to publish it, even in this forum.

I hope people don't blame me because it is very hard to read, but I wanted to say what I thought of my life and especially the fact that I can no longer bear to live, that I no longer bear the drift of humanity, consumerism, climate change, individualism, idiocracy in general.

I know that there are always people who stand out, that they are very kind, thoughtful, seek to change the world for good, live outside the system. I hope that one day these people will end up dominating the world, that the idiocracy that is taking place will end up disappearing for a healthier, more thoughtful world, in a healthier planet.

I no longer have any taste for life, even pleasures like going out with people, traveling, seeing a movie at the cinema, learning, eating, no longer gives me pleasure, everything tires me out, especially my health. The diagnoses made in recent times by leading specialists do not give me much hope, on the contrary!

I had a life that was strewn with rejection, misunderstandings, health problems, life failed by my health, injustice.

I was born badly, already ill, mistreated throughout my childhood, in a country which does not accept that each one can completely dispose of himself. Thank you France, which claims to be a country of freedoms and human rights! A gross lie. Country claiming to be secular while many laws are, for example, aligned with the wishes of religion, the Church, including public holidays. Other laws come directly from Napoleon, which are obsolete, such as the prohibition on changing family names.

From birth, you do not choose your parents, if you were not born under X of course, the parents really do what they want with you, can forcibly intern in a psychiatric hospital, force you not to be care, choose your school, choose your associates, choose your religion (being baptized without your concentration for example, secular country, what a joke), etc.

The fact of being different, sick, foreign, disabled, born to parents or badly reputed backgrounds is enough to be rejected by everyone, harassed, especially at school, your childhood is only made up of harassment and rejection , and you, you didn't do anything, you were just born in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the wrong body, in the wrong family, if you weren't just born to unknown people (births under x, birth anonymous).

My studies have been ruined by my health, I can not stand to see others have succeeded in their lives, have started a family, go on a trip, get rich, while they have harassed you and rejected you for your differences that you did not ask to endure your birth.

When you want to die, CTB, we take you for crazy, a coward, we insult you for that, that you deserve to be punished, lynched, you are even more rejected, harassed ...

These others who have succeeded in their lives, approach you to leave because you are their sufferers to whom they can fall back to affirm that they are superior to you, that their life is superior to you, that they infantilize you to express their ego as lesson givers, that they are taller than you, richer than you, healthier than you, etc.

I feel like other people want to stop me from CTB, and I think it's the same for everyone who wants CTB too, because successful people want to belittle people who haven't. successful in their life, or who are suffering, are smaller than them, uglier than them, are in poor health unlike them, are deprived of freedoms because of their disability unlike them, deprived of romantic relationships unlike, deprived of 'friends unlike them, deprived of family unlike them, deprived of social ties unlike them, deprived of being able to enrich themselves unlike them, etc.

When life is only made up of reproaches, waste linked to health, a bad family, harassment, injustice, or even finding your origins if you were born under x, what to do.

I was even criticized for being born, my own parents who regretted having created me!

In France you do not even have the right to claim compensation for damage against your parents, doctors, for example, for being badly born or having had a bad childhood.

Parents are totally king in France, they can force you to pay their retirement homes if they are poor, force you to pay their groceries, rent, etc., this is called the maintenance and care obligation. towards a loved one, even if you are rejected by these same parents or placed by social services or sometimes born under X!

Mother's Day was created in France by the Vichy regime, a fascist regime friend of the Nazis during the occupation of France by the Nazis. Fathers and Grandmothers Day is created thereafter. But what to think of these festivals for the abused, rejected, or born under X children?

There are also wars between parents and grandparents because grandparents sue their children (who are the parents of grandchildren) in court to allow their grandchildren to be seen despite their children having rejected them for valid reasons, and deprive their children to see their grandparents!

I was diagnosed with a genetic disease and I wanted to die in Switzerland from an assisted suicide but apparently you have to be accompanied by a loved one to die in peace. But my parents do not want to accompany me to my death even if I take the steps on my own. However, my parents are responsible for my birth, mistreatment, my health, everything even! I find it really unfair that they refuse to come with me.

In France, there is no justice, everything is lax, no children's rights respected. There are even children totally abandoned by social services, abandoned in hotels, which are real slums, the hoteliers only content to take money from the French State in exchange for the accommodation of the child. abandoned, without checks by social services, children are totally abandoned even at the age of 10, left to their own devices, no one sees them anymore, it's totally true but hidden by general censorship.

In the children's homes of social services there are often cases of abuse, rape, and there, nothing is done, no investigations or justice, the case is hushed up!

For abandoned children who are managing like grown-ups, there is no emancipation to become legally major before the age of 16, you also need the authorization of the biological or adoptive parents!

Procreation is a universal right, especially in Europe, which allows even bad parents to procreate, even if their previous children have been taken away by social services, nothing prevents them from creating others, there are parents who were in their fifteenth child because of that! There is also the scandals of child slaves from Romania condemned to prostitution or to become a pickpocket in tourist places in Europe.

Thank you to human rights for promoting procreation as a universal right with total disregard for the right of children to be born well!

The worst thing is that this procreation can only be possible if you find love, so to find love, you have to be born precisely, not to be ugly, small, handicapped, rejected, badly reputed because of your family, etc.

It is even paradoxical that if procreation is limited by children, well born, we will find love more easily, will found love more easily, will found a family more easily, will necessarily have easier access to procreation and will be able to create children, well born in their turn, who will not be rejected, will not have wasted lives, will think much less of wanting CTB!

The procreation permit, with a ban on transmitting disabilities, illnesses, mistreatment, being good parents after having followed parental training followed by a certificate.

This is what society wants you to understand in France and undoubtedly elsewhere:

We give birth to you and we tell you that life is a gift, that life is sacred.

You are rejected for being different.

Afterwards, if you don't want to live, you manage for CTB on your own as long as we don't catch up with you, otherwise it's jail or ending up in the psychiuatric hospital, treated like crazy, with straitjacket or restraints, in a room isolated, tied to the bed. Afterwards, you hang around no crazy label, we no longer trust you, you no longer have access to work, you are badly reputed, lynched, rejected by everyone ...

We dare to say that you will live after your forced confinement with the mad, that your life will be better, that you will be forced to love life otherwise you will not be released from the hospital, the worse you can end up in the upper units security! In other countries, it's downright prison with the same mistreatment and humiliation!

There is no question in these closed societies like in France that we help you die. No way we accompany you, you die alone, forgotten by others. While you did not ask to live and especially not this miserable life!

And these countries dare to say that you are free to do what you want, but shhh, no question of saying that you have the right to leave life, censorship obliges! And it dares to claim human rights, these same rights which allow procreation without realizing what the child will become, if he will be able to live properly without deprivation of health, for example, without injustice.
If there is really a problem I would not hesitate to delete my thread. I'm sorry in advance if this is the case.

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Sep 1, 2020
I had a life that was strewn with rejection, misunderstandings, health problems, life failed by my health, injustice.
My studies have been ruined by my health, I can not stand to see others have succeeded in their lives, have started a family, go on a trip, get rich, while they have harassed you and rejected you for your differences that you did not ask to endure your birth.
Im sorry you have health issues, it's not ur fault, unlucky genes out of your control. Don't compare yourself to others, they've just been more fortunate. They harassed you because they are weak mentally and don't have anything better to do, they had to divert attention from their flaws. Narcissits/psychopaths are always on the offensive, they always point at you
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Jun 5, 2020
The problem is that my illnesses are progressive, I have very heavy treatments now, the obligation to regularly walk hundreds of km for medical check-ups, to have carers, support. Seeing other people succeed makes me cry all the time, I go around in circles, I constantly complain like a broken record, like a circus or zoo animal that spins around all the time without its cage tightly closed.

A Swiss association gave me the right to assisted suicide but it is necessary to be accompanied by a relative, friend, family to die, for the procedures, for my despoiled afterwards, no doubt.

But the only thing is, no one wants to come with me, certainly not one of my parents! I have the impression of not being able to die in Switzerland because of that, or to die alone, forgotten, it is all the more annoying that my parents are responsible for my life and my health. They were so tight that they never paid to treat me, they destroyed my life, they must accompany me to die in Switzerland!

I had thought of a voluntary disappearance to punish them, before CTB alone, without the help of Switzerland.
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Sep 1, 2020
so you cant go and have assisted suicide by yourself? they expect a sick person to have many friends or turned away family to show up? that's a stupid requirement. i sometimes think i'd punish my parents by ctb too
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Jun 5, 2020
I have powdered N, I thank an association for providing it to me, unfortunately this association had problems with police raids last year.

N is hidden as it should, since April 2017, fortunately, but the drugs to open the stomach to prepare it to be able to take the N, this drug expired in 2018. I was planning to use it at the hotel when the departure will have come, or in a car, an abandoned place, in short a place where I will not be found for a while, so that my BTC is as peaceful as possible.

I hope the N is still effective, that it hasn't expired.

I hope even the exhaled stomach medicine will not cause a problem, even worse makes me want to throw up, because with the N it's going to be a disaster.

I would need a way to get this medicine again, because a doctor, aware of my project, had given it to me on purpose, but he is already dead of old age.

At the moment I am preparing my boxes like a classic move, I want to put my belongings away, especially from my living quarters which is dangerous, even if my health makes these preparations very difficult and the removal of the belongings out of. reaching the wrong people.

In addition, I try to earn a little money for more comfort for this departure.

Then after, if my parents still refuse to accompany me, I will disappear without leaving an address, even for the location of my property.

I would leave with a minimum of subsistence, to perhaps take a little trip, far from this life before, to find a little happiness, relief, in the meantime I would have a new place of residence, hidden from everyone that I knew before, then at the end of this little bonhaur moment, I would go CTB maybe with a little violence or scene to permanently mark the bad people and my parents for the harm they have done me .

What I wish is that no child ever again experiences what I have been through and a bad birth. How many people have I seen go mad for similar lives.

These are possible projects, honestly I don't know how to do the best with this approaching departure and the fact that I am being abandoned like that with dishonest parents.

France is also dishonest for the abandonment of children and the disabled!

We must change all that, for the good of everyone, especially future births!
A French TV movie, released in 2012, "Clara is going to die", is about a 40 year old mother suffering from lung cancer, at a very advanced stage, who has a teenage son, decides to die in Switzerland , with a date chosen with 6 weeks of delay to prepare his departure.

The Swiss association asks that this lady inform her relatives and that she be accompanied, whereas at the beginning, she wanted to benefit from an assisted suicide alone in secret, without warning her relatives.

When her relatives and her theater where she works for theatrical scenes, wonders about her repeated absences, Clara makes excuses like seeing her mother, supposedly, very ill.

But the rose pot is discovered and the director of the theater coldly berates him for his lies.

Clara tells one of her sisters whom she trusts what she has and her projects in Switzerland, her sister tells everyone about Clara's projects and especially to her pro-life brother, alcoholic, violent, fundamentalist Catholic ( without him saying it) who comes to Clara to insult her, yell at her, lecture her, he said he would force his own children to live.

Her brother berates her because Clara does not have the courage to live until her natural death like her father did, her father more from the same cancer with severe agony!

She rejects her brother for good, and berates her sister for telling everyone everything! His sister tries to steal his roles in his theater.

His elderly mother yells at him that she is sicker and older and that she will leave before, that Clara tells stories to make him interesting!

At the end her family accepts her departure, and accompanies her to Switzerland, Clara having paid all the train tickets and the chalet where she will leave, after having made her main roles in her theater during a show competition. Only her brother will be excluded from the trip to Switzerland, Clara having decided that her brother will never change his mind and will seek all means to spoil the atmosphere of Clara's last wishes.

This is a summary of the TV movie, I hope this summary is correct, the best thing would be to see the TV movie. But this is the ordeal of people wishing to die with dignity when they are badly surrounded, in a bad country, with bad people. Clara cried very often in this film.
I have Helium and exit bag if necessary.
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Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear

People are poison
Jul 21, 2021
I would leave with a minimum of subsistence, to perhaps take a little trip, far from this life before, to find a little happiness, relief, in the meantime I would have a new place of residence, hidden from everyone that I knew before, then at the end of this little bonhaur moment, I would go CTB maybe with a little violence or scene to permanently mark the bad people and my parents for the harm they have done me .
I feel your pain and I have intrusive thoughts about violence sometimes. But violence is ill advised. Please don't do anything violent. They hurt you and I get that but be the better person and go in peace.


Jun 5, 2020
There is no question of hurting anyone, nor hurting anything that does not belong to me during my CTB.


Jun 5, 2020
That's good. I guess I just misunderstood what you were saying.
No worry. :halo:
Besides, violence towards others and their property would be a pretext to make people forget my story and my claims, then others can attack me.

I want the opposite, and that I be irreparable, as best I can, so that there is no hold against me by my enemies. And then I never wanted to hurt anyone, or for that matter animals, even if it's difficult by the simple fact of killing a mosquito or eating meat or its derivatives if you don't have it. choice.

The same goes for the environment by simply taking a polluting bus, there I have no choice. The same goes for buying products in stores that use polluting trucks to stock up. CTB would be the best solution to stop polluting, for animals, etc. I feel like I am an unnecessary burden, it's terrible.
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Jun 28, 2021
You write really well and explain the horrible conditions in France really vividly. It makes me so sad to think of children there being abandoned in hotels etc etc. People from afar I think just view France as a romantic place to visit. It's shocking what you describe. There should be adoption agencies that hook them up with people who are nice and well off financially.

You've been through a lot. I can really hear that and I can relate though my problems are somewhat different. I also feel anger at my parents. I'm sorry to hear you were abused and mistreated by them. That is horrible. I agree with you on how horrible and evil it is for incapable parents to produce children. It's so disgusting. In my country things are pretty screwed up...Texas has banned abortion. Lots of child abuse stories in the shitty news I check. I think it's bad everywhere and it's getting worse.

I hope you can break free and do what you want and feel relief.

It's so hard. Everything. I like the description of that movie you gave. Thanks for enlightening me on the ills of France. You changed my views and presented a raw reality I wasn't aware of. FUCK those parents abandoning, abusing and neglecting their children. FUCK IT ALL.

Au revoir
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Jul 27, 2021
So, you told them that noone can come with you and they rejected? I´ve heard they can cremate you for additional cost...

I am in a similar situation now, everyone is againt AS in my case, trying to get N. You´re so lucky you have it
  • Aww..
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This life really can be cruel and unfair, and I'm sorry you are suffering so much and have had to go through all that. Health problems can make the body into a prison. I wish you peace.
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