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Sep 1, 2018
What is it REALLY like in there?
Were you taken against your will?
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Aug 31, 2018
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Jun 20, 2018
Well I was in pretty decent places, both times, so I can't speak for everyone, but they were alright facilities. The food was good, the beds were soft, and there was usually some sort of decent company. I still hate that I was put there, though. Involuntary hospitalization is a violation of human rights. That's always been my position and it always will be.
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Aug 5, 2018
A fucking piece of shit hellhole death factory many times worse than prison (which ive also been in) where you are constantly threatened to be given treatment if you express any human like behaviour, you cannot be yourself or you will be deemed insane and dangerous
All the ward staff were compassionless bottomfeeding ugly reptilian looking immigrants mainly from the same third world country they had brownish red evil looking eyes not white bright eyes, i called them komodo dragons, where cannibalism is still practiced and they are all instructed to coerce anyone refusing medication to take it and they are trained to pin people down to forcefully inject people with lobotomizing drugs, they treat captives with contempt if they are not on docile, the people in there voluntarily are feared by the staff because they cant be forcefully silenced with the drugs. There is no interesting conversation to be had because everyone is zombied and miserable on the most abominable drugs ever created. Staff get edgy when sane clearheaded patients conversate, they are the paranoid ones when in the midst of well people. The psychiatrists will find every way to get you to take tablets and be injected with antipsychotics which noone ever recovers, if you think youre suicidal from depression you have no clue what suicidal is until you have been suckered or compelled into having a frontal lobotomy performed on you by an imbecile of the lowest IQ, the staff really were dumb savages that only felt comfortable around patients made spiritless by having their dopamine systems shut down. I was sectioned for no reason and i watched one person go from sane and sound turn into a shell who walked past me like we never spoke before his eyes looked lost, and the same happened to me a few days later when my court hearing was postponed and i found i was facing a 6 months stay if i lost the tribunal, things had got ridiculous enough and i thought a months dose would be recoverable but that was the biggest mistake of my life. I was a senior software developer, music producer, painter, historian, extremely perceptive, mind reader, and had a strong confident personality with high morals, removed jealousy and envy from my life, i took psychedelics all the time and my third eye was opened, id had a kundalini awakening from years of ayahuasca use, i had achieved spiritual bliss and perfection, a few people told me i was the best person they knew, i was 35 and the future was very promising and exciting i turned my life around since my troublesome teens and felt like i was living several lifetimes worth of greatness, now it is already several lifetimes of unimaginable difficulty and loss of dignity. I got sectioned for making an off the cuff threatening comment to the police about my neighbour who had been waking me up every night for years, the police didnt have any charges but because i made a threat, they had two scummy psychiatrists declare me as not being well and i was kidnapped. They used my criminal record from 15 years ago and that i tested positive for cannabis and cherry picked shit from my past visits to psychiatrists to make a bs case against me and they conned me into thinking the "medication" wouldnt harm me. It has been 7 months so far and i have suffered more than i would have expected to over the course of my life, sleep is just as terrorising, yesterday i remembered the dream i had the night before and i broke into tears just recalling how unfair and hard the dream was. My brain is so fucked that i spend up to 10 consecutive days in bed, my eyes cant move around freely i cant feel positive emotions, i couldnt get anything from music for the first 4 months, theres almost no comfort ever, just nausea dejection retardation lethargy constant shock and despair. I have tried to use an exit bag, tried many times to hang myself, gone to a block of flats to jump from. Only thing worth living and fighting for is to make sure they are held responsible for my suicide.
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Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
less freedom than prison,
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Aug 5, 2018
Thankyou for your recent Tripadvisor review. You are now in the free draw to win the use of a hire car for an entire hour.
Good luck!!
Betty, admin and tea manager.
...right. trolled by someone that blocks others from seeing their profile -_-
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Amy Ulrich

Jul 15, 2018
Jail is worse but the people in the mental ward will also be violent, you will be psychologically tortured some of the time. I think the user who wrote the very long post was put into one of the "experiments on humans" purposeful-torture locations... those do exist too. If not like that then you will be mistreated but you will be left alone sometimes but the behavior of staff could be illogical and unexpected just like anywhere, and you have to do strange things to get out unless you can see a judge. For example one location I know of imprisons people for an extremely longer amount of time if they do not somehow magically wake up and sleep at specific times that the staff deem to your own bodies' level of tiredness or not.

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