

Sep 19, 2018
Remember kids, there are ONLY 12 rules for living so this list should be incredibly profound.

1. Stand up straight with you shoulders back.
- My body my posture pal!

2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
- Very poorly written. Otherwise, no shit! I think what he's trying to say is "help yourself".

3. Make friends with people who want the best for you.
- Really? I thought I was suppose to buddy up with enemies. Thanks for clearing that up J-Dawg

4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
- I am really starting to think English wasn't this guys first language...or second or third. I think he's trying to saying something along the lines of "don't compare yourself to other people". But the first part is throwing me off. Horrible flow of speech.

5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
- Wtf is this shit? What parent makes their children follow rules on a "do this so I won't hate you" basis! Rules are suspose to be set up for a child's own good because a parent is in a position of authority.

6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
- Since perfection doesn't exist, does that mean I am not allowed to disapprove of anything? For example - I can't say FGM is wrong because I am an alcoholic?

7. Peruse what is meaningful (not what is expedient).
- What if I find expediency meaningful? Ohhhhh!

8. Tell the truth - or, at least, don't lie.
- I think I was taught this by age 2

9. Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
- No shit! Pre-school simple.

10. Be precise in your speech
- Practice what you preach JP!

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
-My grandpa did that once. It scratched the hell out of him resulting in a staph infection. He also had to get rabies shots. What about dogs? Or maybe a frog? If you're gonna cover one animal you may as well cover all!

What a joke! How does he have a million followers?
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A Nihilist
Oct 25, 2018
Hilarious !
well written.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
Haha. Jordan Peterson is pretty much a fraud in my opinion, and his work that isn't hate-mongering or sophomoric literalism-as-philosophy is pretty much all just picture book platitudes. Of course, sometimes simple stuff really bears repeating or exploring in more depth, but he's generally bad at doing so. He's obsessed with personality and simple self-improvement rituals largely because of his subscription to the myth of individualism.

Someone published some horror stories from his practice, too.

I suppose he convinced a bunch of people to clean their room who probably wouldn't have otherwise. The clean your room stuff was this same kind of tripe (the thesis was basically that it is dumb to have opinions about world systems if you can't even manage to clean your room - sure, but Peterson himself places low value on most labour and is a result of a system where most people in leadership positions have somebody to clean their room for them - it was pretty superficial). I guess for people who are high-functioning and not constantly engaged in housework, cleaning can certainly be therapeutic.

12 was the only thing that made me smile all day, by the way. It was more just the comic delivery rather than what happened to your grandpa. Thanks!
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Oct 21, 2018
Remember kids, there are ONLY 12 rules for living so this list should be incredibly profound.

1. Stand up straight with you shoulders back.
- My body my posture pal!

2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
- Very poorly written. Otherwise, no shit! I think what he's trying to say is "help yourself".

3. Make friends with people who want the best for you.
- Really? I thought I was suppose to buddy up with enemies. Thanks for clearing that up J-Dawg

4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
- I am really starting to think English wasn't this guys first language...or second or third. I think he's trying to saying something along the lines of "don't compare yourself to other people". But the first part is throwing me off. Horrible flow of speech.

5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
- Wtf is this shit? What parent makes their children follow rules on a "do this so I won't hate you" basis! Rules are suspose to be set up for a child's own good because a parent is in a position of authority.

6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
- Since perfection doesn't exist, does that mean I am not allowed to disapprove of anything? For example - I can't say FGM is wrong because I am an alcoholic?

7. Peruse what is meaningful (not what is expedient).
- What if I find expediency meaningful? Ohhhhh!

8. Tell the truth - or, at least, don't lie.
- I think I was taught this by age 2

9. Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
- No shit! Pre-school simple.

10. Be precise in your speech
- Practice what you preach JP!

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
-My grandpa did that once. It scratched the hell out of him resulting in a staph infection. He also had to get rabies shots. What about dogs? Or maybe a frog? If you're gonna cover one animal you may as well cover all!

What a joke! How does he have a million followers?

I'm sorry about what happened to your grandpa, but 12 made me burst out laughing. I don't know much about this Jordan Peterson dude but he sounds like a tool.
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Sep 19, 2018
Haha. Jordan Peterson is pretty much a fraud in my opinion, and his work that isn't hate-mongering or sophomoric literalism-as-philosophy is pretty much all just picture book platitudes. Of course, sometimes simple stuff really bears repeating or exploring in more depth, but he's generally bad at doing so. He's obsessed with personality and simple self-improvement rituals largely because of his subscription to the myth of individualism.

Someone published some horror stories from his practice, too.

I suppose he convinced a bunch of people to clean their room who probably wouldn't have otherwise. The clean your room stuff was this same kind of tripe (the thesis was basically that it is dumb to have opinions about world systems if you can't even manage to clean your room - sure, but Peterson himself places low value on most labour and is a result of a system where most people in leadership positions have somebody to clean their room for them - it was pretty superficial). I guess for people who are high-functioning and not constantly engaged in housework, cleaning can certainly be therapeutic.

12 was the only thing that made me smile all day, by the way. It was more just the comic delivery rather than what happened to your grandpa. Thanks!
I'm glad I made you smile! My grandpa would have probably gotten a kick out of it too.

I listened to some of JPs material out of curiosity a few months back. When I wasn't passionately disagreeing with him I was yawning. He said nothing to stimulate my intellect whatsoever. Nothing profound or wise. I hated his "talk down to you" mannerisms as well as the way he organized his vocabulary. He is defiantly a fraud. I agree wholeheartedly.

I find myself being more curious about his followers. There are countless so-called self help gurus out there who spreads the bullshit way better than he does.
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Oct 19, 2018
Jordan Peterson is a total hack. He only gained a following originally because there's a segment of the population who will listen to anybody who says SJWs are bad. I think he's a good psychologist, which is why I actually initially found him interesting, but it seems he's much more interested in talking about things he knows nothing about.

Also, he is very sneaky in the way he makes his arguments, especially when it comes to his arguments about God and Christianity. He makes points by implication and even outright refuses to answer straightforward questions by saying things like, "It would take me 40 hours to answer that question." No, Jordan, the question, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ was literally resurrected?" is a simple, yes-or-no question, as long as you agree to use words the way everyone else does. It's not a question of how certain you are of your belief, or even a question of whether the original authors of the Bible believed it. You either believe something, or you don't. Not believing it doesn't mean you're certain it isn't true, it just means you haven't been convinced that it is.

But he knows that. He's just dishonest.
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Sep 19, 2018
I'm sorry about what happened to your grandpa, but 12 made me burst out laughing. I don't know much about this Jordan Peterson dude but he sounds like a tool.
Thanks. Haha it's ok. It was suspose to be funny. Glad it made ya laugh. Jordan Peterson is a total quackjob.
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Sep 19, 2018
Jordan Peterson is a total hack. He only gained a following originally because there's a segment of the population who will listen to anybody who says SJWs are bad. I think he's a good psychologist, which is why I actually initially found him interesting, but it seems he's much more interested in talking about things he knows nothing about.

Also, he is very sneaky in the way he makes his arguments, especially when it comes to his arguments about God and Christianity. He makes points by implication and even outright refuses to answer straightforward questions by saying things like, "It would take me 40 hours to answer that question." No, Jordan, the question, "Do you believe that Jesus Christ was literally resurrected?" is a simple, yes-or-no question, as long as you agree to use words the way everyone else does. It's not a question of how certain you are of your belief, or even a question of whether the original authors of the Bible believed it. You either believe something, or you don't. Not believing it doesn't mean you're certain it isn't true, it just means you haven't been convinced that it is.

But he knows that. He's just dishonest.
Very well put! He always came off as incredibly ingenuine to me as well. I saw though the sneak very quickly.
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Oct 19, 2018
Very well put! He always came off as incredibly ingenuine to me as well. I saw though the sneak very quickly.
Thanks! You know, I think I tried pretty hard to give him the benefit of the doubt at first, because I thought he had some interesting ideas, mainly about psychology like I mentioned, and specifically on the power of stories. I watched a lecture he did on the story of Pinocchio, and I had never heard anyone analyze a story from a psychological perspective like that, so I found it intriguing if nothing else, even though I didn't understand everything he was talking about.

However, as soon as I realized he was also arguing in favor of Christianity from a similar standpoint, I started to scratch my head. I tried to raise my concerns with the good folks of the Jordan Peterson subreddit, thinking maybe I was misinterpreting what he was saying, but they were totally dismissive and only told me that I simply didn't understand his views, and the only way for me to rectify that was to go watch 100 hours of his Bible lectures and read his book Maps of Meaning. Then and only then was I worthy of a discussion. That's when I really started to grow suspicious, because first of all, telling me I'm wrong and then putting all the burden on me to prove you right is totally backwards. That's literally Logic 101. Not to mention, that's the exact thing I was told to do whenever I had expressed doubts about the cult I was once a part of to the other cult members. "Just read the scriptures more, pray to God, accept that it's all true, and then you'll understand! It's not anyone else's job to convince you, you just have to have faith." Hmmm.

Still though, I thought maybe there's some value in what he's saying, and these people are just weirdos. This is the internet after all. Then he went on Sam Harris' podcast and confirmed my worst suspicions. Sam is a guy I respect greatly, and Jordan couldn't even have a conversation with him the first time they talked. Why? Because Sam wanted to be able to communicate clearly by coming to a mutual agreement on what words mean, and Jordan refused to do so, presumably because he knew that arbitrarily changing the rules of conversation is the only way his points can make any sense. To summarize, Jordan was trying to claim that the word "truth" actually means something different from the accepted definition: to Jordan, what's "true" is whatever ensures survival, basically. The main conclusion he draws from this is that Christianity must be "true". (Since his first conversation with Sam, he has apparently backed down off of making this point out loud, but based on the way he talks about things he seems to believe it more than ever.)

The rest of the podcast was basically just an hour or so of Sam repeatedly saying, "Look, I get that there are certain facts that can only be used for ill and that therefore we're probably better off not knowing them, and you can also easily argue that believing certain false facts would actually increase our chances of survival, but you can say all that without changing the definition of a bedrock concept like 'truth'. Doing that just complicates things unnecessarily, and it seems like a dangerous game to play." In response to this perfectly reasonable point, Jordan Peterson just doubled down and became increasingly flustered and defensive over the course of the discussion. It was hard to listen to, and after that I lost all respect for him.
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
Sorry JP I lie on my resumes all the time.
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Aug 31, 2018
to be honest i think rule 4 and 6 are legitimate


Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I came across that guy awhile back and I thought the same does this guy have so many followers?! Doesn't say much for the people that follow him.
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Apr 27, 2018
Deepak n jordan  2018 10 29 23 43 11 thanks to @sadsoul for the inspiration ....
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Peterson is a true champion of free speech, except when he's suing people for slander. I'm off to go tell others the truth, and I can only hope my voice cracks as often as his.
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Jun 12, 2018
Jordan Peterson is a disaster. He also didn't understand the C-16 bill, a law that was supposed to protect trans people under the Canadian Human Rights Act, instead he thought it would somehow limit your freedom of speech, which it didn't (of course). These laws are in place for years now, yet nobody ever got ever fined or jailed for misgendering someone. But it's okay, people like me are used to behavior like that. Apparently we are the oppressors while also suffering from a 40% suicide rate.
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Oct 7, 2018
Who is this guy? Just some internet personality?
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Oct 4, 2018
I'm surprised at the reaction to old man Peterson y'all have here. I kinda like some of his stuff and at his best I find his lectures to be deeply meaningful and really constructive. I think the basic message is to understand that the freedom our western society has tried so hard to engender has the real price of responsibility. It's not a new idea but it is an important one and one that truly bears repeating

I think the institutions that provided some sort of moral architecture for people to stand on have all eroded at this point, and as a result a lot of people, like myself, have been making very clumsy decisions all alone in the dark. In fact I see a real similarity between what drives people to him and what drives us to this forum, well at least me I guess. I came here because I felt very afraid and in pain and lost and alone and I was looking for someway and/or someone to help me out. Peterson offers some sort of path for similar people but it's not a path he or anyone else will walk for you. I think he does a decent job of avoiding the trap of becoming some sort of cult-like figure by fully acknowledging that what he's offering isn't some new magical answer but instead a reconstruction of the old wisdom we've spent centuries figuring out and relying on.

He is not perfect of course, he can be condescending and reactionary to say the least; but I don't feel like I have to dramatically subscribe to every single thing someone expresses just because I've put a high value on a few things.

I have a theory that the negative reaction to this guy is more a function of his fame and his omnipresence than his message and content. It feels like he's blown up everywhere to the point where you can imagine some sort of promotion machine trying to stuff his image down our throats. But I think it's important to parse out what exactly is frustrating and what's not and I just don't see the points of contention on what he's actually trying to say.
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Oct 17, 2018
Remember kids, there are ONLY 12 rules for living

10. Be precise in your speech
- Practice what you preach JP!

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
-My grandpa did that once. It scratched the hell out of him resulting in a staph infection. He also had to get rabies shots. What about dogs? Or maybe a frog? If you're gonna cover one animal you may as well cover all!

What a joke! How does he have a million followers?

LMFAO!!!!!!!! :pfff: I don't know who this guy is, but you my friend, are hysterical! Thanks for the laugh. Lol
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Reactions: Jodes, worldexploder and Johnnythefox


Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Remember kids, there are ONLY 12 rules for living so this list should be incredibly profound.

1. Stand up straight with you shoulders back.
- My body my posture pal!

2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
- Very poorly written. Otherwise, no shit! I think what he's trying to say is "help yourself".

3. Make friends with people who want the best for you.
- Really? I thought I was suppose to buddy up with enemies. Thanks for clearing that up J-Dawg

4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
- I am really starting to think English wasn't this guys first language...or second or third. I think he's trying to saying something along the lines of "don't compare yourself to other people". But the first part is throwing me off. Horrible flow of speech.

5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
- Wtf is this shit? What parent makes their children follow rules on a "do this so I won't hate you" basis! Rules are suspose to be set up for a child's own good because a parent is in a position of authority.

6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
- Since perfection doesn't exist, does that mean I am not allowed to disapprove of anything? For example - I can't say FGM is wrong because I am an alcoholic?

7. Peruse what is meaningful (not what is expedient).
- What if I find expediency meaningful? Ohhhhh!

8. Tell the truth - or, at least, don't lie.
- I think I was taught this by age 2

9. Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
- No shit! Pre-school simple.

10. Be precise in your speech
- Practice what you preach JP!

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
-My grandpa did that once. It scratched the hell out of him resulting in a staph infection. He also had to get rabies shots. What about dogs? Or maybe a frog? If you're gonna cover one animal you may as well cover all!

What a joke! How does he have a million followers?
Excellent dissection of his bullshit, I came across him on YouTube a couple of months ago and admit I was gullible enough to agree with him. Not so gullible that I ran out and bought an overpriced ticket for his show here. History is littered with false prophets and gurus promising to save/redeem those who follow them. He is just another fake and time will show that.
You @worldexploder ought to get on YouTube and other social media outlets debunking the charlatans and telling people how it really is.
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Oct 24, 2018
Ahaha, it's funny that I stumbled across this thread.
I downloaded his book in PDF a few weeks ago because I've been watching a lot of his lectures on YT. He sometimes makes good arguments, other times I get the impression that he doesn't even believe what he claims to preach; that's the reason I started to read his book, I thought that by understanding better what he thinks I would have a clearer picture of his ideas in my mind.

Btw I haven't got past rule #1 because I'm lazy and the book didn't seem that much interesting, except for the part on the lobsters, that was actually pretty interesting.

I think he's right about a lot of stuff but dishonest/full of BS at the same time (wich is expecially clear when he talks about religion).
Really overrated as an intellectual.
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Oct 23, 2018
At no point does Jordan Peterson say his 12 rules are the ONLY rules for life. They are just the rules he values and chose to share.

Satirising and misrepresenting headers of essays is easy. At face value it will lead to a comedic outcome. You are not really debunking anything though, as the substance of the argument he puts forth for his rules, is in the explanation of the rule. Not what it is called. The pet a cat rule is not even about animals. So even though the grandpa story is funny in a grim sort of way it is still irrelevant to the point he was trying to make.

As for Peterson he is like any human being on the planet, knowledgeable in some things uninformed in others.
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Oct 27, 2018
Remember kids, there are ONLY 12 rules for living so this list should be incredibly profound.

1. Stand up straight with you shoulders back.
- My body my posture pal!

2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.
- Very poorly written. Otherwise, no shit! I think what he's trying to say is "help yourself".

3. Make friends with people who want the best for you.
- Really? I thought I was suppose to buddy up with enemies. Thanks for clearing that up J-Dawg

4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.
- I am really starting to think English wasn't this guys first language...or second or third. I think he's trying to saying something along the lines of "don't compare yourself to other people". But the first part is throwing me off. Horrible flow of speech.

5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.
- Wtf is this shit? What parent makes their children follow rules on a "do this so I won't hate you" basis! Rules are suspose to be set up for a child's own good because a parent is in a position of authority.

6. Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.
- Since perfection doesn't exist, does that mean I am not allowed to disapprove of anything? For example - I can't say FGM is wrong because I am an alcoholic?

7. Peruse what is meaningful (not what is expedient).
- What if I find expediency meaningful? Ohhhhh!

8. Tell the truth - or, at least, don't lie.
- I think I was taught this by age 2

9. Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't.
- No shit! Pre-school simple.

10. Be precise in your speech
- Practice what you preach JP!

11. Do not bother children when they are skateboarding.

12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street.
-My grandpa did that once. It scratched the hell out of him resulting in a staph infection. He also had to get rabies shots. What about dogs? Or maybe a frog? If you're gonna cover one animal you may as well cover all!

What a joke! How does he have a million followers?
well done. He's an intolerable windbag and a douchebag.
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Reactions: NoOneKnows, Smilla and worldexploder


Apr 8, 2018
Thanks! You know, I think I tried pretty hard to give him the benefit of the doubt at first, because I thought he had some interesting ideas, mainly about psychology like I mentioned, and specifically on the power of stories. I watched a lecture he did on the story of Pinocchio, and I had never heard anyone analyze a story from a psychological perspective like that, so I found it intriguing if nothing else, even though I didn't understand everything he was talking about.

However, as soon as I realized he was also arguing in favor of Christianity from a similar standpoint, I started to scratch my head. I tried to raise my concerns with the good folks of the Jordan Peterson subreddit, thinking maybe I was misinterpreting what he was saying, but they were totally dismissive and only told me that I simply didn't understand his views, and the only way for me to rectify that was to go watch 100 hours of his Bible lectures and read his book Maps of Meaning. Then and only then was I worthy of a discussion. That's when I really started to grow suspicious, because first of all, telling me I'm wrong and then putting all the burden on me to prove you right is totally backwards. That's literally Logic 101. Not to mention, that's the exact thing I was told to do whenever I had expressed doubts about the cult I was once a part of to the other cult members. "Just read the scriptures more, pray to God, accept that it's all true, and then you'll understand! It's not anyone else's job to convince you, you just have to have faith." Hmmm.

Still though, I thought maybe there's some value in what he's saying, and these people are just weirdos. This is the internet after all. Then he went on Sam Harris' podcast and confirmed my worst suspicions. Sam is a guy I respect greatly, and Jordan couldn't even have a conversation with him the first time they talked. Why? Because Sam wanted to be able to communicate clearly by coming to a mutual agreement on what words mean, and Jordan refused to do so, presumably because he knew that arbitrarily changing the rules of conversation is the only way his points can make any sense. To summarize, Jordan was trying to claim that the word "truth" actually means something different from the accepted definition: to Jordan, what's "true" is whatever ensures survival, basically. The main conclusion he draws from this is that Christianity must be "true". (Since his first conversation with Sam, he has apparently backed down off of making this point out loud, but based on the way he talks about things he seems to believe it more than ever.)

The rest of the podcast was basically just an hour or so of Sam repeatedly saying, "Look, I get that there are certain facts that can only be used for ill and that therefore we're probably better off not knowing them, and you can also easily argue that believing certain false facts would actually increase our chances of survival, but you can say all that without changing the definition of a bedrock concept like 'truth'. Doing that just complicates things unnecessarily, and it seems like a dangerous game to play." In response to this perfectly reasonable point, Jordan Peterson just doubled down and became increasingly flustered and defensive over the course of the discussion. It was hard to listen to, and after that I lost all respect for him.

Faith is not a virtue. It's believing in things that do not warrant believe or guilability


Oct 27, 2018
I'm surprised at the reaction to old man Peterson y'all have here. I kinda like some of his stuff and at his best I find his lectures to be deeply meaningful and really constructive. I think the basic message is to understand that the freedom our western society has tried so hard to engender has the real price of responsibility. It's not a new idea but it is an important one and one that truly bears repeating

I think the institutions that provided some sort of moral architecture for people to stand on have all eroded at this point, and as a result a lot of people, like myself, have been making very clumsy decisions all alone in the dark. In fact I see a real similarity between what drives people to him and what drives us to this forum, well at least me I guess. I came here because I felt very afraid and in pain and lost and alone and I was looking for someway and/or someone to help me out. Peterson offers some sort of path for similar people but it's not a path he or anyone else will walk for you. I think he does a decent job of avoiding the trap of becoming some sort of cult-like figure by fully acknowledging that what he's offering isn't some new magical answer but instead a reconstruction of the old wisdom we've spent centuries figuring out and relying on.

He is not perfect of course, he can be condescending and reactionary to say the least; but I don't feel like I have to dramatically subscribe to every single thing someone expresses just because I've put a high value on a few things.

I have a theory that the negative reaction to this guy is more a function of his fame and his omnipresence than his message and content. It feels like he's blown up everywhere to the point where you can imagine some sort of promotion machine trying to stuff his image down our throats. But I think it's important to parse out what exactly is frustrating and what's not and I just don't see the points of contention on what he's actually trying to say.
wow,, that was about the most insightful commentary on this very polarizing figure. I confess I've not read his books, not because I'm not willing to read material coming from a a different ideological place than me, I do that all the time. It's just honestly, I read so many books and articles for work at the university -- all in a different field from his -- that he's just not likely ever to make it on the list. Iv'e seen a few youtbue presentations by/with him and didnt' find him either as objectionable I imagined I would given how different our politics are - but nor did I find him all that compelling or engaging. But you've perhaps inspired me to find the time this holiday break to read something by him. Can you recommend something for me?
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Oct 4, 2018
Can you recommend something for me?

I'm glad you appreciated it! I actually haven't read much of his work but instead listened to a lot of his lectures on youtube. I first heard about him from the joe rogan podcast. The issue with these podcast episodes is that they do spend like an hour discussing the same old "anti-sjw" stuff that got him famous. It's okay to listen too the first time, and this is the center of the controversy he's associated with. But eventually they move on to the core of what Peterson actually studies and discusses. Here's a nice 45 min clip cut from one of these podcasts that shows what I'm talking about. In this clip Peterson lays out his attempt to reconcile religion and science, with myth and reality. He believes religion and myth offer a behavioral truth that is not necessarily the same as scientific truth. This is not exactly a new concept but again Peterson acknowledges this but has a new and powerful way of articulating these ideas.

Here's another video where he analyzes a children's story and how it's filled with this behavioral truth. In brief, the story is about a small dragon that appears in front of a child. The child asks his parents about the dragon but the parents say to just ignore it. The dragon grows bigger. Again the child asks and again he's told to ignore it, and again the dragon grows bigger. Now the dragon is destroying the house and chewing up everything, but the parents continue to ignore the dragon and the dragon continues to grow. Finally they acknowledge the dragon and face it and deal with it, and finally the dragon shrink away again.
The message here is that there are "dragon's" in our own life that we know are wreaking havoc but we don't want to face. The more we continue to ignore the issue, the more it destroys. Only when we face our problem can we stop the chaos and destruction it causes. It's an important message and it's true I believe, and it comes from an ostensibly simple kids book.

So yeah I would look into his YouTube lectures or joe rogan interviews or his own podcast, he's literally got hours of content you can freely listen to whenever you want while doing whatever you want.
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