You aren't the first person I've heard say that, wanting to CTB with heroin or fent but can't find it. I would never suggest go looking for it, I tried that once. I was in a different city and had no contacts down there, so I had to literally go to the skid row, because it was literally 2 blocks away from where I was. And I was completely out of place, everyone could tell I didn't belong there, they thought I was lost. I was dressed up because I was doing sex work nearby in an apartment, and I was younger this was like 9 years ago, right before my addiction chewed me up, so I still looked healthy. Some people tried to follow me, I kept asking around for drugs. Then I got preyed on by scammers, they sold me fake stuff. Finally another junkie met up with me and he felt bad that I got scammed, and he pointed me to a proper real dealer in exchange for buying him drugs, lol, and that was a success. I was all alone too, a young girl, but I guess because of where I'm from and what I've been through, I'm not that far off from these people. I grew up in a normal house-hold with normal parents, until my dad started using drugs when I was about 13 (he used before but I was too small to know), and my older sister. My older sister is the one who introduced me to the drug and gang world, and even my male cousins. I was only 14 when I started using drugs recreationally. I was barely 16 when I started hanging out with gangsters. And since then I've just been completely sucked in to the criminal lifestyle, it's totally normal to me I'm completely desensitized to it, all my boyfriends were drug dealers, all of them have been to jail or arrested, always afraid of police. We're always looking out for cops, scared of them and worried about getting caught, story of my life. It's really hard to get away from it, it's a huge culture in my town, in the minority groups all across my country - I'm a minority, I'm also married into it through a family member, and I live around gang activity daily. But today, I would never just go searching for drugs on my own, even in my own city. Even though I'm a drug user, I can only get stuff from close contacts. I'm terrified of just calling a random dial a dope number. It must suck to not be able to get something that is so easily distributed and spoken about, I would hate that. I can't get N because I can't afford it!
I guess the only place I would try is going to a club or a party, or an afterhours, where they do MDMA and ketamine and stuff like that, and party with them for a while, and ask for their contacts and get them to vouch for you, and then go from there, they may not have heroin so you'd have to ask them to give you a contact who does. But yeah, you always have to make friends first.