

Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
I have no problem with expressions of love,appreciation or gratitude between people. But I don't think reproduction itself is praiseworthy because it's an unkindness for the new life, who neither needed nor wanted to be born. And now has to suffer, die, and work to be happy.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeah, I just don't understand the need to bring individuals into this world which is only becoming a worse place day by day! :(
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I used to hate my parents for forcing me into this world. I am starting to let go of my hate because I realize it is not going to change anything and they probably didn't know better.

With the advent of the internet you have easy access to philosophy and the writings of great thinkers. When I stumbled on the concept of antinatalism it is like everything just clicked. All the thoughts that I was too scared to share were validated. I realized that I am not alone and that I am not crazy. People from the older generation had no internet and they were shunned by society for having socially taboo opinions.

I haven't talked to them in a long time and reconnecting with them is low priority at the moment. But maybe one day before I go I will let them know I forgive them.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
And now has to suffer, die, and work to be happy.
to be happy? rather to just avoid suffering! true happiness is unattainable. it is illusion/myth/trick/manipulation.
work, suffer, die. get your paltry "rewards". it is all life.

the only thing that is guaranteed in life is lots of suffering. parents deserve our hatred. life is so cruel, and it's all their selfish/immoral desires!
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
to be happy? rather to just avoid suffering! true happiness is unattainable. it is illusion/myth/trick/manipulation.
work, suffer, die. get your paltry "rewards". it is all life.

the only thing that is guaranteed in life is lots of suffering. parents deserve our hatred. life is so cruel, and it's all their selfish/immoral desires!

Someone once said that happiness is just a temporary relief from suffering.

If I had a normal life there is a good chance I would not even understand this website and the people here.

I think all these pro lifers will never be able to understand. It is either you get it or you don't.


Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
to be happy? rather to just avoid suffering! true happiness is unattainable. it is illusion/myth/trick/manipulation.
work, suffer, die. get your paltry "rewards". it is all life.

the only thing that is guaranteed in life is lots of suffering. parents deserve our hatred. life is so cruel, and it's all their selfish/immoral desires!

I can't say I disagree considering how cruel life is. I don't necessarily feel hate for my parents but I do wish they didn't have me/ I got aborted,etc.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
I love my mom, despite how she screwed me over, for how she took care of me over the years. I think hating your parents because life sucks is silly; instead, hate the systems and people that make this world a bad place.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
If I had a normal life there is a good chance I would not even understand this website and the people here.
i think we all had different "reasons" why we came here. i'm here because "normal" life seems unacceptable for me. i'm a hypersensitive person, and life has always caused me a lot of suffering. of course, most people are very selfish and indifferent to the suffering of others, so they breed and they don't give a damn about the fact that the child will suffer [perhaps even suffer terribly].

don't breed, people, don't make this terrible mistake
Needless to say, the more selfish/immoral a person is, the higher their tolerance (of suffering) will be.
Ie, the people who are more selfish/immoral, are more likely to keep fighting, and not kill themselves. And, the selfless/moral people, are more likely to kill themselves.

Ie, life really is: Survival of the fittest/selfishest/stupidest/immoralest/cruelest/evilest.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
Also, it really takes no skill to become a mother or a father, all you have to do is have unprotected sex.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
I think hating your parents because life sucks is silly; instead, hate the systems and people that make this world a bad place.
pfff hah. it's ridicilous! your parents are to blame for all your suffering. parents are to blame for all the suffering of this world. you have every right to hate them, and no, it's not "silly" at all. however, i think society/people/parents told you that "hate is bad", and that's why you think so. [the truth is that hate helps you free yourself from slavery and suffering]
Of course. If we live in a society, where blame/responsibility/etc exists, then there is no one else to blame, except parents.
-- However, it's not just parents who are to blame. All those people who think that it's ok for other people to have children, are also to blame.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
yive, are you an antinatalist? I'm not. I love my mom (my dad died when I was very young). I hate the world, not my parents.
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life is evil
Nov 6, 2020
yive, are you an antinatalist? I'm not. I love my mom (my dad died when I was very young). I hate the world, not my parents.
yes, i'm an efilist/antinatalist...
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Tree frog

Apr 1, 2021
Well your parents were brought into the world against their will and their parents too and so and and so on, they only exist because life started evolving on this planet some 4 billion years ago and enough time and selection pressure has resulted in us. The desire most adults seem to have to breed is really an evolutionary adaptation and therfore an extension of our survival instinct.
Just my view but if you can start to look at the world from a deep time evolutionary perspective all the blame and hate starts melting away for me. People are just doing what they've evolved to do. Which then brings the idea of free will into question and it all starts unraveling and really messes with my mind!
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
People are too deeply brainwashed by biological impulses and society to see how selfish and cruel it is to have a child.

There are millions of children that already exist and in need of parents but for some reason in many societies adoption is an extremely difficult process while it's free to just pop out a child on your own. What a joke.

People always want to pay lip service to the idea of "think of the children!" But there are still mullions of children that are currently being sexually abused, tortured, forced into human trafficking or child labor, etc, and no one with the power to do anything about it does much to stop it.

It's clear some humans just reproduce based on little more than animal instinct, or because that's what society says they should do. If not that, it's because they want a slave or government benefits.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Humans, especially attractive males, need to realize that gay sex is the answer.
To all problems.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Just my view but if you can start to look at the world from a deep time evolutionary perspective all the blame and hate starts melting away for me. People are just doing what they've evolved to do. Which then brings the idea of free will into question and it all starts unraveling and really messes with my mind!

I like this view. Lately I have been letting go of my resentment and disappointment. It is not easy but I am trying to give myself some calm before I go.
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Tree frog

Apr 1, 2021
I like this view. Lately I have been letting go of my resentment and disappointment. It is not easy but I am trying to give myself some calm before I go.
Glad your giving yourself some calm. But yes not easy like you say, but really for me to keep blaming individuals for their failings when so many different situations and influences have created us its really not helpful. We should all try to be the best we can but we're bound to fail at times and make mistakes. There seems to be an obsession with the individual in the modern world, maybe if we all thought a bit more holisticaly we'd all feel a bit better.


May 1, 2021
Meh, I can't really blame my parents. They were enjoying life and thought me and my siblings would too. They couldn't have guessed the world would turn to such a massive shitshow. And well, two out of three seem to be enjoying life themselves enough to have or want to follow suit with the whole "having kids" thing.

Also, most people are pretty much hard-coded to believe having children is the right thing. Can't really blame them just like we can't blame ourselves and each other for not having CTB yet. Reproductive instinct is pretty similar to survival instinct: like it or not but it's there and you can't blame people for their instincts.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I know my parents thought they were doing a good thing by bringing me into the world but sometimes I do wish they never met. Therefore this pointless existence wouldn't have had to happen. I was perfectly happy in the empty void. I actually have a good relationship with my parents and I don't blame them, I blame whatever caused our existence in the first place.
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