just tired

Oct 4, 2018
Every day I sit here in my apartment, rotting away. I'm in a major city with busy streets right outside my window, tons of people everywhere, but I don't go outside. I can't. I've driven my life into the ground by wasting it away, and I keep falling in and out of depression so low that I have suicidal thoughts, only to try and claw my way out until something triggers it again. I'm tired of the cycle and I can't take it anymore.

I'm in my mid-20s. I've been in this apartment since 2015, and in the city since 2014. I've been alone the entire time. For the first two and a half years I was trying to get a handle on my depression. I had hope. At the same time though, I was driving away friends, the people who cared about me, until I was fully isolated. I received a small stipend from my dad every week, and I am lucky to have a free apartment because of a family business so the stipend is enough to get by minimally. I'm lucky to have the privilege, but it has never felt good. I want to be able to support myself. But I could never get over my struggle.

In 2017 things started to look better. I started writing again which is my only talent, found an online social circle through it (not people I'd call close friends but people who I could communicate with in my isolation), and lost 60 pounds. It fell apart in the last few months of that year but things looked up again at the start of 2018 when I landed a dream freelance job. I was finally making a bit of money and I thought my life was finally going places. I then met a girl and we got really close, but after four months things ended really poorly because I became really depressed as the work stopped making me happy and I was losing my drive. I took advantage of the fact that she also suffered from depression and understood. I overloaded her as I had done to everyone else and she left. I tried to fix things but she threatened legal action so I backed off and really crashed.

Then, the one friend I had in this city or even remotely close to it moved away, and has been distant ever since because I vented to him a lot too. THEN, my contract at the dream freelance job was terminated for a reason they won't give me... maybe because I started being depressive on social media. I just don't know. I also had to estrange myself from my mother with whom I have a really rough relationship... I had to do it for a full year before and I thought things between us had gotten better but now I know she'll always see me as a mistake for having depression. And I also had to drop another long-distance friend I've known for some time because he berated me for being depressed. Everyone else I know has become distant in some way. I went from having something to once again literally having nothing, being at the lowest point I've ever been to. I thought it couldn't get worse than in 2014 when I made a half-hearted attempt to take my life which led to me dropping out of university in my third year but I am just so fucked up.

[there was a paragraph here but I decided I don't really want to share this part]

I think I've just gone crazy. I have outburst moments where I talk to myself. I don't really get out of bed most days and can go for incredibly long stretches without leaving my apartment. Therapy and medication doesn't work anymore, it hasn't for a long time. I've started holding my feelings inside because I've finally learned that telling others only leads to ruin. I need to make up stories so I get fake pity from others, but even that just hurts me now. And as I continue to be stuck in my apartment, again getting a stipend from my father, feeling more than ever that there's no future for me and that it's impossible for me to be socialized, I am just losing my mind. I can't even write well anymore so the one thing I had going for me is gone. I'm fascinating about the prospect of hanging myself, or otherwise taking my life for real this time. Right now I'm just not sure if I want to actually do it. I haven't made any moves towards it and the prospect scares me even though I really don't want to exist and don't see a future for myself. But I think about it, and sometimes my mind wants to believe it wants it. But I probably won't do it and I'm just made to suffer here, refreshing internet pages and occasionally playing a video game or listening to music or watching a movie or anime. Wasting my time as I sink further and further into despondence.

Sorry that this is an essay. I didn't mean it to go this long. Heck, I could go longer. I... just don't know anymore.
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Sep 30, 2018
yeah you fucked up bro
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
I'm aware :/

I may end up editing out that one paragraph [I did]
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Apr 27, 2018
Do some vollunteer work ... meet some folk .

Privilege is similair to beauty ... it puts boundaries between you and others .

Thats what I'm reading anyway .
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
I probably should do volunteer work. I want to do something to help others... I was thinking of starting a non-profit based on this idea I have but it's not that easy to just do that. It would help in every way... it'd get me out, it'd have me meet people, and I'd be doing something productive and helping others. But even if it feels good in the moment, I always end up back here. My mood violently drops and it's unbearable.
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Sep 10, 2018
I probably should do volunteer work. I want to do something to help others... I was thinking of starting a non-profit based on this idea I have but it's not that easy to just do that. It would help in every way... it'd get me out, it'd have me meet people, and I'd be doing something productive and helping others. But even if it feels good in the moment, I always end up back here. My mood violently drops and it's unbearable.
I hear your struggle Just Tired.
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Apr 27, 2018
Your talent is your torture.

Not beating around the bush ... if you try and sort everything out in your head ... it's a schizophrenic kind of 'world in your head' deal.

A bunch of bad tempered holier than though 'helping other people' junkies in a soup kitchen down town might be a weirding out bit of 'life in the wild' to shake up your world ?

I'm just shooting shit here dude.
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Sep 30, 2018
do some sports if you can...always helps me a little bit with my depression
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
You're not wrong, Temporarilyabsurd. The problem is that I am so scared to even go out anymore. I can't even get myself to walk to the store at the corner of my street anymore. My depression has spiraled down to the point where I've basically created a false world around me. So you're right, I should shake it up in some way, but at the end of the day I still end up back in this apartment with my life having gone to shit and me having put myself in a situation where I'm locked down. It honestly feels like it'd be easier to get out now instead of suffering, it feels like I have no future to live for... I wish I wasn't a coward and could convince myself it's the right move.
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Oct 2, 2018
I know whats its like to have everything you need but still feel trapped. It sucks. And getting your heart broke makes it so much worse. The part about your job is bullshit. Why would they feel the need to stalk you on social media then fire you instead of help you when they see youre in a rut? Wish I had a suggestion for you, but all I want to do about my problems is ctb
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Apr 27, 2018
FYI .. I'm trapped in my 'ruin' in a small village .... with my old downer mood.

In the past , on reflection , I have found' necessity ' of survival as being the doorway to at least some experience that isn't just me on my own .

It's almost harder to acheive traction with the world when you don't actually have to .
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
I really respect those of you here who are so committed to ctb, I'm honestly envious
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Jul 13, 2018
You lost 27kg ? Woah, good work man.

I think, just my opinion and I know it's tough but you basically have a free apartment and getting some money off the old man, that's a good start, you've also had a girlfriend and had a job, found a network of online friends, you aren't homeless or broke. You're in a good position to get off your butt and do something, not many people here can say that.

Your ex, she threatened legal action when you tried to fix things, was it because you were so lonely that you got clingy? If so, don't do that, and maybe not post deppressive stuff all the time.
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Apr 27, 2018
You're not wrong, Temporarilyabsurd. The problem is that I am so scared to even go out anymore. I can't even get myself to walk to the store at the corner of my street anymore. My depression has spiraled down to the point where I've basically created a false world around me. So you're right, I should shake it up in some way, but at the end of the day I still end up back in this apartment with my life having gone to shit and me having put myself in a situation where I'm locked down. It honestly feels like it'd be easier to get out now instead of suffering, it feels like I have no future to live for... I wish I wasn't a coward and could convince myself it's the right move.

There may be some social services that can help with , what could be described as 'agrophobia' ?

Fear of the outside world,

Loads of people suffer from it .

I never call/ed it that ,but it's my thing I think .
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+ + + +

May 30, 2018
Wow. I'm female version you. Age, lifestyle and previous life experience according to what you just wrote.
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Fucking loving it

Fucking loving it

Sep 3, 2018
I have agoraphobia so I know what it's like to be totally isolated and trapped inside
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Apr 27, 2018
You're not wrong, Temporarilyabsurd. The problem is that I am so scared to even go out anymore. I can't even get myself to walk to the store at the corner of my street anymore. My depression has spiraled down to the point where I've basically created a false world around me. So you're right, I should shake it up in some way, but at the end of the day I still end up back in this apartment with my life having gone to shit and me having put myself in a situation where I'm locked down. It honestly feels like it'd be easier to get out now instead of suffering, it feels like I have no future to live for... I wish I wasn't a coward and could convince myself it's the right move.

You are in an isolated echoe chamber .
You have to start bit by bit to get some interaction in the world.
Buy a coffee .
Visit a museum ,
Most folks deal with work everyday and it sucks but it takes the 'me' out of their heads for a while ...
We are social apes ... we need others .

Keep us posted , sorry if I'm just venting platitudes .

I have to deal with RL now .
fuck it .
Coffee first .
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
You're not wrong. I am. And I'm already looking into volunteer work... I guess it proves my privilege that it wasn't something I had considered but I really can't stand being privileged anymore.
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Jul 13, 2018
You're a mid 20s guy who is lonely, but you have a sweet foundation to build upon which you have done before. Whatever your choice is, good luck!
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Sep 23, 2018
i get it man... i'm older (38) and just can't do anything social i spend every night home alone, i used to say i was "Gaming" to get over it.. make an excuse for myself. depression just got the best of me and i can't get out of it.... even going to the grocery store once a week takes all the energy/effort i can muster. For me i feel like everyone is judging everything i'm doing.... I used to be able to go to the mall, store, whatever solo and not care.. then when life feel apart i just can't anymore... Sadly i can't help with a solution cause i dont have one :/
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Jul 13, 2018
What's with the suggestions, his pain wants to be seen and heard. Let it be seen and heard. We get this from do gooders all the time. "Just do this and that" you know how it is.
It's a forum. It's a discussion.
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Sep 3, 2018
Hell, I say learn to love it.

I hate having to leave my apartment. It's my mausoleum. All alone and very dark everywhere. It's as close to death as I can get without shooting myself, which I often fantasize about doing in here.

This is the only damn good place there is for me. Everywhere else is too bright, too loud, too chaotic. I have outbursts at work, at the store, panic attacks. I had a flat tire today and panicked so bad I had to call damn roadside assistance to change it. Can't even change a tire anymore. Too mentally frazzled to deal with the damn tools. I just freaked out and called the number. Hell with it.

Wish I had a number to call for a damn bullet in the head.
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Jul 13, 2018
Hell, I say learn to love it.

I hate having to leave my apartment. It's my mausoleum. All alone and very dark everywhere. It's as close to death as I can get without shooting myself, which I often fantasize about doing in here.

This is the only damn good place there is for me. Everywhere else is too bright, too loud, too chaotic. I have outbursts at work, at the store, panic attacks. I had a flat tire today and panicked so bad I had to call damn roadside assistance to change it. Can't even change a tire anymore. Too mentally frazzled to deal with the damn tools. I just freaked out and called the number. Hell with it.

Wish I had a number to call for a damn bullet in the head.
Driving the other day I remember thinking..

"If a tire goes, do I remember how to change one?, how long has it been ? Years"

Started to freak out alittle
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Sep 3, 2018
I'd like to think I could have done it on a car, but I bought a pickup 3 years ago. Nowhere near the same as a car. There's all this different shit. I had no clue, and the book was of no help.

Thought buying that truck would really be great. It really is, but life's still not.

I'm really years too late on buying a truck. I'm more suited now for something for old women. I'm just a withered old man. Probably would have torn about five tendons and gotten another hernia trying to change that damn tire tonight.
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Jun 29, 2018
You're basically living on self imposed solitary confinement like I am. I've been locked up in my familys apartment for about two years now except when I have to go out. It really does start to drive you mad and at times you become paranoid about going outside. It all started with chronic illness but depression and fatigue makes it's way in there too. Well written by the way.
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
thank you. writing is the only skill I have, really
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Jun 29, 2018
thank you. writing is the only skill I have, really
Did you go to school for it? I feel like I should have. It would have made college more enjoyable. I wasted my time on political science and history thinking I was going to be a lawyer.
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just tired

Oct 4, 2018
Yeah, I was in school for journalism and then switched to screenwriting, but left after I ended up in the hospital because I tried to OD on antidepressants not knowing any better. I've written professionally on and off since I was 15. And that's also my pain since I can't find any real jobs because I didn't finish school and none of the freelance things are biting save the place that terminated my contract... so really, the writing isn't getting me anywhere. I've been trying for a long long time. It's pointless.
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Jun 29, 2018
Yeah, I was in school for journalism and then switched to screenwriting, but left after I ended up in the hospital because I tried to OD on antidepressants not knowing any better. I've written professionally on and off since I was 15. And that's also my pain since I can't find any real jobs because I didn't finish school and none of the freelance things are biting save the place that terminated my contract... so really, the writing isn't getting me anywhere. I've been trying for a long long time. It's pointless.
All liberal arts degrees don't really get you anywhere. A trade school will actually get you further. That or you need a master's since almost everyone has a bachelor's preferably in some sort of professional program. If I had known better I would have joined the military out of high school. You learn structure and a lot more there than in college. It's become a business at this point with every university offering an online degree.
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