

Oct 5, 2023
Has more extensive therapy helped anyone here when weekly therapy couldn't? I was looking to get started with weekly therapy, and this is what the intake coordinator said:

"It sounds like things are really tough for you right now, based on what you have shared. I'm wondering if it may be more helpful to have something more than weekly appointments at this time, just given what you've shared about how you're feeling. So, I'm curious if you might be open to being connected with some additional resources? Potentially group therapy or a higher level of care may be a better fit at this time."

Insurance won't cover anything for me, and I'm not going to accrue medical debt, so I have to be careful.


Seeking personal sovereignty
Aug 15, 2023
Sounds like they are trying a sneaky way to get you to agree to being in-patient. "Potentially a higher level of care." Just be careful, if thats not what you want.
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Oct 24, 2023
I go for weekly therapy though sometimes that gets cancelled due to the clinical psychologist being on leave or on training. And sometimes I cancel and go wandering around. However I find that therapy does help and more regular contact would probably help. However I live in the UK and time limited therapy is free on the NHS - at least we don't have to worry about the costs. The only problem is that the NHS is not good at treating patients with mental health challenges and for people who could afford to pay for therapy, this might actually prove to be a long term solution for some people. Some of us let down by the system and on this forum probably..
Sounds like they are trying a sneaky way to get you to agree to being in-patient. "Potentially a higher level of care." Just be careful, if thats not what you want.
I do agree with you. Just be weary about being taken in as inpatient.
Sounds like they are trying a sneaky way to get you to agree to being in-patient. "Potentially a higher level of care." Just be careful, if thats not what you want.
I do agree with you. Just be weary about being taken in as inpatient.
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Oct 13, 2023
// I agree with previous posts about being more careful if it in-patient thing // -

If this is not in-patient thing then -

I have experiance with some group therapy. At least here they are way less expensive then private ones because everyone in group is paying for it. But yes, it seem also smart to not get in debt.

Anyway, in group therapy sharing your experiences can allow you to work out things more in some ways individual therapy cannot. When you share things in group and you feel response from multiple people in safe environment and you hear other people sharing possibly similar experiences could be useful for therapy process.

In my experiance group therapy been useful but again it not fix all or anything like that. But it definetly something to consider if you want give shot to different type therapy process and it not put you in debt (again check prices, usually not as expensive as private ones.).
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"and if this is the end, i am glad i met you."
May 27, 2023
I want to say yes but I don't want you getting into debt and creating more problems and stress for yourself. Sometimes therapy can be free, getting out and meeting people costs nothing, tending to a plant, doing some exercise, creating some art, even changing your bedclothes!! I know it's difficult to do these things when you are in that state of mind, maybe just think of the money you are saving! Like force yourself to do something then treat yourself with the money you would have spent on a paid alternative.


Oct 5, 2023
Has more extensive therapy helped anyone here when weekly therapy couldn't? I was looking to get started with weekly therapy, and this is what the intake coordinator said:

"It sounds like things are really tough for you right now, based on what you have shared. I'm wondering if it may be more helpful to have something more than weekly appointments at this time, just given what you've shared about how you're feeling. So, I'm curious if you might be open to being connected with some additional resources? Potentially group therapy or a higher level of care may be a better fit at this time."

Insurance won't cover anything for me, and I'm not going to accrue medical debt, so I have to be careful.
They won't even let me see them. They've rejected me for being too broken; they're not a 'good fit' for someone with with my issues.

"f you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to be in touch. Or if you have any difficulties reaching out to these places, and need further assistance, please let me know. Thank you again for reaching out and my apologies that we are unable to schedule you with us at this time."

I want to give up on therapy.
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