

Oct 13, 2018
Hello. Four months ago, my boyfriend,
with whom I had been together for almost six years.
, committed suicide in his garage, angine himself in a total manner. After four months I still can not accept it, I feel like dying inside, because I think it's also my fault, and the fact that we lived a little because of our work. he was not well and I did not understand anything. There is someone here like me who has tried the same thing? tips how to overcome this mourning for suicide? please help me.
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Sep 23, 2018
My partner killed herself in March this year, still feels unreal too. I love her but im also angry. It would have been her 34th birthday today, im just hoping people leave me alone today
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Jul 12, 2018
Hello. Four months ago, my boyfriend,
with whom I had been together for almost six years.
, committed suicide in his garage, angine himself in a total manner. After four months I still can not accept it, I feel like dying inside, because I think it's also my fault, and the fact that we lived a little because of our work. he was not well and I did not understand anything. There is someone here like me who has tried the same thing? tips how to overcome this mourning for suicide? please help me.
Hey Blacksheep, really sorry to hear what you're going through right now, sorry that I can't really offer much words of solace because I've never been in your situation before, at the very least all I can say is try to remember he's at peace now and I'm sure he would feel a lot better if you were to grieve respectfully rather than ask too many questions.

This forum is a pro-choice forum too, if you're looking for real recovery materials and "help" then this place might not be the best environment.
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Apr 8, 2018
Hello. Four months ago, my boyfriend,
with whom I had been together for almost six years.
, committed suicide in his garage, angine himself in a total manner. After four months I still can not accept it, I feel like dying inside, because I think it's also my fault, and the fact that we lived a little because of our work. he was not well and I did not understand anything. There is someone here like me who has tried the same thing? tips how to overcome this mourning for suicide? please help me.

Did you see it coming? Any warning signs? If you respect his choice(If you don't already) that will help majorly. It's hard to lose someone close to you
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I have become a husk of myself.
Nov 13, 2018
First I´m truly sorry for your loss and second it´s not your fault if you permit me to say.
You can help only when he\she truly whishes to be helped. In this case his grieve was too much to bear that the only option he had was suicide. Again its not your fault. Sometimes people like us wishes to rest forever.
We are tired beyond rest and most of us sorrow that will leave our loved ones.
But we are so tired...

I don´t think this its the best place for you after thee whole event. But if you wish do it with precaution.
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Nov 1, 2018
Hello. I'm so sorry for you loss.

Check out this subreddit, it's a place where you can get support and tips on how to live on after loosing a loved one to suicide. People there have lived through same kind of loss, maybe it could help you a little.
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Nov 16, 2018
Hey, sorry for your loss.
Losing someone close to you always hurts, no matter the circumstance.
Just know most of the people.who leave this way do think about the people they leave behind... of you were together for 6 years i can tell you he loved you. And him doing this doesnt change that. It probably made it harder for him. But you have to understand this is a choice he made, for whatever reason. Youre aloud to miss him, the best way to come to terms with it is to remember things like this rarely happen just because of one bad day... he was suffering from somthing. this is something he wanted to do. You can take solice in knowing that hes no longer suffering.

Dont dwell on what if, you cant change what has already happend and you cant force someone to just up and change how they feel. I hope your able to accept his passing. Wish you all the best.
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Sep 6, 2018
Hello. Four months ago, my boyfriend,
with whom I had been together for almost six years.
, committed suicide in his garage, angine himself in a total manner. After four months I still can not accept it, I feel like dying inside, because I think it's also my fault, and the fact that we lived a little because of our work. he was not well and I did not understand anything. There is someone here like me who has tried the same thing? tips how to overcome this mourning for suicide? please help me.
I am sorry but as others have said this is a pro-choice suicide forum so you are not going to get much sympathy here. Some people are even planning to or have already killed themselves due to relationships.

There is no way to be certain if it was your fault but as his gf you are the primary suspect of course. Were there warning signs? Did he say anything to you? Does he have a history of depression?

There is nothing that I or anyone else can say say to make you feel better. If you talk to people here you risk making yourself feel worse. I'm here largely due to my ex gf so you can imagine how I feel when I see a post like this.

Try a 'softer' environment like reddit. This isn't the best place for you right now.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. As far as coping with it, there isn't really much I can say except to understand his choice and decision as well as know that he is no longer suffering and at peace. When it comes to coping, there is also not a one answer fits all as everyone reacts and deals with grief differently.
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Nov 1, 2018
Hello. Four months ago, my boyfriend,
with whom I had been together for almost six years.
, committed suicide in his garage, angine himself in a total manner. After four months I still can not accept it, I feel like dying inside, because I think it's also my fault, and the fact that we lived a little because of our work. he was not well and I did not understand anything. There is someone here like me who has tried the same thing? tips how to overcome this mourning for suicide? please help me.
Despite what Goldie said, I think you'll find quite a bit of sympathy here. All of us want to end our own lives, but you'll find a great many of us are keenly aware of the grief we will leave behind --exactly as you're experiencing.

I wish I could give you some magic spell to ease your sorrow, but I haven't yet found it, and I've had enough friends end their own lives to have done some searching. Nor can I offer you any assurance that you played no role in his choice, because I don't know you and I didn't know him and I never saw the two of you together.

I will offer this, from my own experience: even when I was in an idyllic relationship I still occasionally wanted to end my own life, and even the love of my beloved wouldn't have been enough to stop me had the scales tipped too far. It can take very little to tip those scales. Right at the moment I have a life many people on this forum would envy a great deal, but critical elements of my happiness have been shattered, and I dread living any longer. We all have that one thing that will tip the scales, sometimes an elephant, sometimes a feather, and I have found mine --just as your boyfriend found his.

To a great extent, the demons that seek us and tear us apart from the inside out overwhelm even the brightest angels in our lives. I am very, very sorry for your loss, and I regret the grief you feel. I hope you find solace soon.
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No More
Oct 23, 2018
Despite what Goldie said, I think you'll find quite a bit of sympathy here. All of us want to end our own lives, but you'll find a great many of us are keenly aware of the grief we will leave behind --exactly as you're experiencing.

I wish I could give you some magic spell to ease your sorrow, but I haven't yet found it, and I've had enough friends end their own lives to have done some searching. Nor can I offer you any assurance that you played no role in his choice, because I don't know you and I didn't know him and I never saw the two of you together.

I will offer this, from my own experience: even when I was in an idyllic relationship I still occasionally wanted to end my own life, and even the love of my beloved wouldn't have been enough to stop me had the scales tipped too far. It can take very little to tip those scales. Right at the moment I have a life many people on this forum would envy a great deal, but critical elements of my happiness have been shattered, and I dread living any longer. We all have that one thing that will tip the scales, sometimes an elephant, sometimes a feather, and I have found mine --just as your boyfriend found his.

To a great extent, the demons that seek us and tear us apart from the inside out overwhelm even the brightest angels in our lives. I am very, very sorry for your loss, and I regret the grief you feel. I hope you find solace soon.

This reply is very eloquently written and all too true. These words echo my sentiments exactly.
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Oct 13, 2018
[QUOTE = "Shewaitsforme, post: 134638, membro: 2854"] Il mio compagno si è ucciso a marzo di quest'anno, si sente ancora irreale. La amo, ma sono anche arrabbiata. Oggi sarebbe stato il suo 34 ° compleanno, spero solo che le persone mi lascino in pace oggi [/ QUOTE]
Sono spaventato da questo. Non essere in grado di perdonarlo per ora. Ma so dentro di me che prima o poi devo farlo, anche per dargli la giusta pace che merita, che nella vita non ha trovato.
I'm so sorry for your girlfriend. I am close to you.

My partner killed herself in March this year, still feels unreal too. I love her but im also angry. It would have been her 34th birthday today, im just hoping people leave me alone today
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Oct 13, 2018
[QUOTE = "Shewaitsforme, post: 134638, membro: 2854"] Il mio compagno si è ucciso a marzo di quest'anno, si sente ancora irreale. La amo, ma sono anche arrabbiata. Oggi sarebbe stato il suo 34 ° compleanno, spero solo che le persone mi lascino in pace oggi [/ QUOTE]

[QUOTE = "Shewaitsforme, post: 134638, membro: 2854"] Il mio compagno si è ucciso a marzo di quest'anno, si sente ancora irreale. La amo, ma sono anche arrabbiata. Oggi sarebbe stato il suo 34 ° compleanno, spero solo che le persone mi lascino in pace oggi [/ QUOTE]

My partner killed herself in March this year, still feels unreal too. I love her but im also angry. It would have been her 34th birthday today, im just hoping people leave me alone today

I'm so sorry for your girlfriend. I am close to you. I am afraid of this, of not being able to forgive him. But I know I'll have to do it
sooner or later, giving him the peace he deserves, which he never found in life.
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Oct 13, 2018
Hey Blacksheep, really sorry to hear what you're going through right now, sorry that I can't really offer much words of solace because I've never been in your situation before, at the very least all I can say is try to remember he's at peace now and I'm sure he would feel a lot better if you were to grieve respectfully rather than ask too many questions.

This forum is a pro-choice forum too, if you're looking for real recovery materials and "help" then this place might not be the best environment.

No. I never understood anything. Since I met him, he has always been an introvert type, he did not like much
speak. But I would never have imagined or expected this. Until the night before, he was with me. And he just left me telling me that for our cursed jobs, we did not have
never time
for us. And he gave me a speech about how I should have been happy with my life, even without him. But at that moment I did not understand that this was his farewell. I feel
very guilty, maybe I could do something, maybe not. I'm stupid.
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Oct 13, 2018
Hey Blacksheep, really sorry to hear what you're going through right now, sorry that I can't really offer much words of solace because I've never been in your situation before, at the very least all I can say is try to remember he's at peace now and I'm sure he would feel a lot better if you were to grieve respectfully rather than ask too many questions.

This forum is a pro-choice forum too, if you're looking for real recovery materials and "help" then this place might not be the best environment.

He never asked me for help. He was so good at disguising everything. Yes, I think I should forgive him, and even forgive myself for not understanding. Maybe small signals in recent times, they were important and I did not notice them.
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Oct 13, 2018
First I´m truly sorry for your loss and second it´s not your fault if you permit me to say.
You can help only when he\she truly whishes to be helped. In this case his grieve was too much to bear that the only option he had was suicide. Again its not your fault. Sometimes people like us wishes to rest forever.
We are tired beyond rest and most of us sorrow that will leave our loved ones.
But we are so tired...

I don´t think this its the best place for you after thee whole event. But if you wish do it with precaution.

Thank you. I know it's not the most suitable place for me here. But since July, I try everything on the internet. will I be stupid? I do not know. But I wanted to compare both with those who lived it like me, and with those who feel like they felt.
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Oct 13, 2018
Hey, sorry for your loss.
Losing someone close to you always hurts, no matter the circumstance.
Just know most of the people.who leave this way do think about the people they leave behind... of you were together for 6 years i can tell you he loved you. And him doing this doesnt change that. It probably made it harder for him. But you have to understand this is a choice he made, for whatever reason. Youre aloud to miss him, the best way to come to terms with it is to remember things like this rarely happen just because of one bad day... he was suffering from somthing. this is something he wanted to do. You can take solice in knowing that hes no longer suffering.

Dont dwell on what if, you cant change what has already happend and you cant force someone to just up and change how they feel. I hope your able to accept his passing. Wish you all the best.

Accept his disappearance. I'm in
trying, but believe me it's really difficult. It was my future and I miss it like air. It scares me because many family members, friends and I understood, we always dream that it does not pass very well. Who can not speak. And I'm afraid it's because we do not all unfortunately have it
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Jul 12, 2018
I'm sorry for your loss, I've never lost someone to overt suicide, but here I am toying with the idea myself these days, due to various, albeit perhaps less painful, events I have experienced. We all share pain, and there is a sad beauty in it. I hope he is in a better place, and you can find some peace in time. Sorry I don't have much to add besides empty sounding platitudes *sympathy smiles and hug*
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Oct 13, 2018
[QUOTE = "Goldie, post: 134818, membro: 2349"] Mi dispiace ma come altri hanno detto che questo è un forum di suicidio a favore della scelta, quindi non avrai molta simpatia qui. Alcune persone stanno addirittura pianificando o si sono già uccise a causa di relazioni.

Non c'è modo di essere certi se è stata colpa tua ma come suo gf tu sei il principale sospettato, ovviamente. C'erano dei segnali di pericolo? Ti ha detto qualcosa? Ha una storia di depressione?

Non c'è niente che io o chiunque altro possa dire per farti sentire meglio. Se parli con le persone qui rischi di farti sentire peggio. Sono qui in gran parte dovuto alla mia ex gf quindi puoi immaginare come mi sento quando vedo un post come questo.

Prova un ambiente "più morbido" come reddit. Questo non è il posto migliore per te adesso. [/ QUOTE]

I am sorry but as others have said this is a pro-choice suicide forum so you are not going to get much sympathy here. Some people are even planning to or have already killed themselves due to relationships.

There is no way to be certain if it was your fault but as his gf you are the primary suspect of course. Were there warning signs? Did he say anything to you? Does he have a history of depression?

There is nothing that I or anyone else can say say to make you feel better. If you talk to people here you risk making yourself feel worse. I'm here largely due to my ex gf so you can imagine how I feel when I see a post like this.

Try a 'softer' environment like reddit. This isn't the best place for you right now.

I know it's not the most suitable place for me, but as I said to someone else, I wanted to see if there was someone like me here, and above all try to understand how he felt, through
who here feels like him. No he did not ask me for help, he was alone
an introverted, nervous type, but always been. Well, he certainly suffered from depression, but he hid it very well.
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Oct 13, 2018
Grazie. Forse è quello che dovevo sentire. Vorrei solo essere sicuro che ora sia felice, perché come ho detto a qualcun altro, quando la famiglia o
io, o amici,
ci incontriamo nei nostri sogni, non è sempre felice. Quindi posso provare ad accettare la sua scelta un giorno, se so che è felice di essere andato dall'altra parte, ma a sognarlo in quel modo, mi sento
peggio. Era un bravo ragazzo, tutti lo amavano, duro lavoratore. E soprattutto è stato l'uomo con cui ho visto il mio futuro e oggi mi sento perso qui. ed è per questo che sono qui ora. perché ora
Anche io non sto bene.
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Sep 19, 2018
I'm sorry for your loss. People mourn in different ways. The best advice I can give is to try and take comfort in the fact that he is no longer suffering. I know that it won't keep you from missing him.
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Nov 17, 2018
I'm so sorry for your loss. My best friend killed herself last year only two rooms away from me. It was devastating. It still hurts to be honest, but a super tiny bit less. You have to get through it.
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
I'm sorry for your loss. I know it won't help for now, but I think the only possible way to cope with that is to try (at least try, I know it won't be easy) to respect his choice and let him go. Maybe there was something he did not want you to know. We all can only guess... I feel your mourn and grief and I call upon you : please, do not blame him or either yourself. Keep all the good memories that you have. I am pretty sure he would appreciate that. All my thoughts with you, mate. Please, feel free to talk to anyone here, as we are the community who provides you with support and wish you all the best. Take care !
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Jul 12, 2018
He never asked me for help. He was so good at disguising everything. Yes, I think I should forgive him, and even forgive myself for not understanding. Maybe small signals in recent times, they were important and I did not notice them.
Please don't beat yourself up, those "warning signs" were probably unconscious and he likely would have preferred you not to notice. It hurts for you but really might have only hurt him more if you'd begun some kind of intervention even had you known for certain beforehand. Most importantly forgive yourself because you're the one that is still here suffering through it, what you or anyone feels about his actions now will not affect him so feel and think whatever gives you comfort, but just don't blame yourself.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I am really sorry for your loss. It's a cliche but I think it's a case of giving it time because little else will really work. That's not to say it will ever feel right, because I think accepting that it will always hurt at least a little is important. But get through the days as healthily as you can, and remember you are not at fault. The users here are testament to the fact that there are usually many factors at work when it comes to ctb. Talking about it and getting what you need to off your chest will help, so do that whenever you feel you must. Eventually there is a good chance you will remember him with fondness and love, instead of sadness.

For now, just survive, don't self-sabotage in any way, and don't beat yourself up. Take it slow and set no expectations of yourself. Hopefully the healing will start soon.
Last edited:
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Jul 12, 2018
I am sorry but as others have said this is a pro-choice suicide forum so you are not going to get much sympathy here. Some people are even planning to or have already killed themselves due to relationships.

There is no way to be certain if it was your fault but as his gf you are the primary suspect of course. Were there warning signs? Did he say anything to you? Does he have a history of depression?

There is nothing that I or anyone else can say say to make you feel better. If you talk to people here you risk making yourself feel worse. I'm here largely due to my ex gf so you can imagine how I feel when I see a post like this.

Try a 'softer' environment like reddit. This isn't the best place for you right now.
Honestly, we're pro-choice but we're still human. Of course OP will still get sympathy here.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I am sorry but as others have said this is a pro-choice suicide forum so you are not going to get much sympathy here. Some people are even planning to or have already killed themselves due to relationships.

There is no way to be certain if it was your fault but as his gf you are the primary suspect of course. Were there warning signs? Did he say anything to you? Does he have a history of depression?

There is nothing that I or anyone else can say say to make you feel better. If you talk to people here you risk making yourself feel worse. I'm here largely due to my ex gf so you can imagine how I feel when I see a post like this.

Try a 'softer' environment like reddit. This isn't the best place for you right now.

This is an absolutely dreadful post imo. Any one of our loved ones could come here after we've passed, in a state of upset and hoping for answers and relief from their deep grief, and whilst this place is certainly not ideal in that regard I'd hope such people could be treated a bit better than be told to get lost and go to Reddit in such a cold way.

I must also say that "I'm here largely because of my ex girlfriend...imagine how l feel when reading this post" is absolutely irrelevant, I'm really not sure what you're blaming the OP for here, she's not responsible for whatever your gf did or didn't do, nor is she responsible for how you feel about it.
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Fucking loving it

Fucking loving it

Sep 3, 2018
My step dad CTB in his garage as well. I know it's not exactly the same situation. It was 10 years ago. I get why he did it. It's still painful but has gotten better. ♡
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