

Who tf cares about being controversial if I'll die
Jul 21, 2023
Hi. I'm not going to go anytime soon, but I know I will go eventually. The darkest and most disturbed parts of humanity constantly flood my thoughts, my life situation is bs and I'm going nowhere. I want to say that I hate a specific member of my family because of the harm they have caused us all through his selfish and disgusting actions. I honestly hate society as a whole, and how everyone is a disgusting self-entitled piece of garbage. Nobody really gives a shit about the thousands of people starving to death in some African country, and most people live out their lives without giving anything to other humans. Everyone is engulfed in individualism, and everyone is a hedonistic scumbag. Recent events both personal and global just make me feel hopeless and in despair, and I feel that society is growing more cancerous as each hour passes.

The war in Gaza is just disgusting, and how shamelessly it is supported by both political wings concerns me. The truth is, Hamas is a terror group, and they have no regard for ethics and international law. But for a nation-state to bomb even hospitals which is condemned by international law and still be supported by America is disgusting. Everything in politics is a show to display solidarity to whatever society leans towards. Rises in housing costs and the cost of everything makes it so that my life has no future. It's pointless. Older people are beginning to outnumber the youth, and society becomes more hostile to us. I have no future in sight. Everyone says that their nation is doing something about climate change but what they're doing is making straws paper when they do nothing to combat the real issues. As I said, politics is just a show. People laugh and ridicule those who protest, but they will not laugh at me. Not at all.

My life is in shambles after one person decided to ruin everything. And without this, I would still be living a subhuman lifestyle. As Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver says, "I'm God's lonely man." Those around me ridicule, slander and mock me, usually racially, and I can't blame them. I'm an outcast and a freak. Society is degenerate and I am no different.

There is no hope I have in others, people work themselves to their deaths and they work more to pay for the funeral, pointless really. Either they are naive and socially conditioned, or worse. The others are the disgusting pedophiles, politicians and war criminals. The ones feeding us the lies. The drops of oil that contaminate the glass of water that is society. All agendas are a push for personal gain. The right want us to stay poor. Nothing else. The left want us to stay poor but distract us by throwing around useless debates around shit like inclusivity and body positivity while we mentally starve to death and some poor soul literally starves to death in an unseen corner of the earth. Society is cancerous. We end nowhere. We'll all die eventually. Why suffer more? You could end your suffering by working yourself to death, getting good grades and get accepted to fucking harvard, but society blocks this idea. You can't get good grades if your life is a mess. You can't go to harvard if you're daddy is too poor to donate a building. There's one other way.
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  • Hugs
Reactions: WAITING TO DIE and pompompurin


Sep 30, 2023
I'm a misanthrope because of this sick, twisted society we live in.
I no longer have contact with my toxic family and isolate myself from people in general.
Most humans are selfish and stupid and I've had enough of them and am happiest alone now.
I honestly regard humans as a failed species and judging by the way the world is rapidly descending into chaos, I see no hope for us anymore.

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