I would leave my daughter with a man. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but as a women who has experienced SA, I think this trend is another instance of women making out that all men are sexual predators. Yes there are horrible men in this world, but they are a minority. I understand why women see men as a threat, however we cannot assume that all men are horrible people, let alone say that a bear which is deadly in most cases is preferable to being near a man. Most men are kind and can keep it in their pants, leaving a child alone with any stranger or animal obviously isn't ideal, but I would rather her be with a responsible adult then her getting eaten alive.
I would rather take the small chance of a SA then have a very high chance of a long and painful death.
Spouting nonsense about all men being animals and predatory does not help women or victims at all, all it does it needlessly pit people against each other, and make it harder for male victims to speak out and get support. I do understand why women think the bear is preferable, some men can be dangerous and it's important to be careful, but we can not assume all men are dangerous individuals. It's not fair on the men who are good people.