

brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023

Your Multiphasic Personality Type:

Chronic, intense anger; harbors hostile and aggressive impulses but can't express them appropriately; usually overcontrolled, but occasional brief episodes of assaultive, violent acting out; lacks insight into origins and consequences of behavior; extra punitive; does not see own behavior as problematic.
Possible problems with uncontrolled anger expression.
Free of disabling anxiety and depression, somatic complaints may occur; occasional upset does not seem to be related directly to external stress.
Deep, chronic feelings of hostility toward family members; demands attention and approval from others; sensitive to rejection; hostile when criticized; outwardly conforming but inwardly rebellious; sexual maladjustment and promiscuity common; suicidal thoughts and attempts may follow acting out episodes; most common diagnoses are passive-aggressive personality and emotionally unstable personality.
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On the rollercoaster of sadness
Oct 17, 2023
I wonder why they gave me such a low score in validity, I'm always honest on these things.
Not gonna lie, didn't appreciate the "retarded thought processes" and some few things aren't quite right but everything else looks quite spot on
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023

Multiphasic Personality Type Test


Result chart
Your Multiphasic Personality Type:
  • Typically does not experience disabling anxiety but does feel nervous, tense, worried, sad, and depressed; experiences fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness; lacks interest and involvement in life situation; can't get started on things; decreased physical activity; gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Passive, docile, dependent; self-doubts, inadequacy, insecurity, helplessness; elicits nurturance from others; interested in achievement, status, power; competitive, driven but afraid to place self in directly competitive situations; seeks increased responsibility but dreads pressure associated with it; feels he/ she doesn't get adequate recognition for accomplishments; hurt by even minor criticism.
  • Overcontrolled; can't express feelings; feels "bottled-up"; denies unacceptable impulses; avoids social involvement; feels especially uncomfortable around opposite sex; sexual maladjustment, including frigidity and impotence, is common.
  • Functions at a lowered level of efficiency for long periods; tolerates a great deal of unhappiness; usually diagnosed as depressive neurosis; not very responsive to psychotherapy; not introspective; lacks insight; resists psychological formulations of problems.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
IMG 7091
  • Typically does not experience disabling anxiety but does feel nervous, tense, worried, sad, and depressed; experiences fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness; lacks interest and involvement in life situation; can't get started on things; decreased physical activity; gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Passive, docile, dependent; self-doubts, inadequacy, insecurity, helplessness; elicits nurturance from others; interested in achievement, status, power; competitive, driven but afraid to place self in directly competitive situations; seeks increased responsibility but dreads pressure associated with it; feels he/ she doesn't get adequate recognition for accomplishments; hurt by even minor criticism.
  • Overcontrolled; can't express feelings; feels "bottled-up"; denies unacceptable impulses; avoids social involvement; feels especially uncomfortable around opposite sex; sexual maladjustment, including frigidity and impotence, is common.
  • Functions at a lowered level of efficiency for long periods; tolerates a great deal of unhappiness; usually diagnosed as depressive neurosis; not very responsive to psychotherapy; not introspective; lacks insight; resists psychological formulations of problems.
Spot on. 😕
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Missed my appointment with Death
Mar 9, 2024
View attachment 151100
  • Typically does not experience disabling anxiety but does feel nervous, tense, worried, sad, and depressed; experiences fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness; lacks interest and involvement in life situation; can't get started on things; decreased physical activity; gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Passive, docile, dependent; self-doubts, inadequacy, insecurity, helplessness; elicits nurturance from others; interested in achievement, status, power; competitive, driven but afraid to place self in directly competitive situations; seeks increased responsibility but dreads pressure associated with it; feels he/ she doesn't get adequate recognition for accomplishments; hurt by even minor criticism.
  • Overcontrolled; can't express feelings; feels "bottled-up"; denies unacceptable impulses; avoids social involvement; feels especially uncomfortable around opposite sex; sexual maladjustment, including frigidity and impotence, is common.
  • Functions at a lowered level of efficiency for long periods; tolerates a great deal of unhappiness; usually diagnosed as depressive neurosis; not very responsive to psychotherapy; not introspective; lacks insight; resists psychological formulations of problems.
Spot on. 😕
I got the same description, doesn't really track for me though except the first point.

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Lie, lie, lie - Life is a lie
Jun 30, 2024
Multiphasic Personality Type Test 1

Multiphasic Personality Type Test 2

There seemed to be more questions in this test about having symptoms of OCD and being a hypochondriac than anything else.

Funny how my "feminine identity" score was higher than my "masculine identity" score, but they both were actually pretty close to 50%. That's right, I conform to both male and female gender roles. :-) As far as the text description goes, some, maybe most, of it's true, some of it isn't.
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Aug 2, 2024
Screenshot 2024 09 26 032259
Screenshot 2024 09 26 032506

Generally agree with the results, aside from the expectation of exessive alcohol use. I've only drank a few times and that's only when I'm with trusted friends. Apparently I'm not clinically depressed, so y a y.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
View attachment 151110

View attachment 151111

There seemed to be more questions in this test about having symptoms of OCD and being a hypochondriac than anything else.

Funny how my "feminine identity" score was higher than my "masculine identity" score, but they both were actually pretty close to 50%. That's right, I conform to both male and female gender roles. :-) As far as the text description goes, some, maybe most, of it's true, some of it isn't.
My "masculine identity" score was 50% and "feminine identity" score was 31% but I still conform to female gender roles, I think? I guess I do feel more masculine but I wouldn't like, become a guy
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Jul 29, 2023
I'm normal i guess?


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can someone just kill me already
Mar 27, 2024
Multiphasic personality
  • Anxious, agitated, tense, jumpy; sleep disturbance, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, confused thinking; inefficient in carrying out responsibilities; unoriginal and stereotyped in thinking and problem solving; somatic symptoms; underestimates the seriousness of problems; unrealistic self-appraisal.
  • Dependent, unassertive; irritable, revengeful; fears loss of control and doesn't express emotions; denies impulses, dissociative periods of acting out may occur; sensitive to reactions of others; suspicious of motivations of others; history of being hurt emotionally and fear of being hurt more; avoids close interpersonal relationships; feelings of despair and worthlessness.
  • Suggestive of serious maladjustment (especially if both scales are grossly elevated); most common diagnoses are manic-depressive psychosis, involutional melancholia, and schizophrenia, schizo-affective type; chronic, incapacitating symptomatology; guilt-ridden; clinically depressed; soft and reduced speech, retarded stream of thought, tearfulness; apathy, indifference; preoccupation with suicidal thoughts, and may have a specific plan for doing away with self.

fucking hell 😂
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I'm so tired
Feb 12, 2023
Screenshot 2024 09 27 at 02 03 39 Multiphasic Personality Type Test
  • Typically does not experience disabling anxiety but does feel nervous, tense, worried, sad, and depressed; experiences fatigue, exhaustion, and weakness; lacks interest and involvement in life situation; can't get started on things; decreased physical activity; gastrointestinal complaints.
  • Passive, docile, dependent; self-doubts, inadequacy, insecurity, helplessness; elicits nurturance from others; interested in achievement, status, power; competitive, driven but afraid to place self in directly competitive situations; seeks increased responsibility but dreads pressure associated with it; feels he/ she doesn't get adequate recognition for accomplishments; hurt by even minor criticism.
  • Overcontrolled; can't express feelings; feels "bottled-up"; denies unacceptable impulses; avoids social involvement; feels especially uncomfortable around opposite sex; sexual maladjustment, including frigidity and impotence, is common.
  • Functions at a lowered level of efficiency for long periods; tolerates a great deal of unhappiness; usually diagnosed as depressive neurosis; not very responsive to psychotherapy; not introspective; lacks insight; resists psychological formulations of problems.
Pretty accurate, except maybe for the first point, weren't it for the meds my anxiety would be a lot worse
gastrointestinal complaints right as I'm feeling nausea is spot on, thank you anorexia <3
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Sep 13, 2023
the "schizophrenia" part here probably quite exaggerated, even if one half of my brain might be prone to magical thinking or delusion, the other half is always rational and objective about things even if the feeling still remains for me 1000011790 1000011795
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