

Sep 27, 2023
I'm going to mostly be ranting about my job and the attendance policy and how careless I am. All of it is my fault, but I feel stupid. I work in retail, which isn't the worst. I like my job, I've had it for two years, I'm used to the people, I'm used to how everything works, and the idea of having to possibly get a new job or being fired absolutely terrifies me. It started yesterday, when I had issues with clocking in. We clock in through our phones and it wasn't cooperating. When I was finally clocked in, I was considered a few minutes late, and I forgot to fix it. It was busy, so I started working, and fixing the punch in time slipped my mind. We can get five points before we are terminated. I'm at 4. Being late, even a few minutes late is considered .5 point. I can't fix it until Thursday, and by then it might be added on already. Sometimes it happens the day after, sometimes it takes a few days. It really depends on who's working and keeping up with it, from what I've seen.

It's also on me for getting up to 4 points. How'd that happen. With getting migraines, having car trouble, or what the fuck ever else there is, I managed to get up there.

Then today. I'm kicking myself, but I know how shitty I felt. I had a migraine with an aura. My vision was gone in one eye, and when it came back, it was distorted, my peripheral vision was black or splotchy and flashing. I could not safely drive to work with that going on, I could barely walk straight. And there's nothing I can do to just make it go away. I have to wait for it to go away on its own. I missed work, and I had just enough protected time (which we use to keep from getting a point, I had four hours, so it covered half my shift. So I'd be getting half a point for this absence.) Explaining all of this really narrows down the place I work at, so if you know what I'm talking about, you get it.

If I get the point for being late before I can fix it, and the point for missing today, there's a chance I will be fired. Even if there was a mistake with the punching in, it's on me to fix it, and I didn't. I could be worrying about nothing, or I could be worrying and about to lose my job. I could still fix the punch in issue when I get back, but even then. I got to five. If they wanted me gone, they could easily still fire me over it. Especially if they're trying to get rid of people, which always seems to be the case, even with how severely understaffed we are.

I think that'd actually send me over the edge. It sounds so silly, but it feels like nothing in my life is going the way I need it to, and with this added onto it, it will, without a doubt, send me over the edge.