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Nov 24, 2022
Hi! I'd like to share my experience with SN.
So. I've discovered the PPH and later this forum a while ago. Been reading it religiously, making research, studying posts. Stumbled on SN. Sounded like a fairly decent way to go. I hopped on my country's equivalent of Amazon, and there it was -- dozens of products. Kind of ridiculous how easy it was to get, considering how some users struggle with even finding a site to buy it from. Costed me a dollar for 100g of purity 96% SN. Shipping was three times as expensive!
The package arrived. It sat for some days in my closet. Then I just took it out and opened it; wanted to do the blood test.
The SN was in a black, plastic container with a screw-on lid. Had a label, warnings etc. The SN itself looks like... Salt I guess? But the crystals are much finer. Some clumped together. It appears white, but upon closer inspection, it does have a yellowish tinge to it. Also, it's not that dangerous, like, you certainly don't need gloves or a mask when handling it. My bare hands were exposed to it for a few minutes and I just washed the residue off. I doubt the skin would absorb it so fast. Better not to get any SN in your eyes, though. Ouch.
Alright, the blood did indeed turn brown. I licked some of the SN , just a speck of it, for fun, lmao. Tasted like plain old salt. I just screwed the top back on and hid it again.
The night of the deed, I had a fight with my parents. Well, not a fight, but... Whatever. It was around one when I opened the container again. Didn't think much of it. I fished around with my fingers for a clump of SN. Took it and dropped into my cup. Went downstairs to the kitchen. I weighed the clump on the kitchen scale -- 2g. Alright. I kinda suspected that little wouldn't kill me, but I was eager to check just what would happen to my body. Maybe suffer a bit.
Poured around 30ml of water. The SN dissolved quickly. I took a very small sip and let it simmer around my mouth. Tasted like sea water. Not bad at all. Took another sip. Didn't drink the whole lot, though. I'd say I drank around half of the concoction, so approximately 1g.
Washed the cup, went upstairs again. Laid down on my bed, got on wikipedia and calculated the lethal dose. For my weight, it would be around 4,5g. Damn. At that point, I did feel a slight discomfort in my gullet. I'd rate it 2/10 on the pain scale. Tachycardia? I think so, but I can't remember exactly. Nothing too bad.
Okay, then I thought -- so it does work. I stood up and decided to head downstairs, just in case I'd lose consciousness and start breathing loudly enough to wake up my parents who slept right next door. I made it to the corridor and I felt like I wasn't getting air, even though I was breathing normally. Hmm, how should I describe it... I took a breath, but it was kind of empty, hollow. I have to emphasize that it wasn't painful. Just sort of a weird sensation.
Suffice it to say, I underestimated the power of SN, haha! I reached the stairs and... blacked out. Woke up to my parents standing over me. The SI took over; Told them to call the ambulance coz I took some poison. Epic fail. If only I had stayed in my bed.
Blacked out again. Dad must've moved my body. Woke up by the downstairs bathroom. Wetness on my face, strands of hair clinging to my forehead. He tried to wake me up with cold water. I was still woozy. Blacked out yet again. Woke up. Dad lead me to the toilet, told me to vomit. I crammed two fingers down my throat. Nothing special came out; just spit and some mucus. My belly had long absorbed the SN.
I was moved to sit on the edge of the bathtub, was constantly held by dad. And I blacked out once more. Opened my eyes, and the police had arrived. I was pretty hot, sweating, told my dad so, but the window was already open. Told mom where to find the SN. Heard my mom's voice oozing with panic from upstairs; she couldn't find the container. Meanwhile the two police officers took my personal details. I was very aware at that point. Calm. Not scared. Not panicking. Didn't look at anyone's faces, just eyes glued to the ground. The paramedics arrived, mom finally found the SN. I walked to the ambulance, blue flip-flops on my feet, in the cold of the November night.
One of the paramedics, a woman, asked if I had done it for attention. That made me so mad! You'd think she would be more tactful! Agh. Nevermind, fuck her. The other two medics were alright.
At the emergency room, a nurse took my blood. He struggled sooo bad; it had turned chocolate-brown and very dense. Oh, I had an MRI scan done as well, cause of my fall down the stairs and hit my head. No damage done besides bruises. My skin hadn't turned blue. Lowest saturation was 91%... What else... Oh, I was very cold for a few hours. Like, teeth-clattering cold; just my arms and legs. The only after-effects of SN was nausea and slightly irritated gullet for about a day. I was perfectly fine after that.
So yeah, that's the gist of it! I rotted in the prison they call the mental hospital for three weeks. But that's irrelevant. All in all, if your preferred method of CTB is SN, I would do a trial test of a 1/4 the lethal dose to get a death simulation experience :D. But, yeah, if you're not ready to CTB I wouldn't do it at all.
Feel free to ask any questions! I'll try to answer best I can.​
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Sep 30, 2022
Thank you for sharing your experience, I also tried to test it before actually cbting, my saturation had fallen to 60% and then I have decided to vomit it all to not die actually that night, as you can see I am here and fine

May I ask you, did you take anything else besides SN? And how did you kill the taste?
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Nov 24, 2022
Thank you for sharing your experience, I also tried to test it before actually cbting, my saturation had fallen to 60% and then I have decided to vomit it all to not die actually that night, as you can see I am here and fine

May I ask you, did you take anything else besides SN? And how did you kill the taste?
Woah, 60? That's must've been wild!

Nope, didn't take anything. I had been on SSRIs, though (still am). I didn't do the regimen or fast either - I ate a plate of french fries around 3 hours before the SN lol.

The taste didn't bother me -- and I guess it wasn't intense or too gross because the amount of SN was very small -- so I didn't wash it down with anything.​


Sep 9, 2022
Thank you for presenting your story. Are you still planning ctb with SN?


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds awful what you have been through, but thank you for sharing. At least you didn't end up with any kind of damage.
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Name is from Star Trek. I'm not from E. Europe
May 8, 2019
Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you ❤️
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Nov 24, 2022
Thank you for presenting your story. Are you still planning ctb with SN?
Yep! When the time comes. At the moment I don't wanna traumatize my family even further lol.

I'll make up my own regimen tho. 20g of SN is an overkill imo, and probably the reason for vomiting as some have reported. I'll probably go with double lethal dose, so about 9g for my weight.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Why do you think you did it? It was a tactless question then but I have the same curiosity. Just a test to see how a non lethal dose affected your body?
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
I would never expect something that is almost a literary text about drinking SN. You sound like a cool person. I'm sorry for all of us that we have to be in this position. But, I guess, that's our destiny... There have been so many people trying out SN recently, even if SN is something that is not supposed to be tested. It shows again and again why SN is really the best method out there.

I have a medical trauma and I truly hate doctors (my reason for CTB is a misdiagnosis of a severe spinal disease), so I'd probably give that paramedic a slap. It made me angry just from reading the text.
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
Good post to warn users not to do dumb experiments. :)
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Nov 24, 2022
Why do you think you did it? It was a tactless question then but I have the same curiosity. Just a test to see how a non lethal dose affected your body?
Yeah, pretty much. I was deadly curious and I might've been going through a mental breakdown. Sort of desperate to feel something. Anything.
Exactly. It's all over SS… DONT TEST SN!
I mean I get you but... Come on. This is a suicide forum, don't expect people to make sound decisions.

And I've seen the warnings, too. I knew what the consequences could be.

It was a... Unique experience. The symptoms weren't bad, now I'm sure I'll choose SN in the future. Combined with some sleeping pills, it's the most available and painless way to go.

The only thing I regret was going out of my room. Oh well.

Do whatever you want, people. Just do your research and be aware of the shit that might follow.
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Sep 30, 2022
Yeah, pretty much. I was deadly curious and I might've been going through a mental breakdown. Sort of desperate to feel something. Anything.
I absoluetly understand you here, I also did a test because I just felt that I must do something or else I will get crazy
thanks to God or whoever it only proved that my SN is capable of doing the job
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a failed creation of mother nature
Jul 5, 2022
thank you for sharing your experience

may i ask you how much you weight? also, do you think you would have died if you had no medical intervention?


Nov 24, 2022
thank you for sharing your experience

may i ask you how much you weight? also, do you think you would have died if you had no medical intervention?
62 kgs. No, I'm convinced I wouldn't have died. My body basically recovered on its own after a few hours. I was only put on a drip during my stay at the hospital, got discharged the next morning.
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