

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Around the media and the Internet (as well as some people IRL), we often see prolifers especially religious ones, play victimhood about their rights being threatened or infringed. The alleged infringement are about how their (oftenly religious) held beliefs are being attacked, their lifestyle, and how they are being persecuted. Yet that is far from the truth. They then often claim victimhood from dissenting viewpoints, particularly ones that don't align with their beliefs and cite freedom of speech (1st​ amendment rights as per US and most other democratic nations' human rights) is being attacked. This is their core claim.

The irony though is how they talk about how they don't wish for their freedom (to choose life) to be infringed or threatened (1st​ amendment and also their way of life), yet at the same time, they feel that they have the right and/or authority to impose life (as well as their beliefs and values) onto those who don't wish to live, enjoy life, or just find life/sentience to be meaningless or (objectively) pointless. Additionally, they censor people whose beliefs and values are different by gaslighting, emotionally blackmailing, and even downright threatening them to submission or silence. They have no rational argument and only take "life is good, virtuous, sacred" as face value (again, no evidence or explanation except for assertion – which is not an argument). If anything, it is far from the truth and it only shows their hypocrisy in their reasoning. I do recall that there was someone, an article, or video that stated these people (particularly the religious ones, but also some secular humanists too) claim victimhood about how dissenting views (not limited to pro-choicers and right to die views, but other opposing stances) threaten their way of life and beliefs, yet at the same time, victimizes and impose their views on their opponents. If anything, we pro-choicers do none of that and that their myths and accusations are unsubstantiated.

With regards to freedom of speech, it is NOT freedom of speech if it is only speech that THEY (the pro-lifers) approve of. That is censorship and also a predefined narrative (rather the pro-life, anti-choice narrative). Freedom of speech should apply to ALL parties and factions. If certain opinions (including dissenting ones and unpopular ones) are suppressed, censored, or silenced, then it is NO longer freedom of speech, but 'selective speech' under the guise of freedom of speech. Furthermore, regarding stigma and taboo of the subject, again, it is a mere mockery of an attempt that they (prolifers) claim to want to destigmatize the taboo topic of death and suicide, yet they seem to drive the direction of the conversation and topic rather than allowing uncomfortable and dissenting opinions. The amount of mental gymnastics and intellectual dishonesty involved in spinning the narrative and these "attempts to destigmatize" the taboo topics is a sham. You CANNOT have honest opinions or candid dialogue if the conversation is contraindicated in the sense that having the uncomfortable opinions or dissenting views results in unreasonable (without probable cause) inquiries, inquisition, or even unwanted risk assessments (being treated like a criminal) for said individual(s). So until people are able to have an honest conversation or any meaningful discussion (including dissenting opinions and opposing views that goes against their beliefs) without repercussions or risk, the same consequences will continue to recur (people having to hide their true intentions, quietly CTB, not being able to have closure, collateral damage, and other awful consequences resulting from prohibition).

First off, most of us do NOT go around to tell them that they aren't allowed to live or love life. We also don't force our will on them (the pro-lifers). Instead, we merely state our opinions of why the State as well as society should accept having a choice for people to die on their own terms and how the right to die should be a civil right. We also don't violate their civil liberties (aka locking them up or treating them like a de facto criminal) just because they love life. I do not understand how prolifers think, claim, and play victim whenever they run into those who don't share their beliefs, opinions, and values. If anything, we (pro-choicers) are the ones who respect their right BY DEFAULT yet they don't reciprocate the same treatment that we do unto them. All we (prochoicers) want is for them (prolifers) to respect our beliefs, values, and bodily autonomy just like we respect their decision to enjoy life and to live (regardless of their reasoning). We don't mind that their beliefs or opinions differ from us as long as they don't impose their will or values onto us. But instead, they feel like we should respect their way of life, their opinions, their beliefs while disrespecting ours as well as imposing their will and dictating our bodily autonomy.

I do not understand how/why they feel threatened or fear of a world that allows people the bodily autonomy to choose when, where, and how one dies (on one's own terms). Also, as it is probably preaching to the choir, yes they (pro-lifers) are hypocritical in their beliefs, values, and arguments, and this thread is merely about venting as well as exposing their nefarious nature and illogical arguments and claims.

@RainAndSadness @FuneralCry @Forever Sleep

Edit: Added another few paragraphs since I forgot about it earlier.
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The anhedonic one

The anhedonic one

Dead inside
May 20, 2023
I wonder how many mentally ill, suicidal people have actually CTB because of the pro-lifers bullying, and demeaning them, while also invalidating their feelings of immense suffering ?
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May 27, 2023
Most humans are hypocritical by nature ( this is something I can write an essay on based on my own experience but I won't go into it). As for me I try to avoid anything and everything to do with pro-lifers, in-fact I have zero interest in pro- lifers. Choosing to live or choosing to cease to exist should be a personal choice and no one should try to interfere with that. I don't even understand the whole concept of anti-suicide when we didn't even choose to exist in the first place and if we don't enjoy existing it is our own right to choose to cease to exist.

I also hate the whole idea of getting old and being wrinkly. I have lived 34 years old on earth and this is more than enough for me. I saw someone ending their own life and they were even smiling before they died and I couldn't help but envy them because I'm aware that's how I'm going to feel before I complete my CTB and I will be thinking finally I'm at peace.

What I like about committing suicide is the fact that it's permanent and you won't even have to deal with pro lifers and their unwarranted opinions and judgements. All in all in life I can say this life is the survival of the fittest and it is something I don't want to be part of as I just find existing itself dreadful, nightmarish, hellish and meaningless.

I will never allow a mere pro-lifer to emotionally blackmail me or impose their views on me and at the end of the day death is inevitable and it is something everyone is going to face ( just on different dates and no one knows when unless when you choose to end your own life )

I will choose my own ending and I will choose my destiny and no pro lifer is going to change how I feel about life.
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
I wonder how many mentally ill, suicidal people have actually CTB because of the pro-lifers bullying, and demeaning them, while also invalidating their feelings of immense suffering ?
Many people are classified as mental ill probably because the public can't understand them. They appear to act in a different way. Basically, the authorities / mainstream people don't like them. They can't get their message across. There is nothing they can do. There is no room in the world for them. It is a very legitimate reason to seek an end to life.
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May 27, 2023
Many people are classified as mental ill probably because the public can't understand them. They appear to act in a different way. Basically, the authorities / mainstream people don't like them. They can't get their message across. There is nothing they can do. There is no room in the world for them. It is a very legitimate reason to seek an end to life.

I mean if authorities that you are referring to are the police then they are 90% useless, I have watched a lot of crime documentaries and almost all of them always act when it's too late ( like when the victim is already dead) and the death of the victim could have been easily prevented as well. It's like they dislikes those victims but no it is just due to their incompetence. I always get enraged when I watch them because the victim would have contacted the police on different occasions but to no avail.

I also disagree with the notion that just because someone doesn't find living interesting automatically means that they are mentally ill as everything is not black and white and there is a grey area to it and a lot of variables also comes into play. I'm aware there is people with mental illness like schizophrenia though. Funnily enough most of the people who end up committing suicide is as a result of relentless bullying, torment, psychological abuse from other humans.

Inhumanity is at its peak and I can attest to that and the most dangerous species are humans to other humans and that's why there is a rampant of suicides in recent years and also suicide being one of the top causes of death.
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May 30, 2023
Seems about right, always how it goes.
Those that scream most about how progressive, tolerant, open minded, welcoming they are and so on, most often are the opposite. Unless, of course, you agree with everything they say. But the moment you disagree on something, no matter how insignificant, its over.
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Feb 14, 2023
pro lifers are so funny to me bc theyre logic is actually that of a 5 year olds. me and my conservative father were talking about this like 2 weeks ago and he was like "thats a human life that youre taking away for no reason, what did a little baby do to deserve being killed??" but he then goes and supports police brutality and the unjust killing of civilians for the sake of justice. like pick a side do u want ppl to live or not LOL
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Those pro-life people are just so incredibly delusional to me, I think it's absurd and inhumane to insist that everyone must stay here and delay their inevitable fate, it's like they forget that we are all going to die anyway. And I could just never see a point to suffering so unnecessarily as after all, all that existing is, is just waiting around to die and death is really the most normal thing.

It could never make sense saying that death is a bad thing as it's all that we are destined for and anyway there's no disadvantages to not existing, all the problems that humans go through are a result of existence in the first place so I think it makes sense wishing for nothingness. But if some people want to endure this futile existence where all that awaits for them is being tortured by old age then that's fine for them, but it's really disgusting to insist that everyone else must suffer because they want to.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I wonder how many mentally ill, suicidal people have actually CTB because of the pro-lifers bullying, and demeaning them, while also invalidating their feelings of immense suffering ?
There are certainly quite a few and one such example would be when all the welfare/wellness checks due to SN were going on about two months ago, I believe at least one user ended up being pushed over the edge due to the invasive, paternalistic, and overreach of government.

Most humans are hypocritical by nature ( this is something I can write an essay on based on my own experience but I won't go into it). As for me I try to avoid anything and everything to do with pro-lifers, in-fact I have zero interest in pro- lifers. Choosing to live or choosing to cease to exist should be a personal choice and no one should try to interfere with that. I don't even understand the whole concept of anti-suicide when we didn't even choose to exist in the first place and if we don't enjoy existing it is our own right to choose to cease to exist.

I also hate the whole idea of getting old and being wrinkly. I have lived 34 years old on earth and this is more than enough for me. I saw someone ending their own life and they were even smiling before they died and I couldn't help but envy them because I'm aware that's how I'm going to feel before I complete my CTB and I will be thinking finally I'm at peace.

What I like about committing suicide is the fact that it's permanent and you won't even have to deal with pro lifers and their unwarranted opinions and judgements. All in all in life I can say this life is the survival of the fittest and it is something I don't want to be part of as I just find existing itself dreadful, nightmarish, hellish and meaningless.

I will never allow a mere pro-lifer to emotionally blackmail me or impose their views on me and at the end of the day death is inevitable and it is something everyone is going to face ( just on different dates and no one knows when unless when you choose to end your own life )

I will choose my own ending and I will choose my destiny and no pro lifer is going to change how I feel about life.
I agree with you and your reasoning is logical. Yes, CTB is permanent and results in death, but after all, for people who want to be free of perpetual suffering, it is definitely understandable. I too, have lived on this planet for over three decades and I know beyond a reasonable doubt I would definitely want the option to go on my own terms and not let nature, or other circumstances take my life.

Many people are classified as mental ill probably because the public can't understand them. They appear to act in a different way. Basically, the authorities / mainstream people don't like them. They can't get their message across. There is nothing they can do. There is no room in the world for them. It is a very legitimate reason to seek an end to life.
This is certainly true with the greater public at large. Sometimes, the world simply cannot accommodate certain people, but the very least it can do is offer an humane, dignified exit for those who don't wish to suffer indefinitely.

Seems about right, always how it goes.
Those that scream most about how progressive, tolerant, open minded, welcoming they are and so on, most often are the opposite. Unless, of course, you agree with everything they say. But the moment you disagree on something, no matter how insignificant, its over.
Absolutely, I have a feeling that some people that I may consider a friend IRL may react just like you described. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells when I interact with them and have to carefully choose my language, wording, and such.

pro lifers are so funny to me bc theyre logic is actually that of a 5 year olds. me and my conservative father were talking about this like 2 weeks ago and he was like "thats a human life that youre taking away for no reason, what did a little baby do to deserve being killed??" but he then goes and supports police brutality and the unjust killing of civilians for the sake of justice. like pick a side do u want ppl to live or not LOL
I'm sorry to hear about that, and I would say my parents are kind of similar too, but for different political issues.

Those pro-life people are just so incredibly delusional to me, I think it's absurd and inhumane to insist that everyone must stay here and delay their inevitable fate, it's like they forget that we are all going to die anyway. And I could just never see a point to suffering so unnecessarily as after all, all that existing is, is just waiting around to die and death is really the most normal thing.

It could never make sense saying that death is a bad thing as it's all that we are destined for and anyway there's no disadvantages to not existing, all the problems that humans go through are a result of existence in the first place so I think it makes sense wishing for nothingness. But if some people want to endure this futile existence where all that awaits for them is being tortured by old age then that's fine for them, but it's really disgusting to insist that everyone else must suffer because they want to.
Exactly, and sadly, most of these pro-lifers will never acknowledge it until it (immense suffering) happens to them, but even then they may just double down on their delusions.
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May 29, 2023
I wonder how many mentally ill, suicidal people have actually CTB because of the pro-lifers bullying, and demeaning them, while also invalidating their feelings of immense suffering ?
There was a user here called Mahakali who was doxxed by someone who is anti SS . She(Mahakli) made a post on SS saying the doxxing caused her a lot of distress. Mahakali CTB'd a few months later. To be fair Mahakali had other problems in her life which made a major contribution to that decision but reading her post about how the doxxing made her distressed makes you wonder if it ever was a direct/indeirect contributing factor as well.
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Loss is the worst!
May 9, 2023
Around the media and the Internet (as well as some people IRL), we often see prolifers especially religious ones, play victimhood about their rights being threatened or infringed. The alleged infringement are about how their (oftenly religious) held beliefs are being attacked, their lifestyle, and how they are being persecuted. Yet that is far from the truth. They then often claim victimhood from dissenting viewpoints, particularly ones that don't align with their beliefs and cite freedom of speech (1st​ amendment rights as per US and most other democratic nations' human rights) is being attacked. This is their core claim.

The irony though is how they talk about how they don't wish for their freedom (to choose life) to be infringed or threatened (1st​ amendment and also their way of life), yet at the same time, they feel that they have the right and/or authority to impose life (as well as their beliefs and values) onto those who don't wish to live, enjoy life, or just find life/sentience to be meaningless or (objectively) pointless. Additionally, they censor people whose beliefs and values are different by gaslighting, emotionally blackmailing, and even downright threatening them to submission or silence. They have no rational argument and only take "life is good, virtuous, sacred" as face value (again, no evidence or explanation except for assertion – which is not an argument). If anything, it is far from the truth and it only shows their hypocrisy in their reasoning. I do recall that there was someone, an article, or video that stated these people (particularly the religious ones, but also some secular humanists too) claim victimhood about how dissenting views (not limited to pro-choicers and right to die views, but other opposing stances) threaten their way of life and beliefs, yet at the same time, victimizes and impose their views on their opponents. If anything, we pro-choicers do none of that and that their myths and accusations are unsubstantiated.

With regards to freedom of speech, it is NOT freedom of speech if it is only speech that THEY (the pro-lifers) approve of. That is censorship and also a predefined narrative (rather the pro-life, anti-choice narrative). Freedom of speech should apply to ALL parties and factions. If certain opinions (including dissenting ones and unpopular ones) are suppressed, censored, or silenced, then it is NO longer freedom of speech, but 'selective speech' under the guise of freedom of speech. Furthermore, regarding stigma and taboo of the subject, again, it is a mere mockery of an attempt that they (prolifers) claim to want to destigmatize the taboo topic of death and suicide, yet they seem to drive the direction of the conversation and topic rather than allowing uncomfortable and dissenting opinions. The amount of mental gymnastics and intellectual dishonesty involved in spinning the narrative and these "attempts to destigmatize" the taboo topics is a sham. You CANNOT have honest opinions or candid dialogue if the conversation is contraindicated in the sense that having the uncomfortable opinions or dissenting views results in unreasonable (without probable cause) inquiries, inquisition, or even unwanted risk assessments (being treated like a criminal) for said individual(s). So until people are able to have an honest conversation or any meaningful discussion (including dissenting opinions and opposing views that goes against their beliefs) without repercussions or risk, the same consequences will continue to recur (people having to hide their true intentions, quietly CTB, not being able to have closure, collateral damage, and other awful consequences resulting from prohibition).

First off, most of us do NOT go around to tell them that they aren't allowed to live or love life. We also don't force our will on them (the pro-lifers). Instead, we merely state our opinions of why the State as well as society should accept having a choice for people to die on their own terms and how the right to die should be a civil right. We also don't violate their civil liberties (aka locking them up or treating them like a de facto criminal) just because they love life. I do not understand how prolifers think, claim, and play victim whenever they run into those who don't share their beliefs, opinions, and values. If anything, we (pro-choicers) are the ones who respect their right BY DEFAULT yet they don't reciprocate the same treatment that we do unto them. All we (prochoicers) want is for them (prolifers) to respect our beliefs, values, and bodily autonomy just like we respect their decision to enjoy life and to live (regardless of their reasoning). We don't mind that their beliefs or opinions differ from us as long as they don't impose their will or values onto us. But instead, they feel like we should respect their way of life, their opinions, their beliefs while disrespecting ours as well as imposing their will and dictating our bodily autonomy.

I do not understand how/why they feel threatened or fear of a world that allows people the bodily autonomy to choose when, where, and how one dies (on one's own terms). Also, as it is probably preaching to the choir, yes they (pro-lifers) are hypocritical in their beliefs, values, and arguments, and this thread is merely about venting as well as exposing their nefarious nature and illogical arguments and claims.

@RainAndSadness @FuneralCry @Forever Sleep

Edit: Added another few paragraphs since I forgot about it earlier.
my entire family is very religious and pro-life, which completely and utterly sucks because they always guilt me if I even imply that I am struggling in life. I hate the way that the "right to life" has been twisted in order to force people into living despite being suicidal, and to force people to give birth regardless of how it will affect them in the long run.

I'm not a complete anti-natalist because I believe that people should be able to give birth if they are able to give their child a very comfortable life free from oppression and poverty; However, this isn't possible at the moment unless you are super rich. Some people are just so selfish that they want to give birth to and raise a child regardless of the consequences, which is why I think that there should be such thing as a parenting license- like a driver's license. Imagine how much better things would be if you weren't allowed to birth or raise a child unless you could prove that you can support them and that you are competent enough to be a parent- and even then adoption, should be the priority.

just realized this is a little bit of a ramble but I just need to get this idea out twew
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think the most shocking I've found is when therapists try to 'whitewash' over it. I've heard people here say their therapist has just cut them off- saying- 'We don't talk about that' (suicide.) Like- not talking about it will stop them from thinking about it! How is it useful going to a medical 'professional' and not being able to tell them the extent of what's wrong?!!

I can't say I have much to do with pro-lifers to know whether they feel like their rights are being violated. I think religion does still hold a fair bit of power though in some countries- so- I expect the powers that be are especially interested in laws/legalisation that would contradict their beliefs.

I agree with you though- these are OUR lives- not theirs. Their beliefs shouldn't dictate what we are allowed to do. Many people here are the most tolerant I've come across. It's just sad that it isn't reciprocated.
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May 27, 2023
I think the most shocking I've found is when therapists try to 'whitewash' over it. I've heard people here say their therapist has just cut them off- saying- 'We don't talk about that' (suicide.) Like- not talking about it will stop them from thinking about it! How is it useful going to a medical 'professional' and not being able to tell them the extent of what's wrong?!!

I can't say I have much to do with pro-lifers to know whether they feel like their rights are being violated. I think religion does still hold a fair bit of power though in some countries- so- I expect the powers that be are especially interested in laws/legalisation that would contradict their beliefs.

I agree with you though- these are OUR lives- not theirs. Their beliefs shouldn't dictate what we are allowed to do. Many people here are the most tolerant I've come across. It's just sad that it isn't reciprocated.

Sorry but what type of therapist would say "we don't talk about that"?… The point of having a therapist is that you should be able to be vulnerable, free and be open to them if you are feeling suicidal, if I were to have such a therapist I would literally get a new therapist but then again I have zero interest in anything of that sort as I just want to cease to exist.

The most shocking being "whitewash" ??? That shouldn't be taken in a negative way ( but then it depends on the person) but then sometimes humans make a huge uproar over anything especially due to the rise of "cancel culture".

I will give an example here of what I would regard as shocking, I know this guy who is a pro lifer who would say to me things like you shouldn't trust "white people" because they are the biggest snitches (that sounds low-key racist). This same person ended up going to people he referred to as "snitches" and "untrustworthy" to doxx me and to talk bad about me to them - you see the irony here! Go figure 😉.

Btw most pro lifers are hypocrites and they only do things that fits their personal agendas ( I'm talking about that pro lifer that I mentioned above). I try to stay away from him and his bs and to me he is the most hypocritical two faced person that I have ever known in my entire life. He keeps on trying to prove to me how happy, successful and popular he is but then he has been desperate for fame that he would go and air his dirty laundry on national tv. I even felt sorry for him when people were clowning him on Twitter years ago when that show aired and he had to call Jeremy Kyle show to get the video being removed from YouTube because he told me he was being bullied but then he spends majority of the time clowning me now - You see the hypocrisy here, that's why I stay away from these type of pro lifers but then he is always lurking and stalking me using those who he referred to as snitches and untrustworthy. Hahah!

I can't escape him and he is this unwanted shadow that I can't get rid off until when I complete ctb and oh I can write books about this pro lifer.

Edit - He also had to recruit people he said he didn't trust as they were snitches to hate me by playing a victim when he is truly a villain just because he is better at lying and manipulating people . Btw he is married and tbh I have no pity for the wife because someone like her truly deserves someone like him - Knowing how he constantly disrespects her but then she is desperate and she will keep on latching on him.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Sorry but what type of therapist would say "we don't talk about that"?… The point of having a therapist is that you should be able to be vulnerable, free and be open to them if you are feeling suicidal, if I were to have such a therapist I would literally get a new therapist but then again I have zero interest in anything of that sort as I just want to cease to exist.

The most shocking being "whitewash" ??? That shouldn't be taken in a negative way ( but then it depends on the person) but then sometimes humans make a huge uproar over anything especially due to the rise of "cancel culture".

I will give an example here of what I would regard as shocking, I know this guy who is a pro lifer who would say to me things like you shouldn't trust "white people" because they are the biggest snitches (that sounds low-key racist). This same person ended up going to people he referred to as "snitches" and "untrustworthy" to doxx me and to talk bad about me to them - you see the irony here! Go figure 😉.

Btw most pro lifers are hypocrites and they only do things that fits their personal agendas ( I'm talking about that pro lifer that I mentioned above). I try to stay away from him and his bs and to me he is the most hypocritical two faced person that I have ever known in my entire life. He keeps on trying to prove to me how happy, successful and popular he is but then he has been desperate for fame that he would go and air his dirty laundry on national tv. I even felt sorry for him when people were clowning him on Twitter years ago when that show aired and he had to call Jeremy Kyle show to get the video being removed from YouTube because he told me he was being bullied but then he spends majority of the time clowning me now - You see the hypocrisy here, that's why I stay away from these type of pro lifers but then he is always lurking and stalking me using those who he called as snitches and untrustworthy. Hahah!

I can't escape him and he is this unwanted shadow I can't get rid of until when I complete ctb and oh I can write books about this pro lifer.

Some people here have said their experiences with therapists have been like that. Yes- I agree- it SHOULD be an open and free discussion but I imagine lots of people here aren't utterly honest for fear of being involuntary incarcerated in a psyche ward. I don't know myself though- I've only ever been once to a college therapist.

I tend to avoid pro-lifers- and people in general wherever possible to be honest. I think I'd definitely avoid the topic of suicide around them though. Maybe 'most shocking' was the wrong phrase. I suppose I was just trying to say- it's pretty serious when people don't feel 'safe' to have honest discussions about how they feel to 'professionals' who are supposed to be there to help- for fear of the repercussions.


May 27, 2023
Some people here have said their experiences with therapists have been like that. Yes- I agree- it SHOULD be an open and free discussion but I imagine lots of people here aren't utterly honest for fear of being involuntary incarcerated in a psyche ward. I don't know myself though- I've only ever been once to a college therapist.

I tend to avoid pro-lifers- and people in general wherever possible to be honest. I think I'd definitely avoid the topic of suicide around them though. Maybe 'most shocking' was the wrong phrase. I suppose I was just trying to say- it's pretty serious when people don't feel 'safe' to have honest discussions about how they feel to 'professionals' who are supposed to be there to help- for fear of the repercussions.

Like what I said on another thread just because someone expresses their desire to end their life doesn't mean they are mentally ill or deserve to go to a psyche ward ( that's why some patients might not end up being honest with them) and I dare even say some of these mental health professionals are clueless and misdiagnoses their patients. I have seen a lot of cases of people who ended up taking their own lives after being prescribed medication that was supposed to help them with their mental health issues but rather made them end up taking their own lives.

I would also like to add something that I mentioned in another thread that most people who commit suicide it's not because of mental illness but rather because of circumstances or in other words i would say some circumstances they would have been in would be what would have drove them to commit suicide mainly bullying ( over 90%) has always been the case.

Some of these therapists don't even know the code of conduct and lacks professionalism because if you want to be honest with them they will end up breaking the confidentiality between themselves and the client - like stay there please as I have zero interest in you and what you have to say.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Like what I said on another thread just because someone expresses their desire to end their life doesn't mean they are mentally ill or deserve to go to a psyche ward ( that's why some patients might not end up being honest with them) and I dare even say some of these mental health professionals are clueless and misdiagnoses their patients. I have seen a lot of cases of people who ended up taking their own lives after being prescribed medication that was supposed to help them with their mental health issues but rather made them end up taking their own lives.

I would also like to add something that I mentioned in another thread that most people who commit suicide it's not because of mental illness but rather because of circumstances or in other words i would say some circumstances they would have been in would be what would have drove them to commit suicide mainly bullying ( over 90%) has always been the case.

Some of these therapists don't even know the code of conduct and lacks professionalism because if you want to be honest with them they will end up breaking the confidentiality between themselves and the client - like stay there please as I have zero interest in you and what you have to say.

Yeah- I agree with you. From what I've seen here- there are huge variations in the 'quality' of care people receive. I suppose that's what I find shocking. For people who do actually want help- it should be there and it should be effective. Not just experimental and half arsed. Most especially seeing as that's the first thing a lot of people will say if you confide to them that you are struggling- seek help, see a therapist, ring a helpline, take medication.

I also agree with you. Maybe SOME mental illnesses are hereditary. Maybe some tendancies are. Still- most of the time- some shitty life circumstance triggers someone to feel like this. There are some people for whom ideation comes out of the blue but I imagine most of the time, there's a cause. And we can't always improve that situation enough- or- live the same with the trauma it originally caused.


May 27, 2023
Yeah- I agree with you. From what I've seen here- there are huge variations in the 'quality' of care people receive. I suppose that's what I find shocking. For people who do actually want help- it should be there and it should be effective. Not just experimental and half arsed. Most especially seeing as that's the first thing a lot of people will say if you confide to them that you are struggling- seek help, see a therapist, ring a helpline, take medication.

I also agree with you. Maybe SOME mental illnesses are hereditary. Maybe some tendancies are. Still- most of the time- some shitty life circumstance triggers someone to feel like this. There are some people for whom ideation comes out of the blue but I imagine most of the time, there's a cause. And we can't always improve that situation enough- or- live the same with the trauma it originally caused.

My case is very similar to people like Caroline Flack, Sulli, Go Hara who ended up taking their own lives because of the whole "you are deserving of this hate and punishment " and "cancel culture" brigade.

In my case this person who is doxxing me denied it to me that he wasn't doing that but rather gaslight me by saying that "he doesn't hate me, he will never do that, it's not him doing it ) when in reality he was the one doing it and even his wife who he referred to me as "mupengo" saying she will never allow him to torment me but then she is worse than him always misdirecting her anger and hatred towards me instead on her so called husband who is always disrespecting her and doing all sorts of ish behind her back ( but knowing what she had been saying and doing behind my back I totally understand why he used to call her mupengo).

I also laugh at those people being used by this guy who he referred to as snitches and untrustworthy because they have no idea but then they are adults and at the same time I don't blame them because they just don't know.
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  • Aww..
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
My case is very similar to people like Caroline Flack, Sulli, Go Hara who ended up taking their own lives because of the whole "you are deserving of this hate and punishment " and "cancel culture" brigade.

In my case this person who is doxxing me denied it to me that he wasn't doing that but rather gaslight me by saying that "he doesn't hate me, he will never do that, it's not him doing it ) when in reality he was the one doing it and even his wife who he referred to me as "mupengo" saying she will never allow him to torment me but then she is worse than him always misdirecting her anger and hatred towards me instead on her so called husband who is always disrespecting her and doing all sorts of ish behind her back ( but knowing what she had been saying and doing behind my back I totally understand why he used to call her mupengo).

I also laugh at those people being used by this guy who he referred to as snitches and untrustworthy because they have no idea but then they are adults and at the same time I don't blame them because they just don't know.

That sounds awful. People can be outright frightening. I'm so sorry you have these people messing with your life.


Bad english, didn't go to school sorry
May 14, 2023
Yes, how they can be so cruel
We are forced to suffer
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May 27, 2023
That sounds awful. People can be outright frightening. I'm so sorry you have these people messing with your life.

It's fine, it's funny that they would be making fun of me by using suicide memes when I know some of these people even confided into me being suicidal as well in the past.

Here is my thing, okay you are pro life and you are so happy then why do you go out of your way to prove to me how happy you are and also creating fake posts to all these forums that I go to.

The dedication, the time, the effort is definitely on another level just on a person according to them "lacks substance" and who he hates. (It couldn't be me).. I also fight my battles alone and I don't even have to recruit other people in my battles and hate campaigns with lies and manipulations. He is a user just like what my mum called him!

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
It's fine, it's funny that they would be making fun of me by using suicide memes when I know some of these people even confided into me being suicidal as well in the past.

Here is my thing, okay you are pro life and you are so happy then why do you go out of your way to prove to me how happy you are and also creating fake posts to all these forums that I go to.

The dedication, the time, the effort is definitely on another level just on a person according to them "lacks substance" and who he hates. (It couldn't be me).. I also fight my battles alone and I don't even have to recruit other people in my battles and hate campaigns with lies and manipulations. He is a user just like what my mum called him!

This kind of thing makes me glad I'm more or less a recluse! People can be so weird and two faced.


Feb 2, 2019
CTB is unsettling for prolifers because when they hear of a suicide, this strongly suggest that perhaps, maybe, for some, this human experience is simply no vale la pena which is very disconcerting for many who believe that life is supposed to be a precious gift—this undermines their whole narrative of the world. For some life is a gift, and that's great, but for others maybe life was a gift—an interesting journey—but now no longer.
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May 27, 2023
This kind of thing makes me glad I'm more or less a recluse! People can be so weird and two faced.

Haha I remember this girl that I used to be friends with when talking about two faced people she said to me "G most people are two faced" haha yeah most people are just for themselves or just indifferent as long it doesn't affect them directly. I have seen people call other people snakes and all sorts of names only to see them hugging and laughing with them and I'm thinking okay! Enjoy those friendships that you speak highly of.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Haha I remember this girl that I used to be friends with when talking about two faced people she said to me "G most people are two faced" haha yeah most people are just for themselves or just indifferent as long it doesn't affect them directly. I have seen people call other people snakes and all sorts of names only to see them hugging and laughing with them and I'm thinking okay! Enjoy those friendships that you speak highly of.
I guess we mostly are. I think I can be to an extent. Suppose we're taught to be polite to people but we don't always necessarily like them. We shouldn't express it behind their backs though but I imagine we all have to some degree at some point- gossip usually isn't nice.

Still- what the people you were describing doing is on another level. That's just kind of frightening/ vicious/ stalker/ bullying behaviour and yeah- I can see why it would upset anyone.

I guess we are all out for ourselves at the end of the day. I sometimes wonder why some friendships are so close, some people you can't seem to reach and some friendships just drift apart. I guess ultimately- we all have needs that we try to fulfil. For whatever period- in friendship- both person fulfils the others needs until they don't! Kind of a heartless way of thinking about things but maybe it's true- otherwise we'd surely like/ love everyone equally.
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May 27, 2023
I guess we mostly are. I think I can be to an extent. Suppose we're taught to be polite to people but we don't always necessarily like them. We shouldn't express it behind their backs though but I imagine we all have to some degree at some point- gossip usually isn't nice.

Still- what the people you were describing doing is on another level. That's just kind of frightening/ vicious/ stalker/ bullying behaviour and yeah- I can see why it would upset anyone.

I guess we are all out for ourselves at the end of the day. I sometimes wonder why some friendships are so close, some people you can't seem to reach and some friendships just drift apart. I guess ultimately- we all have needs that we try to fulfil. For whatever period- in friendship- both person fulfils the others needs until they don't! Kind of a heartless way of thinking about things but maybe it's true- otherwise we'd surely like/ love everyone equally.

Yes of course you can be polite if you don't like someone but what I'm talking about is this guy that's doxxing me calling people that he claims they are his friends names like "avatar", "bveni" which means monkey, snake, "chemhino" which mean big nose, "mahure" which means hoes, "shato" which means "so ugly", making collages of some of the people who he calls "best friends" you see what I'm talking about here.

Most of these people just don't know that that's what he said behind their backs or he would have denied it to those who found out like what that girl he called "avatar" to me because (she called me and she told me that he was denying ever calling her that and even calling me a liar to her ) when in fact he was the one who was lying even with evidence) Hahahah !

He is also a pathological liar like what his ex girlfriend said on national tv and this was further approved by the lie detector test that he failed and also him bragging to me later on saying "ndakaramba shaaz" which means "I denied everything" after his lies were exposed on national tv. To me someone that does this is a true definition of a narcissist who likes drama and causing chaos and will use anyone and will tell anyone that is willing or able to say whatever he wants to say as long as it benefit him. He was also cheating on his wife with women behind her back and he was bragging to me on using what's app because he would never get caught as it's an app owned by a third party company that even his wife ran to Vodafone to get all his call logs etc but she couldn't find anything and he kept on saying "hapana chaakaona" because he is smart by only using what's app. People like things don't change.

When he called me on landline in 2018 after me and him had a nasty fall out and he was already doxxing me at the time ( his wife had messaged me prior to that to leave them alone and I had done so) I even asked him why his wife had sent me those messages and he said he doesn't know why and understand why she would send me such messages ( when he was mostly probably involved in sending me those messages).

I do remember even him blaming his wife to my ex bf for me finding out what my ex had said about me behind my back but he had told me himself some of the stuff my ex bf had told him. Someone who is willing to throw his own wife to the wolves like that just to avoid taking responsibility is on another level.

I remember even him asking me why I told my ex some stuff about myself and he said he doesn't tell his wife everything and that's why she always think that he is "innocent" that's his favourite word and I remember at the time the wife was so angry at me saying why did I threaten to expose her husband that he didn't have things "something that I hadn't done" I guess he had to blame me at the time because he didn't want to get the heat from her. This man is truly only for himself and no one else and like what you said heartless.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yes of course you can be polite if you don't like someone but what I'm talking about is this guy that's doxxing me calling people that he claims they are his friends names like "avatar", "bveni" which means monkey, snake, "chemhino" which mean big nose, "mahure" which means hoes, "shato" which means "so ugly", making collages of some of the people who he calls "best friends" you see what I'm talking about here.

Most of these people just don't know that that's what he said behind their backs or he would have denied it to those who found out like what that girl he called "avatar" to me because (she called me and she told me that he was denying ever calling her that and even calling me a liar to her ) when in fact he was the one who was lying even with evidence) Hahahah !

He is also a pathological liar like what his ex girlfriend said on national tv and this was further approved by the lie detector test that he failed and also him bragging to me later on saying "ndakaramba shaaz" which means "I denied everything" after his lies were exposed on national tv. To me someone that does this is a true definition of a narcissist who likes drama and causing chaos and will use anyone and will tell anyone that is willing or able to say whatever he wants to say as long as it benefit him. He was also cheating on his wife with women behind her back and he was bragging to me on using what's app because he would never get caught as it's an app owned by a third party company that even his wife ran to Vodafone to get all his call logs etc but she couldn't find anything and he kept on saying "hapana chaakaona" because he is smart by only using what's app. People like things don't change.

When he called me on landline in 2018 after me and him had a nasty fall out and he was already doxxing me at the time ( his wife had messaged me prior to that to leave them alone and I had done so) I even asked him why his wife had sent me those messages and he said he doesn't know why and understand why she would send me such messages ( when he was mostly probably involved in sending me those messages).

I do remember even him blaming his wife to my ex bf for me finding out what my ex had said about me behind my back but he had told me himself some of the stuff my ex bf had told him. Someone who is willing to throw his own wife to the wolves like that just to avoid taking responsibility is on another level.

I remember even him asking me why I told my ex some stuff about myself and he said he doesn't tell his wife everything and that's why she always think that he is "innocent" that's his favourite word and I remember at the time the wife was so angry at me saying why did I threaten to expose her husband that he didn't have things "something that I hadn't done" I guess he had to blame me at the time because he didn't want to get the heat from her. This man is truly only for himself and no one else and like what you said heartless.

God yeah- it sounds like a nightmare situation. I had no idea the other day that you actually knew him. I just happened to see that programme like maybe a decade ago. I guess I just have a bit of a soft spot for biker's cause I've known a really nice one in the past. Wasn't he on a motorbike in the programme? A stupid assumption I realise but just to clarify- I called him 'cool' I think rather than 'nice'. Turns out from what you've said- he's neither of those things! I'm sorry I raked that all up for you. I hope you can just cut the lot of them out of your life. I've found that's the best thing to do with narcissists- run as fast as you can away from them!


May 27, 2023
God yeah- it sounds like a nightmare situation. I had no idea the other day that you actually knew him. I just happened to see that programme like maybe a decade ago. I guess I just have a bit of a soft spot for biker's cause I've known a really nice one in the past. Wasn't he on a motorbike in the programme? A stupid assumption I realise but just to clarify- I called him 'cool' I think rather than 'nice'. Turns out from what you've said- he's neither of those things! I'm sorry I raked that all up for you. I hope you can just cut the lot of them out of your life. I've found that's the best thing to do with narcissists- run as fast as you can away from them!

Oh him he is not someone I would describe as cool or nice and I have never called him that but I have called cool like this other woman that I used to be friends with. Tbh I rarely even use the word cool to describe people that I have been friends with and certainly not him and him nice ?! Absolutely not (he is the opposite of everything that I would describe as cool and nice) and I would never describe him like that here considering he is the one who has caused me so much misery. Not a chance! I do however used to think that he was funny when he used to call me back in the day but I don't find those things funny anymore but rather crass. Him being described as nice would be something his delusional wife would say but definitely not me. Nada! And would you describe someone that call his friends all those names that I mentioned before as cool or nice ??? Just asking for your input here ??

I however, still have screenshots of him calling me a good person with a good heart hahaha but now he said he didn't like my personality like oh boy if you didn't like my personality then why did you ask me to come and visit me a decade ago, why did you ask me on multiple occasions to go and shoot a music video with you in L, why did you keep on asking for me to forgive you and get our friendship back time and time again! And lastly why did you ask for us to forget the past and move and even invite me to visit him and his family only last year and when asked if he was doxxing me he said oh it's not me and even said the offer to visit him and his family was still open and this was only in April this year. Oh biker it reminded me of what men used to refer to Lucy from TOWIE meaning she was easy in fact I think I do remember that documentary did that biker got that name by a man who happened to sleep around with a lot of women behind his wife's back?? ( I think it was a program called pot calling the kettle black). Maybe it's a different program but please correct me if I'm wrong 😉.. Oh in fact I remember on the documentary the biker reading messages from another guy who was cursing him for inviting other women to their marital home behind his wife's back whilst she was at work.. Can you imagine the level of disrespect whilst he is naming another woman a "biker". Pot calling the kettle black was in indeed the perfect title for that documentary.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Oh him I have never called him cool or nice but I have called cool like this other woman that I used to be friends with. Tbh I rarely even use the word cool to describe people that I have been friends with and certainly not him and him nice ?! Absolutely not (he is the opposite of everything that I would describe as cool and nice) and I would never describe him like that here considering he is the one who has caused me so much misery. Not a chance! I do however used to think that he was funny when he used to call me back in the day but I don't find those things funny anymore but rather crass. Him being described as nice would be something his delusional wife would say but definitely not me. Nada! And would you describe someone that call his friends all those names that I mentioned before as cool or nice ??? Just asking for your input here ??

I however, still have screenshots of him calling me a good person with a good heart hahaha but now he said he didn't like my personality like oh boy if you didn't like my personality then why did you ask me to come and visit me a decade ago, why did you ask me on multiple occasions to go and shoot a music video with you in L, why did you keep on asking for me to forgive you and get our friendship back time and time again! And lastly why did you ask for us to forget the past and move and even invite me to visit him and his family only last year and when asked if he was doxxing me he said oh it's not me and even said the offer to visit him and his family was this year only in April this year. Oh biker it reminded me of what men used to refer to Lucy from TOWIE meaning she was easy in fact I think I do remember that documentary did that biker got that name by a man who happened to sleep around with a lot of women behind his wife's back?? ( I think it was a program called pot calling the kettle black). Maybe it's a different program but please correct me if I'm wrong 😉.. Oh in fact I remember on the documentary the biker reading messages from another guy who was cursing him for inviting other women to their marital home behind his wife's back whilst she was at work.. Can you imagine the level of disrespect whilst he is naming another woman a "biker". Pot calling the kettle black was in indeed the perfect title for that documentary.

No, he definitely doesn't sound cool or nice! Honestly- it was so long ago I saw that documentary, it's all a bit mixed up in my head. I don't even remember the title but the one I saw was about sexual fantasies and kinks- that was the one we were discussing the other day. It may not even be the same one! Or the same guy!

Actually- I've found I'm really not a good judge of character. Probably from not socialising enough- I tend to be sold on what people initially portray- then it comes as a nasty shock when I see the real them.


May 27, 2023
No, he definitely doesn't sound cool or nice! Honestly- it was so long ago I saw that documentary, it's all a bit mixed up in my head. I don't even remember the title but the one I saw was about sexual fantasies and kinks- that was the one we were discussing the other day. It may not even be the same one! Or the same guy!

Actually- I've found I'm really not a good judge of character. Probably from not socialising enough- I tend to be sold on what people initially portray- then it comes as a nasty shock when I see the real them.

That makes the two of us - not a good judge of character but oh no with this guy I always knew he was trouble I guess that's why he always had to ask me for forgiveness over and over again and that's why I even deleted him from my Facebook for over a year years ago until he reeled me back in with the lame excuse of him being a changed man after becoming a father etc.

Seeng how he was always clowning other people's looks all the time I should have run and never look back!! …. And now he is clowning my looks so he hasn't changed a lot and using people's pictures as collages is his expertise (at least be original) making fun of their looks (because he is so tall and looks like a model himself 😉) even at 35 years old with a daughter at that. I can't help but pity her for having those crazies as parents.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
That makes the two of us - not a good judge of character but oh no with this guy I always knew he was trouble I guess that's why he always had to ask me for forgiveness over and over again and that's why I even deleted him from my Facebook for over a year until he reeled me back in.

Seeng how he was always clowning other people's looks all the time I should have run and never look back!! …. And now he is clowning my looks so he hasn't changed a lot and using people's pictures as collages is his expertise (at least be original) making fun of their looks (because he is so tall and looks like a model himself 😉) even at 35 years old with a daughter at that. I can't help but pity her for having those crazies as parents.

Yikes- yeah- that sounds like someone you would wish you'd never met. Does make you wonder what it would be like to be raised by people with such- I don't know how to put it really- 'different' lives. Yeah, you've got to wonder what their daughter makes of it all.