You don't have to be a dutch citizen, you only have to live here (residence permit)
From the offical NVVE site in the Netherlands:
(I did a google translate cause only in dutch on their site)
Can a non-Dutch person living in the Netherlands ask a doctor for euthanasia?
- Yes. For your application, just like everyone else, the due diligence of the euthanasia law applies
Can a non-Dutch citizen, living abroad, receive euthanasia in the Netherlands?
- A doctor who performs euthanasia with a patient must comply with due care requirements in the law. The doctor must know, among other things, the medical history of the patient. On this basis, he must be able to come to the conclusion that the patient is suffering without hope. The doctor must also determine that the patient has thought carefully about the request. And that the suffering for the patient is unbearable.
For a patient from abroad who makes a request for euthanasia, the doctor must also meet the due care requirements. For the doctor it can be more difficult to know the medical history. And to assess whether the situation of the patient meets the due care requirements.
The doctor may decide for himself whether he wants to deal with a request for euthanasia from a foreign patient. And decide what further he thinks necessary to investigate whether the request meets the due diligence requirements. For example, by consulting with care providers who have treated or treated the patient.
Can a non-Dutch citizen living in the Netherlands apply to the End of Life Clinic?
- Yes, you can, provided that the request for euthanasia has been rejected by your own doctor. Look for more information here.
Can a non-Dutch citizen, living abroad, make an application at the End-of-Life Clinic?
- No. In order to be eligible for euthanasia by a doctor from the End-of-Life Clinic, a request must previously have been rejected by your own doctor. The End-of-Life Clinic only handles applications from people living in the Netherlands
@ the link: