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Sep 10, 2018
A few months ago I posted how my neighbor (let's call him Mr. J) had sent me threatening notes and filed a police report.

For a long time I didn't hear anything from him, but today he had put a note on his door telling other neighbors to report me to the landlord. He claims that I made noises on 24th February at 6 o'clock in the morning even though I was living at my parents's house. My parents had left on a holiday on 21st Feb, and so I was living at their house. I have a telegram photo that proves that I was at my parents's house on 23rd at 5:30pm/17:30, and a Steam chat message sent on 24th 11pm/23 o'clock where I tell my cousin that I'm currently living at my parents's place. I wonder if they're enough proof for the landlord and police?

I met one neighbor (who lives on the same floor as me and was carrying lots of beer cans) and he told me he has never heard any noises from my apartment and that he has no complains against me. I asked him if he can contact the landlord and prove that I'm innocent, but he wasn't actually enthusiastic about it, so I'm not sure if he will help me or not. I went to talk to four other neighbors, but only one of them opened a door, a man who lives next door the crazy neighbor Mr. J on the second floor. He was a giant bald man who looked like he uses steroids and smelled alcoholic.

I asked him if he had got any notes from the complaining neighbor Mr. J and he told me he had. I showed him proof that I was away from apartment at the time and he believed me that it wasn't me - this time. He claimed that I've been quiet for a short while, but then started to complain that half a year ago I constantly run around in my apartment at night. I told him I don't run around in my apartment at night, and he told me he doesn't believe me. He said in his own words "Who else could it be?!". I told him that there are other neighbors who live above him and that it could be one of them, but he still insisted it must be me because "who else could it be?!". He said "I'll report you, if you ever again walk in your apartment at night!"

Btw, I met the crazy neighbor Mr. J while I was telling my name to the neighbor. Mr. J must have heard when I told my name to the other person, but he just walked by me with a big smile on his face and didn't say anything to me. I must say, he looked really suspicious. He was wearing a woman's coat, and he had a large white beard (almost bigger than a Santa Claus and much uglier) which he hadn't cut or combed in ages. He looked like a person who never showers or combs his hair or shaves his beard, and he also looked like he would also be an alcoholist and a drug user. Honestly, the ugliest, uncleanest, most smug person I've ever met in my life.

I then went back to my own apartment and called a number where lawyers help people. ( I will probably get a 100€ phone bill but it was definitely worth it). I told the lawyer my problems and she told me I can go to the police and file a defamation against my neighbor Mr. J (defamation means that your honor and reputation has been hurt, I hope I used the right terms here). She also says that Mr. J is clearly bullying me.

She also told me that before my landlord believes them, my neighbors should be able to prove that it's me who makes noises, and that claims such as "I saw you had lights on at night" isn't enough proof. She also told me that it was good that the one neighbor I met said "Who else could it be?!" because that means he isn't 100% sure that it's me and doesn't probably have proof. She suspected that the neighbor is the crazy neighbor Mr. J's friend and/or that Mr. J has probably convinced him that it's me.

She also told me that it's legal for me to secretly record conversations if I'm involved. I wish I had known that earlier.

Unfortunately, I have to wait till Monday before I can go to the landlord or to the police station. I must say, I'm not afraid of the police, but I am afraid of the landlord and the crazy neighbor Mr. J and his steroid friend. I'm afraid that what if my neighbor Mr. J has convinced lots of other neighbors to report me and what if all the other neighbors will make false reports to the landlord, because he sent them notes telling them to report me. What if he manages to rally all the other neighbors against me and get me kicked out of my own apartment?
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Still here
Nov 29, 2018
What kind of rules are "You can't get up and walk in your own apartment at night." So you can't get up and do something in the middle of the night if you can't fall asleep? That's stupid and makes no sense. What if people come home really late because they were out? Is that considered a reason to kick someone out? Because people do that all the time.
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Dec 17, 2018
What kind of rules are "You can't get up and walk in your own apartment at night." So you can't get up and do something in the middle of the night if you can't fall asleep? That's stupid and makes no sense. What if people come home really late because they were out? Is that considered a reason to kick someone out? Because people do that all the time.

You're right. If people are giving you this much shit for nothing you're probably best off finding another place to live anyways.
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Jan 28, 2019
Whatever the pay off (good rent, location) is for living there is, is not worth the stress. Seriously.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I would ignore him. There is nothing he or anyone else can do, unless they can prove you are making noise at inappropriate hours, lots of it, and consistently. Even then, the absolute worst case scenario is that you'd get a fine. Sometimes when a tenant is making a lot of noise, a police department will confiscate whatever's causing it, ie. a sound system or whatever, but in your case that's not even a thing. Is there any chance you can just put it out of your mind? I doubt you'll ever face repercussions from this.
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Sep 10, 2018
What kind of rules are "You can't get up and walk in your own apartment at night." So you can't get up and do something in the middle of the night if you can't fall asleep? That's stupid and makes no sense. What if people come home really late because they were out? Is that considered a reason to kick someone out? Because people do that all the time.

I know, this place is really stupid. A lot of other apartment buildings have people who have small kids who run all day long and some elder people have to use the toilet three times a night. Yet I somehow walk too much and too noisily and use too much toilet. It's not my fault if the floor is so poor that all sounds go through it. Also, I hate how those idiots claim that my walking and night sounds aren't normal. How do you determine if my walking makes too much sound or not? Is there a test you can do? /s

And I hate how the landlord is a cowardly idiot who doesn't have the balls to say to him: "Sorry, but walking and using toilet at night is totally normal. Move away if you can't stand it!"

You're right. If people are giving you this much shit for nothing you're probably best off finding another place to live anyways.

I'd love to move away and I have thought about it a lot, but I suffer from a disability so I can't work and thus I don't have much money. My only hope is to get so good at art that people will pay me for it, so that my fans would pay my rent for me in a way. But it's just a distant hope for now, and I'll probably rope before it ever comes true. I have also thought of using the last of my money to rent an apartment, live there till I ran out of money, and then rope after I have no more money.

Whatever the pay off (good rent, location) is for living there is, is not worth the stress. Seriously.

Agreed, this causes constant stress which causes health problems and insomnia. But this location is perfect and the rent is the cheapest you can get in this city (unless I move to a 25m2 apartment, but in that case I'd die of claustrophobia).

I would ignore him. There is nothing he or anyone else can do, unless they can prove you are making noise at inappropriate hours, lots of it, and consistently. Even then, the absolute worst case scenario is that you'd get a fine. Sometimes when a tenant is making a lot of noise, a police department will confiscate whatever's causing it, ie. a sound system or whatever, but in your case that's not even a thing. Is there any chance you can just put it out of your mind? I doubt you'll ever face repercussions from this.

I really can't ignore him anymore. I tried that tactic half a year ago and it didn't work. He has been a pain in my ass for half a year now, and he really wants to get me kicked out, and the lawyer said it's possible that he's only doing this for fun. I will go to the police and report him and even go to court if it comes to that. Taping notes to doors and sending notes to other neighbors telling them to report me is not something I can ignore. He thinks that if I go to toilet every night at 11pm that it's proof of me making noise at inappropriate hours, lots of it, and consistently. And it's never something like "Could you please close the toilet door more gently?" or "Please don't move your chairs so noisily", it's always "For half a year I've heard you running in your apartment all night!". And every time when I try to explain that "I never run in my tiny one-room-apartment, I do go to toilet sometimes, and drink water or eat, but I don't RUN", they don't believe me. Heck, 99% of my days go like: Sleep till 11am, sit quietly in front of computer till 16pm, visit parents from 16pm till 18-21pm, come home and sit in front of computer till 22-23pm, go to lie in my bed and quietly surf the net on my phone till I fall asleep. Seriously, any sane person would wonder "Why would a person who hasn't got a single warning in 5 years they've lived in their apartment suddenly run around every single night for hours?!" And why would anyone continue to run after others have complained about it?" But the landlord is incompetent and I really fear that the landlord will believe him if he gets other neighbors to complain about me.

I doubt I'll get a fine. The neighbor claimed that he filed a report in... was it... October (iirc) and the lawyer told me that if the police don't contact you in 2 months after the report has been filed then it means that they've dropped the case. They would have contacted me already. True, it's only my feet which make too much noise. Unless they plan to cut them off.

Thank you for the replies everyone. I hope I'll one day have enough money to live in a better apartment. But let's see if I'll rope from stress before that. (It's nice that this forum exists, everywhere else people would think "It's better to be homeless than ctb from stress.)
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