
Mar 22, 2020
I thought I was gonna ctb yesterday.
I had a 100% happy Saturday but Sunday, damn... I felt so sad and depressed, with a terrible hangover, that I was about to hang myself or jump off my building.

I couldn't believe it. I'm doing my best to live and actually having a decent life again but suicide was about to win the battle.

I had no energy, was about to cry, in bed, watching atheism vs religion videos and suddenly, I ended up watching one about MEDITATION WITHOUT SPIRITUALITY and I got extremely surprised.

Let's say I'm the most skeptical person ever. I find meditation and yoga boring, but this 8-minute video, helped me to calm down. I was really able to feel all my body and control my thoughts. I'll post its link at the end of my thread.

Sam Harris seems to have accidentally helped me lots and I'll try to research more about meditation from now on. I can't believe it could work! I'm even in a good mood now lol.

Have any of you tried meditation with or without spirituality? Does it help you to be less suicidal? Tell me about it!

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Mar 21, 2019
do you have bipolar disorder?
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
no, it hasnt really done anything for me one way or another. however i thought id share that when i was younger i swear i floated and when i opened my eyes i fell over so idk if i did or not and i was alone. i also havent recreated it lol
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Mar 22, 2020
do you have bipolar disorder?

Yes! Type 1! I'm really a mess but let's say it got really serious during last 3 years!
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Mar 21, 2019
Yes! Type 1! I'm really a mess but let's say it got really serious the last 3 years!
Oh, I'm sorry. I just noticed that your mood often changes. I, on the other hand, are always in a depressed mood.
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Mar 22, 2020
Oh, I'm sorry. I just noticed that your mood often changes. I, on the other hand, are always in a depressed mood.

Yes, some people tell me that at least I can experience some UPS and be happy so I guess that kinda helps but the DOWNS, man, they're the worst.


Haha I see. I'm quite skeptical so I know there's no magic trick to fight depression and suicide but well, that 8-minute video helped me at least today. Perhaps it's just my bipolar disorder because I just woke up on the UPS MODE! Hope it lasts lol
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Apr 5, 2020
Sam Harris' voice is the most calming I've ever heard. I also like a lot of what the guy has to say. He is big on meditation although I'm unsure about it, as I've never tried it myself. But I trust him (and others like Yuval Harari) when he says there's really something valuable about it. Thankfully he admits the problems with meditation, mainly that it actually takes work, which might be gruelling even, before it starts to become beneficial, and that it might not even work for everyone, and recognises these as real problems, which I greatly respect.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020

Haha I see. I'm quite skeptical so I know there's no magic to fight depression and suicide but well, that 8-minute video helped me at least day. Perhaps it was just my bipolar disorder because I just woke up on the UPS MODE! Hope it lasts lol
yeah, im back and forth and right now im both XD wanting to hang while doing recovery research. if i recovery great, if not, well at least im done dealing with the bs lol
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
It helps my anxiety some. Not disciplined enough to keep up with it though.
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Mar 22, 2020
Sam Harris' voice is the most calming I've ever heard. I also like a lot of what the guy has to say. He is big on meditation although I'm unsure about it, as I've never tried it myself. But I trust him (and others like Yuval Harari) when he says there's really something valuable about it. Thankfully he admits the problems with meditation, mainly that it actually takes work, which might be gruelling even, before it starts to become beneficial, and that it might not even work for everyone, and recognises these as real problems, which I greatly respect.

I couldn't agree more.
I really trust Sam because he uses logic. No need for religion or spirituality. Just science. According to him, meditation can be explained. Your brain just calms down. There's no karma, energy or things like that. Just your body and brain calming down and feeling every memory and emotion.

I'll try to do it again tonight lol
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Jul 23, 2020
I did try ot, almost five years ago. And it only helped me to fall asleep quicker, once I woke up I was in distress once again.
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Mar 17, 2020
I read a book about this, but I never did it correctly
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I've tried meditation but I'm far too impatient and my brain needs constant stimulation even if my body isn't moving. I always get either bored or tired whenever I try. I wish there was just a way to just immediately fall into a meditative state because I have yet to experience it.
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Jan 19, 2021
oh yeah, i love meditating, try this but make sure to do the whole thing in full. i get meditating seems like a boring thing to do but you can only really know the full potential when you have a transcendent experience from it. if you do the whole 30 minutes without moving and focus on what the guy says, kinda try visualise/feel what is happening. the first time i ever did this as soon as i heard the words "let it heal you" my entire being felt as though it was filled up with some loving energy, very intense not subtle at all, entire body vibrating and I had a big emotional release. first time id shed tears in years. please try it out lol, its awesome

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May 18, 2019
I used to meditate a lot and it kinda helped while it lasted (I jumped on the self improvement wagon along with meditation). So it went hand in hand with reading about healthy diet and doing sports,... So it was definitely good back then. I did it for a couple of years and it has both upsides and downsides.

First upsides:

I loved the increase concentration. I think what others jerk about getting ultra concentration through adderall, I've got through meditation. I was able to read books and study without any interruptions of thoughts whatsoever. When the thought rose up, I simply didn't give a fuck and went on studying and reading.

I'm 70% sure that the book I have in mind was this one: Mastering the Core teaching of Buddha by Daniel Ingram

The book said that deep concentration on tasks for hours on end (eg studying) can lead to elevated states of counciousness (~feeling high), what I definitely experienced; it also got me hooked onto the whole learning/concentration thing because I felt so good for studying for hours on end.

Secondly, being counciouss of your thoughts and being aware of "wrong" thoughts is basically the same as the CBT therapy described by the book called feeling good by the psychologist David Burns. One of his main ideas were the 10 cognitive distortions. For example: while you're depressed you're more prone to overgeneralize and think something like "no one's gonna employ me", then you write it down and think about why the thought is basically wrong. So it's basically the same as the disengagement from the thoughts in meditation practice: "I think, but the thoughts are not me, therefore I do not have to listen to them"

Now to the downsides:

Sorry lengthy rant about the western spiritual dogma, you can skip to personal negative experiences if not interested:

- whole mediation industry is HIGHLY westernized. (To read about differences between western and eastern buddhism I'd suggest "The making of modern Buddhism" by David McMahan).

Meditation is usually sold as the Truth™ to vulnerable people (like us) to end their suffering. They looooooooooove to teach you all or nothing thinking like:
- all thoughts are bad
- future and past is fake (because it's only in your mind), only present exists, therefore just live in the moment
- the only way to experience the world is through your senses, every label you attach to your senses means absolutely nothing (eg touching table is real, notion of "table" (~labeling the senses) is fake and means absolutely nothing) -> True Reality™ is being hyperaware 24/7 of your senses

It might seem really dumb but I read all that stuff without any critical thinking whatsoever. I remember in the first weeks how I tried to eliminate all thoughts I had because "they're fake anyway" (spoiler: didn't do shit). If you read some meditation subreddits they're full of those "woke" people who try to convince you how all of our existence is fake, thoughts are fake and you're fake

My opinion is that the westernized Buddhism is just highly dumbing down on mental capacities and gives just another way to vurnerable people to escape reality.

The traditional Buddhism gives a fuck about future. One of their main tasks is to provide rituals to deceased people so they get reincarnated in better states (why would they do it if future is fake and only present exists)? They don't think that the world is fake and only their senses exist (why would Dalai Lama do all the stuff he's doing)?

It might seem exaggerated, but it really is, what people like Sam Harris are teaching.

I'm not saying, that everything is bullshit what they say, but how they sell it is just purely extreme.

They take a healthy approach to life like: Oh, maybe all the stuff I used to tell about me isn't that rigid and I have the means to change some stuff about it if I want to

And it morphs into: My ego is fake, nothing is real

First approach helps you in life, second is just escaping

Personal negative experiences:

There's a whole institute which is researching negative aspects of meditation which is called cheetahhouse ( I encourage you to look it up because there are some really interesting cases like people who's feeling of mind went from head into another body parts or people who come out of a meditation retreat thinking they are out of their body and stop being able to get back to their lifes for years)

So basically what I experienced might be considered by some meditation teachers as progress, but I found it disturbing, therefore I didn't like it

- I experienced high emotional detachment (not feeling anything for my friends or relatives)
- I had some meditation induced manic episodes where I was just laying around in jolly mood for days (again it's not really helpful in life + is actually considered bad practice by meditation teachers)
- general detachment from life (not caring about future) based on "future is only in my mind anyway"
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