

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Is it not life itself that is disturbing, for the horrors I've witnessed during this freak show are most certainly what has lead me towards ctb?

He opines that I am disturbing and unsettling for discussing suicide often, and also that the validity of his opinions can be confirmed by the fact that 99.9% of the world would agree with him. To that I say, where were you when 99% of the world thought that it was okay to burn heretics at the stake? All because the populace thought these sacrilegious individuals- who were doing such scandalous things as eating the wrong meat, disobeying their husbands, or not going to church- would anger their skydaddy of choice to the point where he would cast doomsday upon everyone?

Just because a majority believes something, does not always mean that they are correct in their belief, nor does it make them virtuous to uphold a conviction simply because everyone around them is doing it.

It is a tragedy that anyone would be pushed towards making this decision, but it is not wanting a choice in one's mortality that is disturbing. It is the pain and suffering inherent to life that is disturbing.

Perhaps I may be too open about suicide and the things I believe. However, I want people to see reality. That my life as a traumatized, disabled, lonely, deteriorating woman is not worth living in my eyes. No ad hominem attacks will change that.
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Mar 22, 2020
I know I don't know him but... could you tell him to go to hell in my place? He just sucks!!!!!

You are LOVELY! Why don't you ask him to read all your threads? You're literally one of the best members of SS. I wish I have friends like you here in Argentina! It's nonsense!

If I was your bf, I could do nothing but LOVE YOU!!

Anyway, I really hate that guy haha.

You're the best. Kuri-sama. NEVER CHANGE!!!
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Feb 6, 2021
I'm sure there's far less than 99.9% that would really agree with him, suicide and people talking about wanting to die has become much more common lately it seems and even among the people who publicly advocate against it there might be some who have a different opinion in private but simply don't say it because it's not seen as socially acceptable.

I personally only openly talked about suicide with one person irl and she agreed that a person should be allowed to do with their life what they want, including ending it - it's their own life after all and they have the right to end it. Though it is sad some people are pushed to such a severe decision calling someone "disturbing" for it isn't right.
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Jan 24, 2019
I feel you, i think there's no valid argument when it comes to discuss suicide as a wrong choice, we would have to put a glass over all and have the "right" to say if someone's experiences, traumas, pain is enough for them to make a decision for themselves, and that's only the perspective that's out , they'll never find out how every suicidal individual feels about it, as a debate i have come to this conclusion, "morality" in this topic is something that people never, let out, there's no consideration of anything if talking with a pro life, mostly because mental illnesses are not taken seriously at all, but hell, when we talk about euthanasia or abortion suddenly everyone is pro choice...
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Is it not life itself that is disturbing, for the horrors I've witnessed during this freak show are most certainly what has lead me towards ctb?

He opines that I am disturbing and unsettling for discussing suicide often, and also that the validity of his opinions can be confirmed by the fact that 99.9% of the world would agree with him. To that I say, where were you when 99% of the world thought that it was okay to burn heretics at the stake? All because the populace thought these sacrilegious individuals- who were doing such scandalous things as eating the wrong meat, disobeying their husbands, or not going to church- would anger their skydaddy of choice to the point where he would cast doomsday upon everyone?

Just because a majority believes something, does not always mean that they are correct in their belief, nor does it make them virtuous to uphold a conviction simply because everyone around them is doing it.

It is a tragedy that anyone would be pushed towards making this decision, but it is not wanting a choice in one's mortality that is disturbing. It is the pain and suffering inherent to life that is disturbing.

Perhaps I may be too open about suicide and the things I believe. However, I want people to see reality. That my life as a traumatized, disabled, lonely, deteriorating woman is not worth living in my eyes. No ad hominem attacks will change that.
"Sky daddy" is the best thing I've heard all week lmao, did you come up with that yourself?

To your bf, is he under the impression that the majority has never been the one in the wrong? Because history would disprove his claim a thousand times over, as you so described with your examples.

I think if you can manage it without bringing yourself excessive harm or risk, by all means, be open about the subject matter that we all discuss here. They need to be exposed to it so that it doesn't seem like some eldritch abomination to them. There is nothing disturbing about you or the desire and right to end our lives of suffering.
Here is a little image to boost your morale, taken way out of context from the television show I came across it on (Fargo) but honestly, it does seem to be true in this case:

1A1151D3 C684 4FDE 93C3 073BADE57682
(Sorry I couldn't find one without the blood splatter lol..mild spoiler I guess)
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
To me, suicide is no more "disturbing" than other facets of life. And if anything, it's the circumstances that lead people into wanting to take their own lives which are actually disturbing. People don't wake up one day and decide to want to end it all. I really wish people would stop blaming the victim. After all, how is shaming suicidal people going to help them be less suicidal? I just can't wrap my head around that sort of thinking.
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