
May 16, 2020
I sit here writing this on our 19th anniversary. We should be together and celebrating but since you decided you didn't love me anymore all because I got sick I'm alone like always.

I want you to know I never stopped loving you and even after I suspected you cheated with blah blah I still loved you (pathetic I know). I tried so hard to show you this disease wasn't going to change us but it didn't make a difference. You never loved me since that night. I want you to remember that you had someone who would have done anything and everything for you, but you were to selfish to care. I don't know why you couldn't just be a man and admit you didn't love me anymore? Maybe because you thought I'd off myself? Guess what... you dragging me though hell these past few years is what put me here. I want you to remember how much you used to tell me you loved me and how you told me I was everything you wanted in a relationship.

Guess that didn't include a disease? Well you got what you wanted. By the time you read this I will be dead. But don't think you and blah are going to live happily ever after. I've made sure to tell you mom and llllll about you. (With a time delayed text of course). So enjoy that since they are never going to welcome that home wrecking whore into their life. Oh and I've sent texts to my family as well. Hope you enjoy....and I've also sent texts to everyone you know about what you did. So I hope that nasty ghetto trash whore was worth it because

  1. You family will disown you (Remember they are racist)
  2. My family might well we will just let you find out
  3. I've made sure this will make the local news so your face and that whores face will be all over it. So people are going to blame you. I'm kinda hoping you lose everything.
  4. Oh and don't even think you are getting any of my 401k or 150 hours of pto. I already changed my beneficiary and it sure isn't you. Guess corona had one bright side.... we can change our beneficiary all year long.
  5. And I want you to know while I laid here dying I still loved you and imagined what our life would have been if I hadn't gotten sick. But what's done is done
  6. Ps you will never find the dog. She's safe and with a good family.
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Jan 20, 2020
I feel you, and can relate. Sorry to hear you also devoted your life to a selfish asshole.
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May 16, 2020
Me too... what's sad is he was amazing until I got sick. I told him that night I wanted to break up bc he deserved a future with someone and I might not be able to give him that. He said his future was with me.
I should have found a way to break that window and Jump out. I was on the 7? Story or maybe 6.... I'm pretty sure I would have died. I tried opening it but it didn't open.
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Always give 100% - unless you’re donating blood.
Sep 10, 2020
No, sorry, I don't agree with this type of suicide note. It's one sided, I'd like to hear his side of it.
Why is she a whore? Do you know for certain that she even knew he was supposed to be with you?
People fall out of love all the time, why can't you just move on and accept that he loves someone else?
Why do you feel you must ctb just to. prove a point and to get him and her in the papers?
Your 'story' is exactly that, your story!
I suspect if you were to bring your ex into 'your story', the story would be very different.
Just because a member posts in this forum, does it mean we must believe everything they write?
I suggest OP is very bitter and the fact she's prepared to ctb in order to ruin her ex's new relationship, it's very selfish indeed. Just my opinion!
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Dec 8, 2020
No, sorry, I don't agree with this type of suicide note. It's one sided, I'd like to hear his side of it.
Why is she a whore? Do you know for certain that she even knew he was supposed to be with you?
People fall out of love all the time, why can't you just move on and accept that he loves someone else?
Why do you feel you must ctb just to. prove a point and to get him and her in the papers?
Your 'story' is exactly that, your story!
I suspect if you were to bring your ex into 'your story', the story would be very different.
Just because a member posts in this forum, does it mean we must believe everything they write?
I suggest OP is very bitter and the fact she's prepared to ctb in order to ruin her ex's new relationship, it's very selfish indeed. Just my opinion!
To add to this, if you're CTBing entirely to spite this man, he has already won. This isn't going to ruin his life. Will he have maybe short term issues with his family? Yeah, but they're his family and they're gonna forgive him. The news is unlikely to run those photos, etc. because (and I say this as an admittedly crazy person) it isn't the habit of news media to run the accusations of a mentally unstable woman who has already CTBed on a whim. They don't want any of that mess.

Whether you choose to live or you don't, do it because it is what is right for you and what you want. My Nan used to tell me that having this kind of anger for other people is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I am sorry on his behalf that he hurt you, I'm sorry you're unwell, I'm sorry you're struggling. Don't let anyone else's actions dictate your future, he's messed with yours enough to this point. Forgive him and let it go for yourself.
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Deleted member 15256

Deleted member 15256

Feb 18, 2020
Someone I love gave up on me because of my depression. I can't blame him, I am giving up on me as well.
I won't lie and say that it doesn't hurt, and I got angry too. But it's not his fault.
I will be leaving. But not because of him, but because I just can't handle anymore. Please, please be sure you're doing it for you. Life goes on for them
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May 16, 2020
First of all he doesn't love that whore. He used that nasty man looking pos. And that whore knew he had a long term relationship and still went after him.
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Jan 17, 2021
To add to this, if you're CTBing entirely to spite this man, he has already won. This isn't going to ruin his life. Will he have maybe short term issues with his family? Yeah, but they're his family and they're gonna forgive him. The news is unlikely to run those photos, etc. because (and I say this as an admittedly crazy person) it isn't the habit of news media to run the accusations of a mentally unstable woman who has already CTBed on a whim. They don't want any of that mess.

Whether you choose to live or you don't, do it because it is what is right for you and what you want. My Nan used to tell me that having this kind of anger for other people is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I am sorry on his behalf that he hurt you, I'm sorry you're unwell, I'm sorry you're struggling. Don't let anyone else's actions dictate your future, he's messed with yours enough to this point. Forgive him and let it go for yourself.
Well said
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Nov 15, 2019
His family is racist and so is the person who wrote the note. I don't think it's cool to be racist just because they did something wrong.
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Every form of refuge has its price
Mar 14, 2021
To add to this, if you're CTBing entirely to spite this man, he has already won. This isn't going to ruin his life. Will he have maybe short term issues with his family? Yeah, but they're his family and they're gonna forgive him. The news is unlikely to run those photos, etc. because (and I say this as an admittedly crazy person) it isn't the habit of news media to run the accusations of a mentally unstable woman who has already CTBed on a whim. They don't want any of that mess.

Whether you choose to live or you don't, do it because it is what is right for you and what you want. My Nan used to tell me that having this kind of anger for other people is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I am sorry on his behalf that he hurt you, I'm sorry you're unwell, I'm sorry you're struggling. Don't let anyone else's actions dictate your future, he's messed with yours enough to this point. Forgive him and let it go for yourself.
Totally agree. If the OP does make the news people will write it off as a "crazy ex" story. Nobody will really blame the ex. In fact they'll likely sympathise with him and say he was right to get away from the crazy woman.

This is not belittle your feelings or experience, nor am I calling you crazy, OP. But that's the likely reaction from most people. Instead of hating your ex, they're more likely to congratulate him on a lucky escape.

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