
Mar 10, 2021
I've never posted before, so please bear with me.

On March 1, I overdosed on a schedule 1 drug (I will not say what; it is incredibly difficult to obtain and therefore unhelpful to know the name) that 100% definitely should have killed me, according to almost a month of research. I am a small female (bmi 17.9) and took it on an empty stomach after a week of barely eating due to severe depression.

In the moment, as per the nature of the drug, it was a truly beautiful experience, almost euphoric. I was soaring dizzily above myself, writing nostalgically in my journal, happy to be drifting off to a better place.

I don't remember falling asleep.

What I do remember is waking up in the ER, tied to a bed. Moniters everywhere. All sorts of tubes and wires stuck to me. I was alone and scared. My bed was pushed into a different room and I was dragged onto a table for some kind of scan, then dragged back to the bed and wheeled to the ICU where I stayed for 2 sleepless days. The next 3 days were spent in the normal part of the hospital for monitering.

Later (and I have no memory of any of this), I was told that my boyfriend came in and noticed I was acting strange. He told me he called 911 when I was unresponsive. I seized and he tried to make me throw up. The ambulance came and took me away. I was intubated. I extubated myself due to improper sedation by the nurses.

For weeks after (and still sometimes now), I was in shock. I really believed I would die. For about a minute after I woke, I thought I was dead. It took a long time for me to fully realize that I did not actually die and that my worldly responsibilities still applied.

This was my 3rd lethal attempt. Each would have been successful had someone not intervened. I feel like an absolute failure of a person for having failed so many times. I am currently in therapy and have been as honest as I can, but I can't bring myself to tell them I've gotten ahold of SN and am just waiting for the anemetics to come in the mail.

Something my boyfriend told me that drove me into a deep depression was him saying that I can find solace in the fact that I would never do it. He meant this to be a comfort, but the night before March 1, amidst a huge fight, he screamed at me that everything I do is for attention and if I really wanted to die, I would be dead.

This has awoken a part of me in the back of my mind that insists I stay silent about my SN plans and my pain. A part that tells me that if I were truly hurting like I think I am, I will do everything in my power to prevent any interference in ctbing, and that if I let someone in, my pain is not valid. I feel very conflicted and hopeless.

Can anyone relate?
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Sorry that you had to go through this. I can relate somewhat though I've never attempted before. I have vocalized my suicidal ideations to several friends and one recently said to me that if I was truly suicidal, I would've done it by now. That may sound callous, but to be fair, I have been threatening suicide for over a year now and I'm sure he's sick of what he sees as my attention seeking behavior. The difference now is that I have SN, whereas before, I was thinking that I might work up the nerve to jump off a parking garage. With SN, I hope that it is far more likely that I will actually ctb.

I'm curious why you chose to OD when it was likely that your bf would find you. Also, you didn't mention whether you had to spend time in the psych ward.
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Mar 13, 2021
I've never posted before, so please bear with me.

On March 1, I overdosed on a schedule 1 drug (I will not say what; it is incredibly difficult to obtain and therefore unhelpful to know the name) that 100% definitely should have killed me, according to almost a month of research. I am a small female (bmi 17.9) and took it on an empty stomach after a week of barely eating due to severe depression.

In the moment, as per the nature of the drug, it was a truly beautiful experience, almost euphoric. I was soaring dizzily above myself, writing nostalgically in my journal, happy to be drifting off to a better place.

I don't remember falling asleep.

What I do remember is waking up in the ER, tied to a bed. Moniters everywhere. All sorts of tubes and wires stuck to me. I was alone and scared. My bed was pushed into a different room and I was dragged onto a table for some kind of scan, then dragged back to the bed and wheeled to the ICU where I stayed for 2 sleepless days. The next 3 days were spent in the normal part of the hospital for monitering.

Later (and I have no memory of any of this), I was told that my boyfriend came in and noticed I was acting strange. He told me he called 911 when I was unresponsive. I seized and he tried to make me throw up. The ambulance came and took me away. I was intubated. I extubated myself due to improper sedation by the nurses.

For weeks after (and still sometimes now), I was in shock. I really believed I would die. For about a minute after I woke, I thought I was dead. It took a long time for me to fully realize that I did not actually die and that my worldly responsibilities still applied.

This was my 3rd lethal attempt. Each would have been successful had someone not intervened. I feel like an absolute failure of a person for having failed so many times. I am currently in therapy and have been as honest as I can, but I can't bring myself to tell them I've gotten ahold of SN and am just waiting for the anemetics to come in the mail.

Something my boyfriend told me that drove me into a deep depression was him saying that I can find solace in the fact that I would never do it. He meant this to be a comfort, but the night before March 1, amidst a huge fight, he screamed at me that everything I do is for attention and if I really wanted to die, I would be dead.

This has awoken a part of me in the back of my mind that insists I stay silent about my SN plans and my pain. A part that tells me that if I were truly hurting like I think I am, I will do everything in my power to prevent any interference in ctbing, and that if I let someone in, my pain is not valid. I feel very conflicted and hopeless.

Can anyone relate?
The instinct to survive is very strong in most people so your subconscious will probably be trying to prevent the suicide by causing you to confide in people as the body's will to survive is very strong so you are effectively battling against yourself.

What's the main reason you want to die?
sorella santini

sorella santini

Jan 19, 2021
Some might look at your attempts, given their circumstances, and deem them half hearted or simply write them off as cries for help. Only you know the truth. I can tell you my first attempt certainly was a cry for help, as I look back on it and realize how ridiculous it was. I know better now.

I say zero to my spouse about my plan. He cannot know. You are wise to keep your thoughts and plans to yourself if you truly want to ctb.

But I don't see how letting someone in invalidates your pain.
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Mar 10, 2021
The instinct to survive is very strong in most people so your subconscious will probably be trying to prevent the suicide by causing you to confide in people as the body's will to survive is very strong so you are effectively battling against yourself.

What's the main reason you want to die?
Not trying to sound poetic or anything, but I feel as though I have experienced too much trauma for one person to bear. I grew up in an abusive household. I was molested and raped by my brother when I was a child. I work in an extremely high stress field and feel that as the work ramps, I will only fail harder. I feel crushed by responsibility and overwhelmed with past trauma. I feel like a terribly selfish person even saying all this because I am well aware of people who have it way worse and are still able to trudge on. I just know I am crushed by the burden.
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Mar 13, 2021
Not trying to sound poetic or anything, but I feel as though I have experienced too much trauma for one person to bear. I grew up in an abusive household. I was molested and raped by my brother when I was a child. I work in an extremely high stress field and feel that as the work ramps, I will only fail harder. I feel crushed by responsibility and overwhelmed with past trauma. I feel like a terribly selfish person even saying all this because I am well aware of people who have it way worse and are still able to trudge on. I just know I am crushed by the burden.
I totally understand. Everyone has an individual threshold as regards what they can bear and this isn't static either. One one day I will think that's it, I don't want to be here any more and on another I will feel life's bearable but it won't be long before the next 'I don't want to be here' episode. There's no emotional stability. If you work your'e doing really well though - you should give yourself a very large pat on the back for that. Talking about how you feel is very important. You're not selfish at all; you're dealing admirably with some exceedingly traumatic levels of abuse.
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Mar 10, 2021
I totally understand. Everyone has an individual threshold as regards what they can bear and this isn't static either. One one day I will think that's it, I don't want to be here any more and on another I will feel life's bearable but it won't be long before the next 'I don't want to be here' episode. There's no emotional stability. If you work your'e doing really well though - you should give yourself a very large pat on the back for that. Talking about how you feel is very important. You're not selfish at all; you're dealing admirably with some exceedingly traumatic levels of abuse.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It really is a huge comfort. I appreciate you taking the time. It's so relieving to know that I'm not alone.


Feb 26, 2021
He will miss you when you are gone. I can tell you that much. He will regret saying the things he said and he will blame himself for the actions you chose to make. I had you find comfort in some form. I can tell you from a mans perspective that will be the truth. It is like I use to say people will mourn me when I am gone.
My first attempt failed because I did not understand anchor points. Had I put the belt on another one of the hooks I would have died. Some days I wish it worked.


Mar 10, 2021
Sorry that you had to go through this. I can relate somewhat though I've never attempted before. I have vocalized my suicidal ideations to several friends and one recently said to me that if I was truly suicidal, I would've done it by now. That may sound callous, but to be fair, I have been threatening suicide for over a year now and I'm sure he's sick of what he sees as my attention seeking behavior. The difference now is that I have SN, whereas before, I was thinking that I might work up the nerve to jump off a parking garage. With SN, I hope that it is far more likely that I will actually ctb.

I'm curious why you chose to OD when it was likely that your bf would find you. Also, you didn't mention whether you had to spend time in the psych ward.
It was kind of a complicated semi- fit of rage. I had driven 9 hrs the previous day, arriving at the bf's place around 11pm. We got in a fight at midnight that didn't end until 5am with him screaming that I would never have the guts to ctb. We slept for about 3 hrs then he was back to his happy self.

In growing up with abuse all through my childhood, I was still in the very hard-wired mode of "bf is calm now...when will the next blowup happen?" which is incredibly stressful. Around 830, he left the room to work in an adjacent area, conferencing clients. I showered and noticed the drug. At the dose I took given my size, I really thought I would die before he finished work. I did not anticipate him checking on me. I realize now this is very stupid and I'm ashamed to say I considered taking the dose with me and driving to my place, but didn't. I've been kicking myself every day since for not doing that. I think I was just really sleep deprived and slightly loopy from being malnourished (dropped a lot of weight super fast that week).


Mar 22, 2021
Failed attempts are the worst, and having people think you failed on purpose is just rubbing salt in the wound. I consider myself lucky that my failed attempt was easy to hide from others.
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