

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I have been venting a lot lately, sorry. Things just keep getting worse, and no one understands my suffering besides a select few of my friends online, and you wonderful, supportive lot!

I am tired of hearing people pontificate that having a disability isn't so bad, and that you can still live a fulfilled and happy life while being extremely disabled. Sure, if you have amassed tons of wealth, resources, and a collection of loving, caring people who want to help you. The odds of that happening while being disabled are about as likely as a meteor crashing through my house right now.

Yesterday I was reading a disability support forum, and I saw other disabled people shitting on a man who was literally MISSING A LIMB, all because he made his girlfriend cook his meals and help him in the bath. They called him lazy, selfish, and abusive for wanting his gf to have a caretaker role. Keep in mind, these were other disabled people speaking and virtue signalling about how they are better because they try to force themselves to be independent even when it's near impossible.

Why didn't she just hire a caretaker for her partner? Or better yet, break up with him so that he can be with someone who actually cares about his needs and won't judge him for being disabled. People are so selfish. Deep down, I know it's selfish for me, as a disabled person, to need help or assistance with things, but it doesn't change the fact that I need it. Others will frequently remind you that no one owes you anything, which I do understand.

Yet, even basic requests like asking to sit down during a walk, asking my partner to walk with me and hold my hand because I can't keep pace, needing help with chores, not being able to attend uni classes sometimes because I'm too ill, etc is seen as unreasonable entitlement. It's like people would rather see someone suffer lest they be inconvenienced for 5 minutes.

I don't comprehend the motivations behind these attitudes. Do I hate washing dishes? Yes. Would I wash dishes if someone else in the house was sick or injured and unable to do so? Of course. Are people that self-centered that any mild imposition compels them to label someone as a lazy narc? I assure you, that the vast majority of disabled people would fulfill societal responsibilities if we were able bodied. We would not ask for assistance if we didn't truly need it.

Individuals will label you as a malingerer too if your illness is not well understood by the medical community. The medical profession doesn't know shit about dealing with most chronic illnesses or disabled people, yet everyone treats them like the utmost authority, when they frequently gaslight, neglect, and sometimes outright insult and abuse people with disabilities.

Doctors are allowed to refuse you treatments, manipulate and lie to you, insult you, and write slander in your records that will have lasting consequences- I. E. Drug-seeking, when all you want is some goddamn relief and you're tired of them tossing useless paracetamol your way.

CFS/ME is one of the most misunderstood diseases out there. So are most unexplainable chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, irritable bowel, etc. Medical professionals in their smug charlatanism can only smile and brush you off, refusing to admit that they don't know how to help you, then when you tell others that doctors weren't able to cure the ailment they blame you and accuse you of not trying enough treatments. Bunch of utter wank, that is!

Having multiple physical illnesses in addition to complex, almost life-long PTSD, on top of a developmental disability (Autism) sounds like a new Faustian method of torture. However, this is simply how I am forced to live everyday. I look in the mirror daily and have to stomach the fact that I am an utterly broken person who is nothing but a burden on the world. Everyone tells me I just need to try more therapy, more pills, but after 10 years of therapy and more variants of medications than years spent on this earth, can't they see that technology and science haven't progressed far enough to help people like me?

I know my reality isn't some cognitive distortion like those CBT practioners love to claim. I know I'm not suffering from mere low self esteem that can be assuaged by some positive affirmations. I wish people would face the music and open their eyes to the fact that if someone is neglected for the majority of their life, suffers from multiple diseases, withstood sexual, physical, and mental abuse, and has to struggle daily with a developmental disability that impairs their functioning and oral communication skills, they will struggle. It isn't about not loving myself enough, it's that the world does not love people like me. We are regarded as utter trash by even the most advanced, progressive western societies.

Here is the reality: in the country I was born in, I am ineligible for disability benefits. Because I got ill as a teenager, I had not worked long enough to qualify for benefits. I spoke with disability agencies for many months, and they essentially said that I must move to a big city, live alone, become educated, and get a job. I tried that and failed miserably, could not fulfill my obligations at any of my jobs, and had to drop out of my first degree because I was just too sick and too far behind to complete it.

Now I am trying university again and I can barely go on. My cognitive abilities are just decimated. I used to love reading, loved strategy games, puzzles, learning, and now I struggle to remember anything or process complex information. My vision is permanently blurred like that hallway in my banner picture, lmao. Because I am reliant on my partner, I have no choice but to go to university, he won't let me drop out, as he says I'm capable of doing things "sometimes".

I have about 2.5 years left of my degree and I am already at my wits end with overwhelm and distress. The amount of money I have to spend on a worthless degree makes me want to cry. I will never have a career. I've applied to the limited selection of part time jobs that I would be able to do, and I never get hired because hundreds of people apply for them and you need connections to get anywhere. Also, no one wants to hire a disabled person who can only work extremely part time.

I tried so hard to train myself to function, kicked all my vices like soda and most junk food, tried my damnest to eat healthier and form what are considered better habits, to no avail. For over three months I tried to build endurance by leaning to cycle, and I could not do it. Even 10 minutes put me into a crash. This experience confirmed that I really have CFS, because of the trademark post exercise malaise. It is difficult for me to walk more than a kilometer a day because I am just really that disabled. I look skinny and sickly like a damned ghost.

Even with all these failures, people still think I can function as if I'm not disabled, but I can't. No one wants to be around me because I'm no fun and don't really have any hobbies anymore. The world would be better off without me but I am not allowed to end my suffering, because I am young and everyone thinks that with time I can magically get better. I'm 21 years old for God's sake, there isn't some miracle cure on the horizon simply because I haven't existed long enough.

Every one would be better off if I died. That is not an opinion, it is objectively fact. My boyfriend told me that I ruined his future, his dreams of being wealthy and having lots of kids. He still wants to adopt kids in the future or do surrogacy, even though he'd be working and I'd be the one caring for them. People really don't give a damn about me, huh? I did want to live, but after suffering for years with these disabilities, I don't want to anymore.

I do not think life is beautiful. As long as people are suffering, this is a world fueled by survival instinct, not felicitious, ethereal beauty.
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Mar 22, 2020
I am shocked, dear.
I can't believe that in a forum for disabled people, there is discrimination and insults between members too.

As for your pain, I'm really sorry about it. I can't imagine all the things you're going through but I think venting can help.

I agree with what you say but I admire you too because you're still here, fighting!

Vent as much as you want, it really helps me too, and I will always read you!

You can count on me.

Hugs and love,


PS: Anata wa sugoii desu!
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
I'm sorry you are suffering a lot in this inherently faulty life. Its not great or anything at all. Its just a mess and a brutal one.

Physical, mental and physiological problems. Stupid biology with pain and no replacement to the disabled parts or disability. Life is just a shitty experience and people glorify it.

They don't want to think about others with problems because they are actually egotistical or apathetic. People are delusional and want to protect their illusionary world and when they see someone that suffers, the assumed meaning of life and their illusions would crumble.

Also humans are a mess and communication with them isn't good. Communities are always toxic no matter what the topic, even when the topic is pain, some would compete and shit on each other as a competition.

I just want to say you are an interesting person unlike what they say or think about you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Life and humans sucks.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I think if someone genuinely values you for who you are as a person that they won't see you as a inconvenience and will try to help you to the best of their ability. People that have never been through genuine hardship and health problems seem to lack even basic empathy for those less fortunate than them; I think they are the worthless ones.

I do understand where you're coming from as someone that's been disabled for a lifetime and has never really gotten any practical help, all while people have either ignored me or expected me to pull myself up by the bootstraps. I'm aware the world runs on money but I'm also aware that I have extreme limitations due to my health and I personally don't want to have to keep struggling for a life I hate anyways. Normies should not be surprised when you or I or anyone else that's disabled kill themselves while they sat around twiddling their thumbs or were downright harmful by offering nothing other than word vomit.

For what little it's worth I don't see you as a burden and you seem like a smart and empathetic person who has a lot of valuable insight and you communicate those insights really well. Being functional within society's fucked up confines is not a measure of your worth as a person.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I think if someone genuinely values you for who you are as a person that they won't see you as a inconvenience and will try to help you to the best of their ability. People that have never been through genuine hardship and health problems seem to lack even basic empathy for those less fortunate than them; I think they are the worthless ones.

I do understand where you're coming from as someone that's been disabled for a lifetime and has never really gotten any practical help, all while people have either ignored me or expected me to pull myself up by the bootstraps. I'm aware the world runs on money but I'm also aware that I have extreme limitations due to my health and I personally don't want to have to keep struggling for a life I hate anyways. Normies should not be surprised when you or I or anyone else that's disabled kill themselves while they sat around twiddling their thumbs or were downright harmful by offering nothing other than word vomit.

For what little it's worth I don't see you as a burden and you seem like a smart and empathetic person who has a lot of valuable insight and you communicate those insights really well. Being functional within society's fucked up confines is not a measure of your worth as a person.
You guys are all empathetic and awesome. It is like reading my own thoughts on your posts sometimes. I understand completely the feeling of struggling to keep living a life you hate. It is such wank that you have to put up with these disabilities too.

Sometimes I have to wonder why my survival instinct is still so intact, when my rational, logical brain tells me everyday that the sort of pain I am enduring is not something I want to live with, as it will most likely only get worse with age and even more wear and tear to my body.

People don't want us to express these sentiments but it is really important, hopefully one day it will open some normies eyes to the torment that disabled people have to endure everyday simply by existing. The people around me want me to be quiet and shut up so that they can continue to live in lalala land when it comes to acknowledging how bad of a state I'm in.

To be honest, I would not be here right now if I had access to my method and a safe, secluded place where I would not be caught during my ctb. I am only struggling to survive currently so that in the future I can kill myself. I cannot imagine living like this for many decades.

Recently I spoke to this older guy who had been disabled for over 30 years, got sick when he was in his late 20s I think. He told me that life is worth it even with this crippling disease because you can enjoy the little things like hobbies and growing flowers. I cannot enjoy hobbies anymore. When you can't feel pleasure, only pain, is life even worth it?

Few can understand what we are dealing with. I'm so sorry you've also been given a front row seat to the shit circus that is a life of pain. You don't deserve it.
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Peanuts aren't nuts! They're seeds!
Jan 21, 2021
Hey, I just want to say that I feel moved by the clarity and honesty in your post. I am here for you and sending you so many hugs <3 I believe you. Not everything is a mental distortion. You deserve better.
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Apr 2, 2019
Recently I spoke to this older guy who had been disabled for over 30 years, got sick when he was in his late 20s I think. He told me that life is worth it even with this crippling disease because you can enjoy the little things like hobbies and growing flowers. I cannot enjoy hobbies anymore. When you can't feel pleasure, only pain, is life even worth it?
I just wanted to say that I am in my early 50s, got ill with multiple physical illnesses and issues in my mid 20s, and have gotten progressively worse health (and mental health) wise since then, and struggled with loneliness, lack of purpose, struggling to get by each day emotionally and physically AND financially...it's been fucking horrible. I'm glad for the man you spoke to that he was able to find some joy and worth in a life full of so much suffering, and while I've tried and occasionally succeeded in finding the pleasures of the little things, mostly life has been empty and ugly and like you said...lacking in pleasure because everything is overwhelmed by the physical pain and revolves around that even when one tries to not let it. But it's like having someone constantly hit you in the face with an anvil over and over every day for 20 yrs, or having a stomach bug for 30 years...how do you NOT focus on those things and instead just 'enjoy hobbies' or feel pleasure for the little things in life. I guess some can but i've not been able to. :( A life of decades of suffering isn't living, imo. It's existing through one miserable day just to get to the next miserable day and do it all over again, endlessly. It's exhausting and to me, not worth it. :(
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