

Mar 24, 2021
One million people are killing themselves every year on this planet, but ten times more suicide attempts are made without leading to death. More men than women commit suicide - four men for each woman in Europe, but suicide attempts are more common among women. The most common cause of death in many parts of the world for people in the age group 10 to 44 years is suicide. Suicidal thoughts are common, 50 percent of all people at some point in their lives seriously think about suicide. Half of all suicides are alcohol related. Hospitals receive six suicide attempts for each completed suicide. The time we live in now, the most likely is that many of us will die of suicide. But according to statistics, the risk is great that the suicide attempt will fail. A seriously ill or disabled person does not want to end up in a psychiatric clinic. So planning and preparation (and luck) are necessary for a successful suicide. The most important thing for the person who commits suicide is that the suicide attempt does not fail. Did you survive your suicide attempt and what happened then?
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Aug 18, 2020
It is one big reason why i would go for SN. Many people told me there is often no damage if you survive. I somehow fear that my anxiety about doing it would be increased when I survive one attempt. Further I would have to live in a more shitty life than before. It is one reason I want to plan everything perfectly. I am a controll freak.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Yes carbon monoxide x4 charcoal BBQs. Came round unable to move my legs but alive. Ended up in hospital 2 months needed ITU, dialysis, unable to walk for weeks, permanent nerve damage. Then tried to hang myself (tried partial unsuccessfully x3 so was planning full). Got sectioned for 3.5 months instead
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
This is the one thing that is holding me back. It's terrible how we lack an accepted right to die in peace (or at least in my country) I have never had an proper attempt but I did try and put an cord around my neck and I didn't like the feeling and I wasnt sure I was doing it correctly so I stopped. It really is hard to die and it requires courage.
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Worthless Loser
Mar 29, 2021
Tried to jump off BH was taken by police and sectioned. Everyone found out I'm suicidal. Was in a hospital for a day then sent out. Was homeless so stayed in a hotel. Immediately started thinking about hanging/trying to black out but too distressed to do anything other than stare at wall. 10 days later attempted paritial hanging was very implusive and not thought out. Had a headache and tinnitus worsen afterwards but other than that nothing. No one really knows about the hanging. I told the GP I have tried to hang myself but did not say when. Going for a 3rd attempt soon must think carefully. I'm scared of damaging myself further or failing again.
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Mar 22, 2020
Well, I've already failed 3 times. Hope there's not a 4th one.
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Nov 24, 2020
Tried to jump off BH was taken by police and sectioned. Everyone found out I'm suicidal. Was in a hospital for a day then sent out. Was homeless so stayed in a hotel. Immediately started thinking about hanging/trying to black out but too distressed to do anything other than stare at wall. 10 days later attempted paritial hanging was very implusive and not thought out. Had a headache and tinnitus worsen afterwards but other than that nothing. No one really knows about the hanging. I told the GP I have tried to hang myself but did not say when. Going for a 3rd attempt soon must think carefully. I'm scared of damaging myself further or failing again.
What happened when you told your GP about trying to hang yourself?


Mar 24, 2021
It is terrible that people do not have the right to die peacefully. If a dog is disabled, it is possible to put it to death at the veterinary but the human animal is suppose to suffer until we die of old age.
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May 26, 2019
I failed all of mine, obviously. Multiple times throughout the years. Three times recently.

I really failed because I didn't have the right resources at the time and, when I actually had something which might have worked, SI kicked in, mostly due to pain and feeling heart dysrhythmias.

Now, if/when I CTB, I have SN. My main concern is being discovered. I live with my family and cannot just leave for an evening to a hotel room, etc.

I really wish I would have discovered SN 3 years ago. I probably wouldn't even be here now.
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Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
I'm rather embarrassed by my failed attempts because for the first I did absolutely no research and decided that as many pills of Tylenol I could manage to swallow would be enough. I don't believe they (the doctors) are actually aware of what I did since I wasn't "caught". Instead, I threw up for around seven hours and had stomach pain for the next 5 months. I went to a checkup about a week after and asked if they could do anything for the pain, and they decided to look into it. They did not find anything wrong other than certain levels that I can't recall the names of in my liver were extremely high. They asked me with raised brows if I know what could've caused this but I lied and said I had no idea. So I'm not sure if they had a clue or not- or just decided that they didn't care. So you can see why I'm very ashamed I thought I could leave this world with just Tylenol. But at least I was 4-5 years younger so I can genuinely say I wasn't bright back then. However, I should be more embarrassed about the second since I again did hardly any research other than hearing another person had successfully passed away by partial hanging with a belt. I did manage to pass out but of course, I woke up some hours later just fine. Somehow I had managed to pull myself back up, it was an awkward position.
Next time hopefully it won't be something I'm around to be embarrassed by now that I've actually looked into it- and not just a mix of angst and depression jumping to ctb as soon as they think there's at least a slight chance. Thinking back I could've gotten myself in far more trouble than it ended up being worth. If I currently have such trouble with doctors every time they find my self-harm I can only imagine what kind of nightmare I'd bring upon myself by being caught red handed in a situation like that.
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Worthless Loser
Mar 29, 2021
What happened when you told your GP about trying to hang yourself?
Pretty much nothing. I told them over a phone call appointment. (The day before i phoned them upset and when i refused to go to a&e they threatened to 'send soneone round' between my gp surgery and therpist they bullied me into going a&e.)
GP already has on record my attempt to jump. I told her I tried to hang myself and I'm so useless I can't even die right. I told her I don't 'think' I'm worthless, I know am worthless and inferior. And that if anyone had even the slightest compassion for me they'd put me down.
She mostly just sounded mortified and shocked.
Asked when i tried to hang myself i said it was a while ago i cant remember it was a lame attempt.
Tried to tell me I was savable and my dog won't want to see me yet. Said I'm at a low point (I explained to her I am not this is my whole life I was always feel like this and am chronically suicidal) I can get help, etc. Asked whether the CMHT had been in touch. I said they had once. She said i needed an assessment. So she chased them up for me turns out they were on holiday. Good to know they are on holiday whilst i feel like im dying.
No one takes me very seriously. I think it might be my age they seem to be treating me like an angsty teenager. Either that or they think I won't go through with it. I will.
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Jan 28, 2021
I failed all of mine, obviously. Multiple times throughout the years. Three times recently.

I really failed because I didn't have the right resources at the time and, when I actually had something which might have worked, SI kicked in, mostly due to pain and feeling heart dysrhythmias.

Now, if/when I CTB, I have SN. My main concern is being discovered. I live with my family and cannot just leave for an evening to a hotel room, etc.

I really wish I would have discovered SN 3 years ago. I probably wouldn't even be here now.
My thoughts are failer just means you need to try harder, with enoguh attepteds it has to go your way
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Feb 3, 2021
I survived and it was rather embarrassing drank vodka and took a bunch of my Ritalin and all it did was wind me up in the hospital and heart issues now
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Several times. The last attempt I went out to the woods with a handful of oxys and a bottle of vodka. Downed both and it didn't do the trick. Had developed a decent enough tolerance to "merely" have a horrendous hangover and 3 days worth of sleep. Next attempt, I already have planned out and am pretty much guaranteed death when I decide its time to go.


Mar 3, 2021
Tried to jump off BH was taken by police and sectioned. Everyone found out I'm suicidal. Was in a hospital for a day then sent out. Was homeless so stayed in a hotel. Immediately started thinking about hanging/trying to black out but too distressed to do anything other than stare at wall. 10 days later attempted paritial hanging was very implusive and not thought out. Had a headache and tinnitus worsen afterwards but other than that nothing. No one really knows about the hanging. I told the GP I have tried to hang myself but did not say when. Going for a 3rd attempt soon must think carefully. I'm scared of damaging myself further or failing again.
When you went to BH did the chaplains stop you and call the police? Did you hesitate for too long?